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util -> common-util - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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path: root/src/util/wiki-data.js
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2025-01-26 17:28:01 -0400
committer(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2025-01-26 17:28:01 -0400
commit725a33ef50e836553c89a6576f5d281978fe7c47 (patch)
treeaea7906ffa1a24bbbd7b1bd405e20e2a05d9b95b /src/util/wiki-data.js
parentd987efdf3f5e60ad81a5d243629208818cdf8211 (diff)
util -> common-util
Diffstat (limited to 'src/util/wiki-data.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 475 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/wiki-data.js b/src/util/wiki-data.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f97ecd63..00000000
--- a/src/util/wiki-data.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-// Utility functions for interacting with wiki data.
-import {accumulateSum, empty, unique} from './sugar.js';
-import {sortByDate} from './sort.js';
-// This is a duplicate binding of filterMultipleArrays that's included purely
-// to leave wiki-data.js compatible with the release build of HSMusic.
-// Sorry! This is really ridiculous!! If the next update after 10/25/2023 has
-// released, this binding is no longer needed!
-export {filterMultipleArrays} from './sugar.js';
-// Generic value operations
-export function getKebabCase(name) {
-  return name
-    // Spaces to dashes
-    .split(' ')
-    .join('-')
-    // Punctuation as words
-    .replace(/&/g, '-and-')
-    .replace(/\+/g, '-plus-')
-    .replace(/%/g, '-percent-')
-    // Punctuation which only divides words, not single characters
-    .replace(/(\b[^\s-.]{2,})\./g, '$1-')
-    .replace(/\.([^\s-.]{2,})\b/g, '-$1')
-    // Punctuation which doesn't divide a number following a non-number
-    .replace(/(?<=[0-9])\^/g, '-')
-    .replace(/\^(?![0-9])/g, '-')
-    // General punctuation which always separates surrounding words
-    .replace(/[/@#$%*()_=,[\]{}|\\;:<>?`~]/g, '-')
-    // Accented characters
-    .replace(/[áâäàå]/gi, 'a')
-    .replace(/[çč]/gi, 'c')
-    .replace(/[éêëè]/gi, 'e')
-    .replace(/[íîïì]/gi, 'i')
-    .replace(/[óôöò]/gi, 'o')
-    .replace(/[úûüù]/gi, 'u')
-    // Strip other characters
-    .replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/gi, '')
-    // Combine consecutive dashes
-    .replace(/-{2,}/g, '-')
-    // Trim dashes on boundaries
-    .replace(/^-+|-+$/g, '')
-    // Always lowercase
-    .toLowerCase();
-// Specific data utilities
-// Matches heading details from commentary data in roughly the formats:
-//    <i>artistReference:</i> (annotation, date)
-//    <i>artistReference|artistDisplayText:</i> (annotation, date)
-// where capturing group "annotation" can be any text at all, except that the
-// last entry (past a comma or the only content within parentheses), if parsed
-// as a date, is the capturing group "date". "Parsing as a date" means matching
-// one of these formats:
-//   * "25 December 2019" - one or two number digits, followed by any text,
-//     followed by four number digits
-//   * "December 25, 2019" - one all-letters word, a space, one or two number
-//     digits, a comma, and four number digits
-//   * "12/25/2019" etc - three sets of one to four number digits, separated
-//     by slashes or dashes (only valid orders are MM/DD/YYYY and YYYY/MM/DD)
-// Note that the annotation and date are always wrapped by one opening and one
-// closing parentheses. The whole heading does NOT need to match the entire
-// line it occupies (though it does always start at the first position on that
-// line), and if there is more than one closing parenthesis on the line, the
-// annotation will always cut off only at the last parenthesis, or a comma
-// preceding a date and then the last parenthesis. This is to ensure that
-// parentheses can be part of the actual annotation content.
-// Capturing group "artistReference" is all the characters between <i> and </i>
-// (apart from the pipe and "artistDisplayText" text, if present), and is either
-// the name of an artist or an "artist:directory"-style reference.
-// This regular expression *doesn't* match bodies, which will need to be parsed
-// out of the original string based on the indices matched using this.
-const dateRegex = groupName =>
-  String.raw`(?<${groupName}>[a-zA-Z]+ [0-9]{1,2}, [0-9]{4,4}|[0-9]{1,2} [^,]*[0-9]{4,4}|[0-9]{1,4}[-/][0-9]{1,4}[-/][0-9]{1,4})`;
-const commentaryRegexRaw =
-  String.raw`^<i>(?<artistReferences>.+?)(?:\|(?<artistDisplayText>.+))?:<\/i>(?: \((?<annotation>(?:.*?(?=,|\)[^)]*$))*?)(?:,? ?(?:(?<dateKind>sometime|throughout|around) )?${dateRegex('date')}(?: ?- ?${dateRegex('secondDate')})?(?: (?<accessKind>captured|accessed) ${dateRegex('accessDate')})?)?\))?`;
-export const commentaryRegexCaseInsensitive =
-  new RegExp(commentaryRegexRaw, 'gmi');
-export const commentaryRegexCaseSensitive =
-  new RegExp(commentaryRegexRaw, 'gm');
-export const commentaryRegexCaseSensitiveOneShot =
-  new RegExp(commentaryRegexRaw);
-export function filterAlbumsByCommentary(albums) {
-  return albums
-    .filter((album) => [album, ...album.tracks].some((x) => x.commentary));
-export function getAlbumCover(album, {to}) {
-  // Some albums don't have art! This function returns null in that case.
-  if (album.hasCoverArt) {
-    return to('media.albumCover', album.directory, album.coverArtFileExtension);
-  } else {
-    return null;
-  }
-export function getAlbumListTag(album) {
-  return album.hasTrackNumbers ? 'ol' : 'ul';
-// This gets all the track o8jects defined in every al8um, and sorts them 8y
-// date released. Generally, albumData will pro8a8ly already 8e sorted 8efore
-// you pass it to this function, 8ut individual tracks can have their own
-// original release d8, distinct from the al8um's d8. I allowed that 8ecause
-// in Homestuck, the first four Vol.'s were com8ined into one al8um really
-// early in the history of the 8andcamp, and I still want to use that as the
-// al8um listing (not the original four al8um listings), 8ut if I only did
-// that, all the tracks would 8e sorted as though they were released at the
-// same time as the compilation al8um - i.e, after some other al8ums (including
-// Vol.'s 5 and 6!) were released. That would mess with chronological listings
-// including tracks from multiple al8ums, like artist pages. So, to fix that,
-// I gave tracks an Original Date field, defaulting to the release date of the
-// al8um if not specified. Pretty reasona8le, I think! Oh, and this feature can
-// 8e used for other projects too, like if you wanted to have an al8um listing
-// compiling a 8unch of songs with radically different & interspersed release
-// d8s, 8ut still keep the al8um listing in a specific order, since that isn't
-// sorted 8y date.
-export function getAllTracks(albumData) {
-  return sortByDate(albumData.flatMap((album) => album.tracks));
-export function getArtistNumContributions(artist) {
-  return accumulateSum(
-    [
-      unique(
-        ([
-          artist.trackArtistContributions,
-          artist.trackContributorContributions,
-          artist.trackCoverArtistContributions,
-        ]).flat()
-          .map(({thing}) => thing)),
-      artist.albumCoverArtistContributions,
-      artist.flashContributorContributions,
-    ],
-    ({length}) => length);
-export function getFlashCover(flash, {to}) {
-  return to('media.flashArt', flash.directory, flash.coverArtFileExtension);
-export function getFlashLink(flash) {
-  return `https://homestuck.com/story/${flash.page}`;
-export function getTotalDuration(tracks, {
-  originalReleasesOnly = false,
-} = {}) {
-  if (originalReleasesOnly) {
-    tracks = tracks.filter(t => !t.originalReleaseTrack);
-  }
-  return accumulateSum(tracks, track => track.duration);
-export function getTrackCover(track, {to}) {
-  // Some albums don't have any track art at all, and in those, every track
-  // just inherits the album's own cover art. Note that since cover art isn't
-  // guaranteed on albums either, it's possible that this function returns
-  // null!
-  if (!track.hasUniqueCoverArt) {
-    return getAlbumCover(track.album, {to});
-  } else {
-    return to('media.trackCover', track.album.directory, track.directory, track.coverArtFileExtension);
-  }
-export function getArtistAvatar(artist, {to}) {
-  return to('media.artistAvatar', artist.directory, artist.avatarFileExtension);
-// Big-ass homepage row functions
-export function getNewAdditions(numAlbums, {albumData}) {
-  const sortedAlbums = albumData
-    .filter((album) => album.isListedOnHomepage)
-    .sort((a, b) => {
-      if (a.dateAddedToWiki > b.dateAddedToWiki) return -1;
-      if (a.dateAddedToWiki < b.dateAddedToWiki) return 1;
-      if (a.date > b.date) return -1;
-      if (a.date < b.date) return 1;
-      return 0;
-    });
-  // When multiple al8ums are added to the wiki at a time, we want to show
-  // all of them 8efore pulling al8ums from the next (earlier) date. We also
-  // want to show a diverse selection of al8ums - with limited space, we'd
-  // rather not show only the latest al8ums, if those happen to all 8e
-  // closely rel8ted!
-  //
-  // Specifically, we're concerned with avoiding too much overlap amongst
-  // the primary (first/top-most) group. We do this 8y collecting every
-  // primary group present amongst the al8ums for a given d8 into one
-  // (ordered) array, initially sorted (inherently) 8y latest al8um from
-  // the group. Then we cycle over the array, adding one al8um from each
-  // group until all the al8ums from that release d8 have 8een added (or
-  // we've met the total target num8er of al8ums). Once we've added all the
-  // al8ums for a given group, it's struck from the array (so the groups
-  // with the most additions on one d8 will have their oldest releases
-  // collected more towards the end of the list).
-  const albums = [];
-  let i = 0;
-  outerLoop: while (i < sortedAlbums.length) {
-    // 8uild up a list of groups and their al8ums 8y order of decending
-    // release, iter8ting until we're on a different d8. (We use a map for
-    // indexing so we don't have to iter8te through the entire array each
-    // time we access one of its entries. This is 8asically unnecessary
-    // since this will never 8e an expensive enough task for that to
-    // matter.... 8ut it's nicer code. BBBB) )
-    const currentDate = sortedAlbums[i].dateAddedToWiki;
-    const groupMap = new Map();
-    const groupArray = [];
-    for (let album; (album = sortedAlbums[i]) && +album.dateAddedToWiki === +currentDate; i++) {
-      const primaryGroup = album.groups[0];
-      if (groupMap.has(primaryGroup)) {
-        groupMap.get(primaryGroup).push(album);
-      } else {
-        const entry = [album];
-        groupMap.set(primaryGroup, entry);
-        groupArray.push(entry);
-      }
-    }
-    // Then cycle over that sorted array, adding one al8um from each to
-    // the main array until we've run out or have met the target num8er
-    // of al8ums.
-    while (!empty(groupArray)) {
-      let j = 0;
-      while (j < groupArray.length) {
-        const entry = groupArray[j];
-        const album = entry.shift();
-        albums.push(album);
-        // This is the only time we ever add anything to the main al8um
-        // list, so it's also the only place we need to check if we've
-        // met the target length.
-        if (albums.length === numAlbums) {
-          // If we've met it, 8r8k out of the outer loop - we're done
-          // here!
-          break outerLoop;
-        }
-        if (empty(entry)) {
-          groupArray.splice(j, 1);
-        } else {
-          j++;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return albums;
-export function getNewReleases(numReleases, {albumData}) {
-  return albumData
-    .filter((album) => album.isListedOnHomepage)
-    .reverse()
-    .slice(0, numReleases);
-// Carousel layout and utilities
-// Layout constants:
-// Carousels support fitting 4-18 items, with a few "dead" zones to watch out
-// for, namely when a multiple of 6, 5, or 4 columns would drop the last tiles.
-// Carousels are limited to 1-3 rows and 4-6 columns.
-// Lower edge case: 1-3 items are treated as 4 items (with blank space).
-// Upper edge case: all items past 18 are dropped (treated as 18 items).
-// This is all done through JS instead of CSS because it's just... ANNOYING...
-// to write a mapping like this in CSS lol.
-const carouselLayoutMap = [
-  // 0-3
-  null, null, null, null,
-  // 4-6
-  {rows: 1, columns: 4}, //  4: 1x4, drop 0
-  {rows: 1, columns: 5}, //  5: 1x5, drop 0
-  {rows: 1, columns: 6}, //  6: 1x6, drop 0
-  // 7-12
-  {rows: 1, columns: 6}, //  7: 1x6, drop 1
-  {rows: 2, columns: 4}, //  8: 2x4, drop 0
-  {rows: 2, columns: 4}, //  9: 2x4, drop 1
-  {rows: 2, columns: 5}, // 10: 2x5, drop 0
-  {rows: 2, columns: 5}, // 11: 2x5, drop 1
-  {rows: 2, columns: 6}, // 12: 2x6, drop 0
-  // 13-18
-  {rows: 2, columns: 6}, // 13: 2x6, drop 1
-  {rows: 2, columns: 6}, // 14: 2x6, drop 2
-  {rows: 3, columns: 5}, // 15: 3x5, drop 0
-  {rows: 3, columns: 5}, // 16: 3x5, drop 1
-  {rows: 3, columns: 5}, // 17: 3x5, drop 2
-  {rows: 3, columns: 6}, // 18: 3x6, drop 0
-const minCarouselLayoutItems = carouselLayoutMap.findIndex(x => x !== null);
-const maxCarouselLayoutItems = carouselLayoutMap.length - 1;
-const shortestCarouselLayout = carouselLayoutMap[minCarouselLayoutItems];
-const longestCarouselLayout = carouselLayoutMap[maxCarouselLayoutItems];
-export function getCarouselLayoutForNumberOfItems(numItems) {
-  return (
-    numItems < minCarouselLayoutItems ? shortestCarouselLayout :
-    numItems > maxCarouselLayoutItems ? longestCarouselLayout :
-    carouselLayoutMap[numItems]);
-export function filterItemsForCarousel(items) {
-  if (empty(items)) {
-    return [];
-  }
-  return items
-    .filter(item => item.hasCoverArt)
-    .filter(item => item.artTags.every(tag => !tag.isContentWarning))
-    .slice(0, maxCarouselLayoutItems + 1);
-// Ridiculous caching support nonsense
-export class TupleMap {
-  static maxNestedTupleLength = 25;
-  #store = [undefined, null, null, null];
-  #lifetime(value) {
-    if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length <= TupleMap.maxNestedTupleLength) {
-      return 'tuple';
-    } else if (
-      typeof value === 'object' && value !== null ||
-      typeof value === 'function'
-    ) {
-      return 'weak';
-    } else {
-      return 'strong';
-    }
-  }
-  #getSubstoreShallow(value, store) {
-    const lifetime = this.#lifetime(value);
-    const mapIndex = {weak: 1, strong: 2, tuple: 3}[lifetime];
-    let map = store[mapIndex];
-    if (map === null) {
-      map = store[mapIndex] =
-        (lifetime === 'weak' ? new WeakMap()
-       : lifetime === 'strong' ? new Map()
-       : lifetime === 'tuple' ? new TupleMap()
-       : null);
-    }
-    if (map.has(value)) {
-      return map.get(value);
-    } else {
-      const substore = [undefined, null, null, null];
-      map.set(value, substore);
-      return substore;
-    }
-  }
-  #getSubstoreDeep(tuple, store = this.#store) {
-    if (tuple.length === 0) {
-      return store;
-    } else {
-      const [first, ...rest] = tuple;
-      return this.#getSubstoreDeep(rest, this.#getSubstoreShallow(first, store));
-    }
-  }
-  get(tuple) {
-    const store = this.#getSubstoreDeep(tuple);
-    return store[0];
-  }
-  has(tuple) {
-    const store = this.#getSubstoreDeep(tuple);
-    return store[0] !== undefined;
-  }
-  set(tuple, value) {
-    const store = this.#getSubstoreDeep(tuple);
-    store[0] = value;
-    return value;
-  }
-export class TupleMapForBabies {
-  #here = new WeakMap();
-  #next = new WeakMap();
-  set(...args) {
-    const first = args.at(0);
-    const last = args.at(-1);
-    const rest = args.slice(1, -1);
-    if (empty(rest)) {
-      this.#here.set(first, last);
-    } else if (this.#next.has(first)) {
-      this.#next.get(first).set(...rest, last);
-    } else {
-      const tupleMap = new TupleMapForBabies();
-      this.#next.set(first, tupleMap);
-      tupleMap.set(...rest, last);
-    }
-  }
-  get(...args) {
-    const first = args.at(0);
-    const rest = args.slice(1);
-    if (empty(rest)) {
-      return this.#here.get(first);
-    } else if (this.#next.has(first)) {
-      return this.#next.get(first).get(...rest);
-    } else {
-      return undefined;
-    }
-  }
-  has(...args) {
-    const first = args.at(0);
-    const rest = args.slice(1);
-    if (empty(rest)) {
-      return this.#here.has(first);
-    } else if (this.#next.has(first)) {
-      return this.#next.get(first).has(...rest);
-    } else {
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-const combinedWikiDataTupleMap = new TupleMapForBabies();
-export function combineWikiDataArrays(arrays) {
-  const map = combinedWikiDataTupleMap;
-  if (map.has(...arrays)) {
-    return map.get(...arrays);
-  } else {
-    const combined = arrays.flat();
-    map.set(...arrays, combined);
-    return combined;
-  }