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hsmusic-wiki - HSMusic - static wiki software cataloguing collaborative creation
about summary refs log tree commit diff
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
cache-and-checksexperimental cache & checks code(quasar) nebula22 months
content-cacheexperimental content cache and relations "scoring"(quasar) nebula8 months
data-stepscontent: generatePageLayout: present sidebars in skipper properly(quasar) nebula8 months
networked-tagscontent, client, css: tag gallery: showing all / direct / indirect(quasar) nebula6 months
prettify-linthtmlify album pages(quasar) nebula21 months
previewcss: homepage layout rows(quasar) nebula43 hours
releasecss: homepage layout rows(quasar) nebula43 hours
stagingcss: homepage layout rows(quasar) nebula43 hours
track-data-cleanupdata: misc. composite fixes(quasar) nebula6 months
track-sectionsstrings: fallbackGroupName -> fallbackSectionName(quasar) nebula15 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-03-29really wip experimental focus ring stuff focus-ring-tests(quasar) nebula
2022-03-12use right artist name in alias redirect title(quasar) nebula
2022-03-12replacer: link directly to home(quasar) nebula
2022-03-12simple data serialization & random pages fixes(quasar) nebula
2022-03-12tracks have cover art if cover artists present(quasar) nebula
2022-03-08otherReleases works on original release too(quasar) nebula
2022-03-07no paragraph break if previous line ends with <br>(quasar) nebula
2022-03-07escapable '-' and '>' (list/quote)(quasar) nebula
2022-03-07fix date added to wiki showing current date(quasar) nebula
2022-03-07fix unique artists not being shown in track list(quasar) nebula