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Add fancy duration graph utility - http-music - Command-line music player + utils (not a server!)
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path: root/src
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authorFlorrie <towerofnix@gmail.com>2018-02-26 10:18:41 -0400
committerFlorrie <towerofnix@gmail.com>2018-02-26 10:18:43 -0400
commitc48e8e5e6f20e056c34996a49628777050454c1b (patch)
tree4fa126d361154fffe86e48d8112eedd5f4c3b926 /src
parent68d879fd17821bc5cd71d9aeedf861dd6c0b488a (diff)
Add fancy duration graph utility
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cli.js b/src/cli.js
index 095757f..eeb5e99 100755
--- a/src/cli.js
+++ b/src/cli.js
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ async function main(args) {
       case 'download-playlist': script = require('./download-playlist'); break
       case 'process-metadata': script = require('./process-metadata'); break
       case 'smart-playlist': script = require('./smart-playlist'); break
+      case 'duration-graph': script = require('./duration-graph'); break
       case 'setup': script = require('./setup'); break
diff --git a/src/duration-graph.js b/src/duration-graph.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ffdef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/duration-graph.js
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+'use strict'
+const fs = require('fs')
+const util = require('util')
+const processArgv = require('./process-argv')
+const { updatePlaylistFormat, isGroup, isItem, getItemPathString } = require('./playlist-utils')
+const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile)
+const cachedDuration = Symbol('Cached duration')
+function getUncachedDurationOfItem(item) {
+  if (isGroup(item)) {
+    return item.items.reduce((a, b) => a + getDurationOfItem(b), 0)
+  } else {
+    if (item && item.metadata && item.metadata.duration) {
+      return item.metadata.duration
+    } else {
+      console.warn('Item missing metadata:', getItemPathString(item))
+      return 0
+    }
+  }
+// This is mostly just to avoid logging out "item missing metadata" warnings
+// multiple times.
+function getDurationOfItem(item) {
+  if (cachedDuration in item === false) {
+    item[cachedDuration] = getUncachedDurationOfItem(item)
+  }
+  return item[cachedDuration]
+const getHours = n => Math.floor(n / 3600)
+const getMinutes = n => Math.floor((n % 3600) / 60)
+const getSeconds = n => n % 60
+function wordFormatDuration(durationNumber) {
+  if (typeof durationNumber !== 'number') {
+    throw new Error('Non-number passed')
+  }
+  // oh yeah
+  const hours = getHours(durationNumber),
+        minutes = getMinutes(durationNumber),
+        seconds = getSeconds(durationNumber)
+  return [
+    hours ? `${hours} hours` : false,
+    minutes ? `${minutes} minutes` : false,
+    seconds ? `${seconds} seconds` : false
+  ].filter(Boolean).join(', ') || '(No length.)'
+function digitalFormatDuration(durationNumber) {
+  if (typeof durationNumber !== 'number') {
+    throw new Error('Non-number passed')
+  }
+  const hours = getHours(durationNumber),
+        minutes = getMinutes(durationNumber),
+        seconds = getSeconds(durationNumber)
+  return [hours, minutes, seconds].filter(Boolean).length ? [
+    hours ? `${hours}` : false,
+    minutes ? `${minutes}`.padStart(2, '0') : '00',
+    seconds ? `${seconds}`.padStart(2, '0') : '00'
+  ].filter(Boolean).join(':') : '(No length.)'
+function padStartList(strings) {
+  const len = strings.reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b.length), 0)
+  return strings.map(s => s.padStart(len, ' '))
+function makePlaylistGraph(playlist, {
+  graphWidth = 60,
+  onlyFirst = 20
+} = {}) {
+  const output = []
+  const wholePlaylistLength = getDurationOfItem(playlist)
+  let topThings = playlist.items.map((item, i) => ({
+    item,
+    duration: getDurationOfItem(item),
+    digitalDuration: digitalFormatDuration(getDurationOfItem(item))
+  }))
+  topThings.sort((a, b) => b.duration - a.duration)
+  const ignoredThings = topThings.slice(onlyFirst)
+  topThings = topThings.slice(0, onlyFirst)
+  const displayLength = topThings.reduce((a, b) => a + b.duration, 0)
+  // Left-pad the digital durations so they're all the same length.
+  {
+    const len = topThings.reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b.digitalDuration.length), 0)
+    for (const obj of topThings) {
+      obj.digitalDuration = obj.digitalDuration.padStart(len, ' ')
+    }
+  }
+  let totalWidth = 0
+  for (let i = 0; i < topThings.length; i++) {
+    // Add a color to each item.
+    const colorCode = (i % 6) + 1
+    topThings[i].fgColor = `\x1b[3${colorCode}m`
+    topThings[i].bgColor = `\x1b[4${colorCode}m`
+    topThings[i].partOfWhole = 1 / displayLength * topThings[i].duration
+    let w = Math.floor(topThings[i].partOfWhole * graphWidth)
+    if (totalWidth < graphWidth) {
+      w = Math.max(1, w)
+    }
+    totalWidth += w
+    topThings[i].visualWidth = w
+  }
+  output.push('    Whole length: ' + wordFormatDuration(wholePlaylistLength), '')
+  output.push('    ' + topThings.map(({ bgColor, fgColor, visualWidth }) => {
+    return bgColor + fgColor + '-'.repeat(visualWidth)
+  }).join('') + '\x1b[0m' + (ignoredThings.length ? ' *' : ''), '')
+  output.push('    Length by item:')
+  output.push(...topThings.map(({ item, digitalDuration, visualWidth, fgColor }) =>
+    `    ${fgColor}${
+      // Dim the row if it doesn't show up in the graph.
+      visualWidth === 0 ? '\x1b[2m- ' : '  '
+    }${digitalDuration}  ${item.name}\x1b[0m`
+  ))
+  if (ignoredThings.length) {
+    const dur = wordFormatDuration(ignoredThings.reduce((a, b) => a + b.duration, 0))
+    output.push(
+      `    \x1b[2m(* Plus ${ignoredThings.length} skipped items, accounting `,
+      `       for ${dur}.)\x1b[0m`
+    )
+  }
+  if (topThings.some(x => x.visualWidth === 0)) {
+    output.push('',
+      '    (Items that are too short to show up on the',
+      '     visual graph are dimmed and marked with a -.)'
+    )
+  }
+  return output
+async function main(args) {
+  if (args.length === 0) {
+    console.log("Usage: http-music duration-graph /path/to/processed-playlist.json")
+    return
+  }
+  let graphWidth = 60
+  let onlyFirst = 20
+  await processArgv(args.slice(1), {
+    '-graph-width': util => {
+      const arg = util.nextArg()
+      const newVal = parseInt(arg)
+      if (newVal > 0) {
+        graphWidth = newVal
+      } else {
+        console.warn('Didn\'t set graph width because it\'s not greater than 0:', arg)
+      }
+    },
+    '-width': util => util.alias('-graph-width'),
+    'w': util => util.alias('-graph-width'),
+    '-only-first': util => {
+      const arg = util.nextArg()
+      const newVal = parseInt(arg)
+      if (newVal > 0) {
+        onlyFirst = newVal
+      } else {
+        console.warn('You can\'t use the first *zero* tracks! -', arg)
+      }
+    },
+    '-only': util => util.alias('-only-first'),
+    'o': util => util.alias('-only-first'),
+    '-all': util => {
+      onlyFirst = Infinity
+    },
+    'a': util => util.alias('-all')
+  })
+  const playlist = updatePlaylistFormat(JSON.parse(await readFile(args[0])))
+  for (const line of makePlaylistGraph(playlist, {
+    graphWidth, onlyFirst
+  })) {
+    console.log(line)
+  }
+module.exports = main
diff --git a/src/play.js b/src/play.js
index d54004a..28fd2c7 100755
--- a/src/play.js
+++ b/src/play.js
@@ -391,6 +391,18 @@ async function main(args) {
     '-collapse': util => util.alias('-collapse-groups'),
+    '-flatten-tracks': async function() {
+      // --flatten-tracks  (alias: --flatten)
+      // Flattens the entire active playlist, so that only tracks remain,
+      // and there are no groups.
+      await requiresOpenPlaylist()
+      activePlaylist = updatePlaylistFormat(flattenGrouplike(activePlaylist))
+    },
+    '-flatten': util => util.alias('-flatten-tracks'),
     '-list-groups': async function(util) {
       // --list-groups  (alias: -l, --list)
       // Lists all groups in the playlist.