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Rename redactor.js -> anonymizer.js - scratch-userscripts - Handy userscripts for the Scratch website - issues/ideas: https://notabug.org/towerofnix/scratch-userscripts/issues
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path: root/scratch-comment-redactor.js
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authorFlorrie <towerofnix@gmail.com>2018-06-19 20:41:36 -0300
committerFlorrie <towerofnix@gmail.com>2018-06-19 20:41:36 -0300
commit5469861a6a7a8b95d2e1378d7d5f8d8aa19f3ead (patch)
tree68eae19dae216a45fdbf02dcbf3d74f98d401080 /scratch-comment-redactor.js
parent9fba1dea938db7aa4cc07f6d8e12d6d2c043c0c8 (diff)
Rename redactor.js -> anonymizer.js
Diffstat (limited to 'scratch-comment-redactor.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/scratch-comment-redactor.js b/scratch-comment-redactor.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c7190..0000000
--- a/scratch-comment-redactor.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// ==UserScript==
-// @name Scratch Comment Redactor
-// @namespace https://towerofnix.github.io
-// @match *://scratch.mit.edu/*
-// @grant none
-// ==/UserScript==
-const usersSymbol = Symbol()
-const replaceText = function(el, newText) {
-  while (el.firstChild) {
-    el.firstChild.remove()
-  }
-  el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(newText))
-const redactCommentThread = function(comment, usernameToRedact) {
-  let topThread = comment
-  while (topThread && !topThread.classList.contains('top-level-reply')) {
-    topThread = topThread.parentElement
-  }
-  if (!topThread) {
-    console.error('Could not get the thread element, sorry :(')
-    console.info(comment)
-    return
-  }
-  if (!(usersSymbol in topThread)) {
-    topThread[usersSymbol] = {} // Mapping of username -> descriptor
-  }
-  const users = topThread[usersSymbol]
-  if (!users.hasOwnProperty(usernameToRedact)) {
-    const index = Object.keys(users).length
-    users[usernameToRedact] = {
-      realUsername: usernameToRedact,
-      fakeUsername: `[User ${alphabet[index]}]`,
-      hue: Math.round(360 / 7 * index)
-    }
-  }
-  const descriptor = users[usernameToRedact]
-  const allComments = [comment, ...topThread.querySelectorAll('.reply .comment')]
-  for (const comment of allComments) {
-    // Redact bold "author" username at top of comment
-    const authorUsernameEl = comment.querySelector('.info .name a')
-    const authorUsername = authorUsernameEl.innerText.trim()
-    if (authorUsername === usernameToRedact) {
-      replaceText(authorUsernameEl, descriptor.fakeUsername)
-      // Also redact profile picture:
-      const authorAvatarEl = comment.querySelector('#comment-user')
-      const img = authorAvatarEl.querySelector('img')
-      if (img) {
-        authorAvatarEl.querySelector('img').remove()
-        const fakeProfilePicture = document.createElement('div')
-        Object.assign(fakeProfilePicture.style, {
-          float: 'left', display: 'block', marginRight: '10px',
-          width: '45px', height: '45px',
-          backgroundColor: `hsl(${descriptor.hue}deg, 100%, 50%)`
-        })
-        authorAvatarEl.appendChild(fakeProfilePicture)
-      }
-    }
-    // Redact "@user" replies
-    const a = comment.querySelector('.content a')
-    if (a && a.innerText.trim() === '@' + usernameToRedact) {
-      replaceText(a, '@' + descriptor.fakeUsername)
-    }
-  }
-// Button-adder
-const commentsContainer = document.querySelector('#comments ul.comments')
-if (commentsContainer) {
-  const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
-    for (const mutation of mutations) {
-      for (const addedNode of mutation.addedNodes) {
-        if (typeof addedNode.classList === 'undefined') continue
-        if (addedNode.classList.contains('top-level-reply') === false) continue
-        const topComment = addedNode
-        const comments = [topComment, ...topComment.querySelectorAll('.reply .comment')]
-        for (const comment of comments) {
-          const usernameEl = comment.querySelector('.info .name a')
-          if (usernameEl) {
-            const actionContainer = comment.querySelector('.actions-wrap')
-            const span = document.createElement('span')
-            const username = usernameEl.innerText.trim()
-            span.classList.add('actions', 'report')
-            span.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Anonymize'))
-            const handler = () => {
-              redactCommentThread(topComment, username)
-              replaceText(span, 'Redacted')
-              span.style.cursor = 'default'
-              span.removeEventListener('click', handler)
-            }
-            span.addEventListener('click', handler)
-            actionContainer.appendChild(span)
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  })
-  observer.observe(commentsContainer, {childList: true})