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path: root/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withThingsSortedAlphabetically.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/data/composite/wiki-data/withThingsSortedAlphabetically.js')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withThingsSortedAlphabetically.js b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withThingsSortedAlphabetically.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2487e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/composite/wiki-data/withThingsSortedAlphabetically.js
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+// Sorts a list of live, generic wiki data objects alphabetically.
+// Note that this uses localeCompare but isn't specialized to a particular
+// language; where localization is concerned (in content), a follow-up, locale-
+// specific sort should be performed. But this function does serve to organize
+// a list so same-name entries are beside each other.
+import {input, templateCompositeFrom} from '#composite';
+import {validateWikiData} from '#validators';
+import {compareCaseLessSensitive, normalizeName} from '#wiki-data';
+import {raiseOutputWithoutDependency} from '#composite/control-flow';
+import {withMappedList, withSortedList, withPropertiesFromList}
+  from '#composite/data';
+export default templateCompositeFrom({
+  annotation: `withThingsSortedAlphabetically`,
+  inputs: {
+    things: input({validate: validateWikiData}),
+  },
+  outputs: ['#sortedThings'],
+  steps: () => [
+    raiseOutputWithoutDependency({
+      dependency: input('things'),
+      mode: input.value('empty'),
+      output: input.value({'#sortedThings': []}),
+    }),
+    withPropertiesFromList({
+      list: input('things'),
+      properties: input.value(['name', 'directory']),
+    }).outputs({
+      '#list.name': '#names',
+      '#list.directory': '#directories',
+    }),
+    withMappedList({
+      list: '#names',
+      map: input.value(normalizeName),
+    }).outputs({
+      '#mappedList': '#normalizedNames',
+    }),
+    withSortedList({
+      list: '#normalizedNames',
+      sort: input.value(compareCaseLessSensitive),
+    }).outputs({
+      '#unstableSortIndices': '#normalizedNameSortIndices',
+    }),
+    withSortedList({
+      list: '#names',
+      sort: input.value(compareCaseLessSensitive),
+    }).outputs({
+      '#unstableSortIndices': '#nonNormalizedNameSortIndices',
+    }),
+    withSortedList({
+      list: '#directories',
+      sort: input.value(compareCaseLessSensitive),
+    }).outputs({
+      '#unstableSortIndices': '#directorySortIndices',
+    }),
+    // TODO: No primitive for the next two-three steps, yet...
+    {
+      dependencies: [input('things')],
+      compute: (continuation, {
+        [input('things')]: things,
+      }) => continuation({
+        ['#combinedSortIndices']:
+          Array.from(
+            {length: things.length},
+            (_item, index) => index),
+      }),
+    },
+    {
+      dependencies: [
+        '#combinedSortIndices',
+        '#normalizedNameSortIndices',
+        '#nonNormalizedNameSortIndices',
+        '#directorySortIndices',
+      ],
+      compute: (continuation, {
+        ['#combinedSortIndices']: combined,
+        ['#normalizedNameSortIndices']: normalized,
+        ['#nonNormalizedNameSortIndices']: nonNormalized,
+        ['#directorySortIndices']: directory,
+      }) => continuation({
+        ['#combinedSortIndices']:
+          combined.sort((index1, index2) => {
+            if (normalized[index1] !== normalized[index2])
+              return normalized[index1] - normalized[index2];
+            if (nonNormalized[index1] !== nonNormalized[index2])
+              return nonNormalized[index1] - nonNormalized[index2];
+            if (directory[index1] !== directory[index2])
+              return directory[index1] - directory[index2];
+            return 0;
+          }),
+      }),
+    },
+    {
+      dependencies: [input('things'), '#combinedSortIndices'],
+      compute: (continuation, {
+        [input('things')]: things,
+        ['#combinedSortIndices']: combined,
+      }) => continuation({
+        ['#sortedThings']:
+          combined.map(index => things[index]),
+      }),
+    },
+  ],