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client: implement album commentary sidebar dynamics - hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
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author(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-09-24 15:41:53 -0300
committer(quasar) nebula <qznebula@protonmail.com>2023-10-06 08:26:56 -0300
commited2ceb0007bab8943bee9bce007e20e344bca66b (patch)
parent43887f3d9d252de6493948692beb4763b5046d64 (diff)
client: implement album commentary sidebar dynamics
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/static/client2.js b/src/static/client2.js
index 96b422a8..4f4a7153 100644
--- a/src/static/client2.js
+++ b/src/static/client2.js
@@ -1209,6 +1209,217 @@ for (const info of groupContributionsTableInfo) {
+// Sticky commentary sidebar ------------------------------
+const albumCommentarySidebarInfo = clientInfo.albumCommentarySidebarInfo = {
+  sidebar: null,
+  sidebarTrackLinks: null,
+  sidebarTrackDirectories: null,
+  sidebarTrackSections: null,
+  sidebarTrackSectionStartIndices: null,
+  state: {
+    currentTrackSection: null,
+    currentTrackLink: null,
+    justChangedTrackSection: false,
+  },
+function getAlbumCommentarySidebarReferences() {
+  const info = albumCommentarySidebarInfo;
+  info.sidebar =
+    document.getElementById('sidebar-left');
+  info.sidebarHeading =
+    info.sidebar.querySelector('h1');
+  info.sidebarTrackLinks =
+    Array.from(info.sidebar.querySelectorAll('li a'));
+  info.sidebarTrackDirectories =
+    info.sidebarTrackLinks
+      .map(el => el.getAttribute('href').slice(1));
+  info.sidebarTrackSections =
+    Array.from(info.sidebar.getElementsByTagName('details'));
+  info.sidebarTrackSectionStartIndices =
+    info.sidebarTrackSections
+      .map(details => details.querySelector('ol, ul'))
+      .reduce(
+        (accumulator, _list, index, array) =>
+          (empty(accumulator)
+            ? [0]
+            : [
+              ...accumulator,
+              (accumulator[accumulator.length - 1] +
+                array[index - 1].querySelectorAll('li a').length),
+            ]),
+        []);
+function scrollAlbumCommentarySidebar() {
+  const info = albumCommentarySidebarInfo;
+  const {state} = info;
+  const {currentTrackLink, currentTrackSection} = state;
+  if (!currentTrackLink) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const {sidebar, sidebarHeading} = info;
+  const scrollTop = sidebar.scrollTop;
+  const headingRect = sidebarHeading.getBoundingClientRect();
+  const sidebarRect = sidebar.getBoundingClientRect();
+  const stickyPadding = headingRect.height;
+  const sidebarViewportHeight = sidebarRect.height - stickyPadding;
+  const linkRect = currentTrackLink.getBoundingClientRect();
+  const sectionRect = currentTrackSection.getBoundingClientRect();
+  const sectionTopEdge =
+    sectionRect.top - (sidebarRect.top - scrollTop);
+  const sectionHeight =
+    sectionRect.height;
+  const sectionScrollTop =
+    sectionTopEdge - stickyPadding - 10;
+  const linkTopEdge =
+    linkRect.top - (sidebarRect.top - scrollTop);
+  const linkBottomEdge =
+    linkRect.bottom - (sidebarRect.top - scrollTop);
+  const linkScrollTop =
+    linkTopEdge - stickyPadding - 5;
+  const linkDistanceFromSection =
+    linkScrollTop - sectionTopEdge;
+  const linkVisibleFromTopOfSection =
+    linkBottomEdge - sectionTopEdge > sidebarViewportHeight;
+  const linkScrollBottom =
+    linkScrollTop - sidebarViewportHeight + linkRect.height + 20;
+  const maxScrollInViewport =
+    scrollTop + stickyPadding + sidebarViewportHeight;
+  const minScrollInViewport =
+    scrollTop + stickyPadding;
+  if (linkBottomEdge > maxScrollInViewport) {
+    if (linkVisibleFromTopOfSection) {
+      sidebar.scrollTo({top: linkScrollBottom, behavior: 'smooth'});
+    } else {
+      sidebar.scrollTo({top: sectionScrollTop, behavior: 'smooth'});
+    }
+  } else if (linkTopEdge < minScrollInViewport) {
+    if (linkVisibleFromTopOfSection) {
+      sidebar.scrollTo({top: linkScrollTop, behavior: 'smooth'});
+    } else {
+      sidebar.scrollTo({top: sectionScrollTop, behavior: 'smooth'});
+    }
+  } else if (state.justChangedTrackSection) {
+    if (sectionHeight < sidebarViewportHeight) {
+      sidebar.scrollTo({top: sectionScrollTop, behavior: 'smooth'});
+    }
+  }
+function markDirectoryAsCurrentForAlbumCommentary(trackDirectory) {
+  const info = albumCommentarySidebarInfo;
+  const {state} = info;
+  const trackIndex =
+    (trackDirectory
+      ? info.sidebarTrackDirectories
+          .indexOf(trackDirectory)
+      : -1);
+  const sectionIndex =
+    (trackIndex >= 0
+      ? info.sidebarTrackSectionStartIndices
+          .findIndex((start, index, array) =>
+            (index === array.length - 1
+              ? true
+              : trackIndex < array[index + 1]))
+      : -1);
+  const sidebarTrackLink =
+    (trackIndex >= 0
+      ? info.sidebarTrackLinks[trackIndex]
+      : null);
+  const sidebarTrackSection =
+    (sectionIndex >= 0
+      ? info.sidebarTrackSections[sectionIndex]
+      : null);
+  state.currentTrackLink?.classList?.remove('current');
+  state.currentTrackLink = sidebarTrackLink;
+  state.currentTrackLink?.classList?.add('current');
+  if (sidebarTrackSection !== state.currentTrackSection) {
+    if (sidebarTrackSection && !sidebarTrackSection.open) {
+      if (state.currentTrackSection) {
+        state.currentTrackSection.open = false;
+      }
+      sidebarTrackSection.open = true;
+    }
+    state.currentTrackSection?.classList?.remove('current');
+    state.currentTrackSection = sidebarTrackSection;
+    state.currentTrackSection?.classList?.add('current');
+    state.justChangedTrackSection = true;
+  } else {
+    state.justChangedTrackSection = false;
+  }
+function addAlbumCommentaryInternalListeners() {
+  const info = albumCommentarySidebarInfo;
+  const mainContentIndex =
+    (stickyHeadingInfo.contentContainers ?? [])
+      .findIndex(({id}) => id === 'content');
+  if (mainContentIndex === -1) return;
+  stickyHeadingInfo.event.whenDisplayedHeadingChanges.push((index, {newHeading}) => {
+    if (index !== mainContentIndex) return;
+    if (hashLinkInfo.state.scrollingAfterClick) return;
+    const trackDirectory =
+      (newHeading
+        ? newHeading.id
+        : null);
+    markDirectoryAsCurrentForAlbumCommentary(trackDirectory);
+    scrollAlbumCommentarySidebar();
+  });
+  hashLinkInfo.event.whenHashLinkClicked.push(({link}) => {
+    const hash = link.getAttribute('href').slice(1);
+    if (!info.sidebarTrackDirectories.includes(hash)) return;
+    markDirectoryAsCurrentForAlbumCommentary(hash);
+  });
+if (document.documentElement.dataset.urlKey === 'localized.albumCommentary') {
+  clientSteps.getPageReferences.push(getAlbumCommentarySidebarReferences);
+  clientSteps.addInternalListeners.push(addAlbumCommentaryInternalListeners);
 // Run setup steps ----------------------------------------
 for (const [key, steps] of Object.entries(clientSteps)) {