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Note mpv in readme - interactive-bgm - Browser extension that adds background music based on the site you're browsing
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authorFlorrie <towerofnix@gmail.com>2019-03-22 21:28:36 -0300
committerFlorrie <towerofnix@gmail.com>2019-03-22 21:28:36 -0300
commit29e9b65926ee3062f7490e247dd7971e9de23a52 (patch)
parent893c6c3cc80544085efb839e6a8cb847a87d0357 (diff)
Note mpv in readme
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1638724..8328941 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Adds background music to your browsing.
 ## Installation
-Run `npm install` to automatically install dependency modules.
+Run `npm install` to automatically install dependency modules. You'll also need to have [`mpv`](https://mpv.io/) installed and available at the command line.
 Edit `native-app/interactive_bgm.json` to contain the full path of `native-app/index.js` on your system. Then copy (or link) that file into `~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/`. Open `about:debugging`, click "Load Temporary Add-on...", and pick `extension/manifest.json`. Music should automatically start playing after a few seconds.