« get me outta code hell

interactive-bgm - Browser extension that adds background music based on the site you're browsing
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path: root/native-app
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'native-app')
2 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/native-app/index.js b/native-app/index.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2f174ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-app/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+const basePath = '/home/florrie/Documents/interactive-bgm';
+const logFile = basePath + '/native-app/log';
+const log = msg => {
+    require('fs').appendFileSync(logFile, msg + '\n');
+log('Started ' + Date());
+const { spawn } = require('child_process');
+const EventEmitter = require('events');
+const FIFO = require('fifo-js');
+const http = require('http');
+log('Loaded modules');
+class TrackPlayer {
+    constructor(file) {
+        this.file = file;
+        this.volume = 0;
+        this.storedVolume = this.volume;
+    }
+    loadProcess() {
+        this.fifo = new FIFO();
+        this.process = spawn('mpv', [
+            '--no-video',
+            '--loop',
+            '--volume=' + this.volume,
+            '--input-file=' + this.fifo.path,
+            this.file,
+        ]);
+        const stream = new EventEmitter();
+        stream.write = () => {};
+        this.process.stderr.pipe(stream);
+    }
+    sendCommand(command) {
+        if (this.fifo) {
+            this.fifo.write(command);
+        }
+    }
+    seekToStart() {
+        this.sendCommand('seek 0 absolute');
+    }
+    pause() {
+        this.sendCommand('set pause yes');
+    }
+    play() {
+        this.sendCommand('set pause no');
+    }
+    setVolume(volume) {
+        if (Math.floor(volume) !== this.storedVolume) {
+            this.storedVolume = Math.floor(volume);
+            this.sendCommand(`set volume ${volume}`);
+        }
+        this.volume = volume;
+    }
+const tracks = {
+    mantis: new TrackPlayer(basePath + '/track1.wav'),
+    bass: new TrackPlayer(basePath + '/track2.wav'),
+    main: new TrackPlayer(basePath + '/track3.wav')
+for (const track of Object.values(tracks)) {
+    track.loadProcess();
+    track.pause();
+setTimeout(() => {
+    for (const track of Object.values(tracks)) {
+        track.seekToStart();
+        track.play();
+    }
+    let targetMode = [
+        {track: 'main', volume: 100}
+    ];
+    setInterval(() => {
+        if (!Array.isArray(targetMode)) {
+            targetMode = [];
+        }
+        for (const [key, track] of Object.entries(tracks)) {
+            const mode = targetMode.find(m => m.track === key) || {volume: 0};
+            track.setVolume(track.volume + 0.1 * (mode.volume - track.volume));
+        }
+    }, 100);
+    process.stdin.on('data', data => {
+        log('STDIN: ' + data);
+        const probablyJSON = data.toString().slice(data.indexOf('[')).trim();
+        try {
+            targetMode = JSON.parse(probablyJSON);
+        } catch (error) {
+        }
+    });
+}, 250);
+process.on('SIGTERM', () => {
+    log('Exiting [sigterm]');
+    for (const track of Object.values(tracks)) {
+        track.process.kill();
+    }
+    log('Cleaned up');
diff --git a/native-app/manifest.json b/native-app/manifest.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73f90dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native-app/manifest.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+    "name": "interactive_bgm",
+    "description": "Adds background music to your browsing.",
+    "path": "/home/florrie/Documents/interactive-bgm/native-app/index.js",
+    "type": "stdio",
+    "allowed_extensions": ["interactive_bgm@florrie.ed1.club"]