« get me outta code hell

blog - My blog website - https://florrie.ed1.club
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path: root/build.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build.js')
1 files changed, 751 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build.js b/build.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e096e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.js
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+const fs = require('fs')
+const path = require('path')
+const yaml = require('js-yaml')
+const marked = require('marked')
+const fixWS = require('fix-whitespace')
+const mjAPI = require('mathjax-node')
+const cheerio = require('cheerio')
+const { promisify } = require('util')
+const ncp = promisify(require('ncp').ncp)
+const writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile)
+const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile)
+const readDir = promisify(fs.readdir)
+const stat = promisify(fs.stat)
+const mkdir = function(dir) {
+  return promisify(fs.mkdir)(dir)
+    .catch(error => {
+      if (error.code === 'EEXIST') {
+        return
+      } else {
+        throw error
+      }
+    })
+const SITE_ORIGIN = (process.env.BLOG_ORIGIN || 'http://localhost:8000/')
+const AUTHOR = (process.env.BLOG_AUTHOR || 'Florrie')
+  MathJax: {}
+const mathjaxTypeset = (math, format) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+  mjAPI.typeset({
+    math, format,
+    svg: true
+  }, function(data) {
+    if (data.errors) {
+      reject(data.errors)
+    } else {
+      resolve(data.svg)
+    }
+  })
+async function build() {
+  console.log('Site origin:', getSiteOrigin())
+  console.log('\x1b[1mSetting up things.\x1b[0m') // ----------------------------------------------
+  process.stdout.write('Setting up directories...') // ............................................
+  await mkdir('site')
+  await Promise.all([
+    mkdir('site/posts'),
+    mkdir('site/archive'),
+    mkdir('site/static').then(() => mkdir('site/static/math-svg'))
+  ])
+  console.log(' Created necessary folders.')
+  process.stdout.write('Getting category data...') // .............................................
+  const categoryData = await getCategoryData()
+  console.log(` Gotten data for ${Object.keys(categoryData).length} categories.`)
+  console.log('\x1b[1mBuilding posts.\x1b[0m') // -------------------------------------------------
+  process.stdout.write('Getting post filenames...') // ............................................
+  const postFiles = (await readDir('site/posts'))
+    .filter(item => item.endsWith('.md'))
+  console.log(` Found ${postFiles.length} markdown files.`)
+  console.log('Parsing post texts...') // .........................................................
+  let parsedPostCount = 0
+  const posts = await Promise.all(postFiles.map(
+    f => readFile('site/posts/' + f, 'utf-8').then(parsePostText)
+      .then(post => {
+        parsedPostCount++
+        process.stdout.write(`\r${Math.floor(parsedPostCount / postFiles.length * 100)}%`)
+        return Object.assign(post, {sourceFile: f})
+      })
+  ))
+  console.log('\rParsed.')
+  /*
+  process.stdout.write('Filtering just the updated posts...') // ..................................
+  const updatedPostFiles = (await Promise.all(postFiles.map(f =>
+    Promise.all([
+      stat('site/posts/' + f).then(s => s.mtime),
+      stat('site/posts/' + path.basename(f, '.md') + '.html').then(
+        s => s.mtime,
+        e => 0
+      )
+    ]).then(([ mtimeSrc, mtimeHTML ]) => {
+      return mtimeSrc > mtimeHTML ? f : false
+    })
+  ))).filter(Boolean)
+  const updatedPosts = posts.filter(p => updatedPostFiles.includes(p.sourceFile))
+  console.log(` Found ${updatedPostFiles.length} .md files that have been modified more recently than their respective .html files.`)
+  */
+  // For now just rebuild EVERYTHING - only rebuilding updated posts is kind of not good when
+  // you consider that like categories and "next post in category" and blah blah blah those
+  // kinds of links and also like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh blog origin changes it's all a
+  // mess and I don't want to figure out how to deal with it without rebuilding everything lul.
+  const updatedPosts = posts
+  process.stdout.write('Writing post pages...') // ................................................
+  await Promise.all(updatedPosts.map(post => {
+    writeFile('site/' + getPostPath(post), generatePostPage(post, categoryData, posts))
+  }))
+  console.log(' Written.')
+  process.stdout.write('Writing index (latest post) page...') // ..................................
+  await writeFile('site/index.html', generatePostPage(getLatestPost(posts), categoryData, posts))
+  await writeFile('site/index.md', await readFile('site/posts/' + getLatestPost(posts).sourceFile))
+  console.log(' Written.')
+  console.log('\x1b[1mWriting archive and category pages.\x1b[0m') // -----------------------------
+  process.stdout.write('Writing archive index page...') // ........................................
+  await writeFile('site/archive.html', generateArchiveCategoriesPage(categoryData))
+  console.log(' Written.')
+  process.stdout.write('Writing every-post archive page...') // ...................................
+  await writeFile('site/archive/all.html', generateArchivePage(posts))
+  console.log(' Written.')
+  process.stdout.write('Writing each category\'s own page...') // .................................
+  await writeCategoryPages(posts, categoryData)
+  console.log(' Written.')
+  console.log('\x1b[1mWriting other miscellaneous pages.\x1b[0m') // ------------------------------
+  // TODO: Don't hard-code these, lol
+  process.stdout.write('Writing "About" page...') // ..............................................
+  await writeFile('site/about.html', generateAboutPage(await readFile('site/about.md', 'utf-8')))
+  console.log(' Written.')
+const generateStaticPage = (md, head = '') => (
+  generateSitePage(head, marked(md))
+const generateAdjacentPostLinks = (post, categoryData, allPosts) => {
+  const postDate = getDate(post)
+  const dateReduce = fn => (choice, cur) => {
+    const curDate = getDate(cur)
+    const choiceDate = choice ? getDate(choice) : 0
+    if (fn(curDate, choiceDate)) {
+      return cur
+    } else {
+      return choice
+    }
+  }
+  const reduceNextByDate = dateReduce(
+    (curDate, choiceDate) => curDate > postDate && (!choiceDate || curDate < choiceDate)
+  )
+  const reducePreviousByDate = dateReduce(
+    (curDate, choiceDate) => curDate < postDate && (!choiceDate || curDate > choiceDate)
+  )
+  const nextByDate = allPosts.reduce(reduceNextByDate, null)
+  const previousByDate = allPosts.reduce(reducePreviousByDate, null)
+  const filterPostsWithSameCategory = cat => p => {
+    return (p.config.categories || []).includes(cat)
+  }
+  const nextByCategories = (post.config.categories || []).map(cat => {
+    return [cat,
+      allPosts
+        .filter(filterPostsWithSameCategory(cat))
+        .reduce(reduceNextByDate, null)
+    ]
+  }).filter(([ cat, post ]) => !!post)
+    .filter(([ cat, post ]) => post !== nextByDate)
+  const previousByCategories = (post.config.categories || []).map(cat => {
+    return [cat,
+      allPosts
+        .filter(filterPostsWithSameCategory(cat))
+        .reduce(reducePreviousByDate, null)
+    ]
+  }).filter(([ cat, post ]) => !!post)
+    .filter(([ cat, post ]) => post !== previousByDate)
+  const makeAdjacentInCategoriesLinks = postsByCategories => {
+    if (postsByCategories.length) {
+      return fixWS`
+        (by date; in ${postsByCategories
+          .map(([ cat, post ]) => fixWS`
+            <a href='${getPostPermalink(post)}'>${categoryData[cat].title}</a>
+          `)
+          .join(', ')
+        })
+      `
+    } else {
+      return ''
+    }
+  }
+  // TODO: fix-whitespace hates this string, for some reason??
+  return fixWS`
+    ${previousByDate
+      ? fixWS`
+        <a href='${getPostPermalink(previousByDate)}'>Previous post</a>
+        ${makeAdjacentInCategoriesLinks(previousByCategories)}
+      `
+      : ''
+    }
+    ${nextByDate ? '<br>' : ''}
+    ${nextByDate
+      ? fixWS`
+        <a href='${getPostPermalink(nextByDate)}'>Next post</a>
+        ${makeAdjacentInCategoriesLinks(nextByCategories)}
+      `
+      : ''
+    }
+  `
+const generatePostPage = (post, categoryData, allPosts) => {
+  const categories = post.config.categories
+  const categoryLinks = (
+    (categories && categories.length > 0)
+    ? categories.map(id => fixWS`
+      <a href='${getCategoryPath(id)}'>${categoryData[id].title}</a>
+    `)
+    : null
+  )
+  const categoryLinkText = (
+    categoryLinks
+    ? 'categories: ' + categoryLinks.join(', ')
+    : 'no categories'
+  )
+  return generateSitePage(
+    // No description-meta here.. yet. In theory there should be, but Google
+    // does a pretty good job at guessing descriptions from the content of
+    // the post.
+    fixWS`
+      <title>${post.config.title}</title>
+      ${generateMetaHead({
+        'Description': getOneSentence(getPostDescription(post)),
+        'twitter:card': post.config.presentArt ? 'summary_image' : 'summary',
+        'twitter:site': '@towerofnix',
+        'twitter:title': post.config.title,
+        'twitter:description': getPostDescription(post),
+        'twitter:image': (
+          post.config.thumbnail
+          ? (getSiteOrigin() + post.config.thumbnail)
+          : null
+        ),
+        'twitter:image:alt': null // </3 TODO: fix this?
+      })}
+    `,
+    fixWS`
+      ${post.html}
+      <p class='post-meta'>
+        (-${AUTHOR},
+          <a href='${getPostPermalink(post)}'>${getTimeElement(post)}</a>
+          (<a href='${getPostPermalink(post, 'md')}'>markdown</a>);
+          ${categoryLinkText})
+      </p>
+      <p class='post-meta'>
+        ${generateAdjacentPostLinks(post, categoryData, allPosts)}
+      </p>
+    `,
+    fixWS`
+      <div class='post-nav'>
+        ${generateAdjacentPostLinks(post, categoryData, allPosts)}
+      </div>
+    `
+  )
+const generateAboutPage = md => {
+  const description = (
+    "The (slightly) extended description of towerofnix's blog."
+  )
+  return generateStaticPage(
+    md,
+    fixWS`
+      <title>Blog</title>
+      ${generateMetaHead({
+        'Description': description,
+        'twitter:card': 'summary',
+        'twitter:site': '@towerofnix',
+        'twitter:title': "About",
+        'twitter:description': description,
+      })}
+    `
+  )
+const generateSitePage = (head, body, extraNav = '') => {
+  if (!head.includes('twitter')) {
+    // TODO: It would be really nice to be able to log the title of the page
+    // here! - But virtually impossible without being smart and parsing the
+    // head text.
+    console.warn('No twitter meta tags..?\n' + head + '\n\n')
+  }
+  if (!head.includes('Description')) {
+    console.warn('No Description meta tag..?\n' + head + '\n\n')
+  }
+  return fixWS`
+    <!DOCTYPE html>
+    <html>
+      <head>
+        <base href='${getSiteOrigin()}'>
+        <meta charset='utf-8'>
+        ${head}
+        <link rel='stylesheet' href='static/site.css'>
+      </head>
+      <body>
+        <div id='main' class='top-block'>
+          <div id='nav'>
+            <a href='index.html'>(Front.)</a>
+            <a href='about.html'>(About!)</a>
+            <a href='archive.html'>(Archive.)</a>${
+              // TODO: fix-whitespace doesn't like whitespace-only lines??
+              extraNav
+            }
+          </div>
+          <div id='content'>
+            ${body}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <footer class='top-block'>
+          <p>My posts and art are licensed under
+             <a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/'>
+             CC BY-SA 4.0</a>, and this blog's source code is available
+             <a href='https://github.com/towerofnix/blog'>online</a>!</p>
+        </footer>
+      </body>
+    </html>
+  `
+const generateMetaHead = dict => {
+  return Object.entries(dict)
+    .filter(([ k, v ]) => {
+      if (!v) {
+        // It's normal to have a null value (that means "there's nothing in
+        // this field"), but for there to be an undefined value (or
+        // otherwise)..? That's strange!
+        if (v !== null) {
+          console.warn('Unset ' + k + '?', dict)
+        }
+        return false
+      }
+      return true
+    })
+    // fix-whitespace is broken??????? yikes.jpg
+    // .map(([ k, v ]) => fixWS`
+    //   <meta name='${k}' content="${
+    //     v.replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/\n/g, '__-\n-__')
+    //   }">
+    // `)
+    .map(([ k, v ]) => (
+      `<meta name='${k}' content="${v.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')}">`
+    ))
+    .join('\n')
+const generateArchivePage = posts => (
+  generateArchiveCategoryPage(
+    '', // just use the default title, Archive (not "Archive - Archive"!)
+    fixWS`
+      A quick (read: long) table of all of the posts I've published here.
+      See also the <a href='archive.html'>category-based archive</a>.
+    `,
+    posts
+  )
+const generateArchiveCategoriesPage = (categoryData) => {
+  const description = (
+    "A list of categories the posts on the blog are organized into."
+  )
+  return generateSitePage(
+    fixWS`
+      <title>Archive</title>
+      ${generateMetaHead({
+        'Description': description,
+        'twitter:card': 'summary',
+        'twitter:site': '@towerofnix',
+        'twitter:title': 'Archive',
+        'twitter:description': description
+      })}
+    `,
+    fixWS`
+      <h1>Archive</h1>
+      <p>A list of the categories the posts on the blog are organized
+      into. See also the <a href='archive/all.html'>archive of all
+      posts</a>.</p>
+      ${generateCategoryList(categoryData)}
+    `
+  )
+const writeCategoryPages = (posts, categoryData) => (
+  Object.entries(categoryData).map(
+    ([id, cat]) => writeFile(
+      'site/' + getCategoryPath(id),
+      generateArchiveCategoryPage(
+        cat.title, cat.description,
+        posts.filter(post => post.config.categories.includes(id))
+      )
+    )
+  )
+const generateArchiveCategoryPage = (title, description, posts) => {
+  const fullTitle = 'Archive' + (title ? ` - ${title}` : '')
+  return generateSitePage(
+    fixWS`
+      <title>${fullTitle}</title>
+      ${generateMetaHead({
+        'Description': getOneSentence(getHTMLDescription(description)),
+        'twitter:card': 'summary',
+        'twitter:site': '@towerofnix',
+        'twitter:title': fullTitle,
+        'twitter:description': getHTMLDescription(description)
+      })}
+    `,
+    fixWS`
+      <h1>${title || 'Archive'}</h1>
+      <p>${description}</p>
+      ${generateArchiveTable(posts.sort((a, b) => getDate(a) - getDate(b)))}
+    `
+  )
+const generateArchiveTable = posts => (
+  fixWS`
+    <table>
+      <colgroup>
+        <col>
+        <col class="date-col">
+      </colgroup>
+      <tbody>
+        ${
+          posts.map(
+            post => {
+              const link = getPostPath(post)
+              return fixWS`
+                <tr>
+                  <td><a href='${link}'>${post.config.title}</a></td>
+                  <td>${getTimeElement(post)}</td>
+                </tr>
+              `
+            }
+          ).join('\n')
+        }
+      </tbody>
+    </table>
+  `
+const generateCategoryList = (categoryData) => (
+  fixWS`
+    <ul>
+      ${
+        Object.entries(categoryData).map(
+        ([id, category]) => fixWS`
+          <li>
+            <a href='archive/${id}.html'>${category.title}:</a>
+            ${category.description}
+          </li>
+        `
+        ).join('\n')
+      }
+    </ul>
+  `
+const parsePostText = async (text) => {
+  // Parses the text contents of a post .md file.
+  //
+  // YAML configuration is stored before a '---' separator. Markdown content
+  // comes after the separator.
+  //
+  // It's recommended to indent the configuration code before '---' as a code
+  // block, so that it's valid Markdown code.
+  const separator = '\n---\n'
+  const separatorIndex = text.indexOf(separator)
+  const code = text.slice(0, separatorIndex)
+  const markdown = text.slice(separatorIndex + separator.length).trim()
+  let config
+  try {
+    config = yaml.safeLoad(code)
+  } catch (err) {
+    throw new Error('Invalid YAML: ' + err.message)
+  }
+  // We SHOULD use a custom Marked renderer, but MathJax runs asynchronously,
+  // while marked expects a synchronous value. To be fair you could hack around
+  // that (e.g. by storing a key to each math element, and then rendering those
+  // after running marked), but that's a little yucky, and we can get inline
+  // math if we deal with MathJax and Marked separately.
+  let processedMarkdown = markdown
+  let processedMath = []
+  const handleMatch = (texType, applyTemplateFunc) => match => {
+    const reference = match[1]
+    const mathText = match[2]
+    const directoryName = `static/math-svg/${config.permalink}`
+    const svgFile = `${directoryName}/${reference}.svg`
+    processedMath.push({reference, mathText})
+    return mkdir('site/' + directoryName)
+      .catch(err => {
+        if (err.code !== 'EEXIST') {
+          throw err
+        }
+      })
+      .then(() => mathjaxTypeset(mathText, texType))
+      // TODO: Sanitize this.. I'm going to inevitably write a slash in a
+      // math ID, at some point!
+      .then(math => writeFile('site/' + svgFile, math))
+      .then(math => applyTemplateFunc(reference, svgFile))
+  }
+  processedMarkdown = await processMarkdown(processedMarkdown,
+    /<pre class='math' id='([^']*)'>([\s\S]+?)<\/pre>/g,
+    handleMatch('TeX', (reference, svgFile) => fixWS`
+      <p class='math' id='${reference}'>
+        <img src='${svgFile}'>
+      </p>
+    `)
+  )
+  processedMarkdown = await processMarkdown(processedMarkdown,
+    /<code class='math' id='([^']*)'>([\s\S]+?)<\/code>/g,
+    handleMatch('inline-TeX', (reference, svgFile) => fixWS`
+      <span class='inline-math' id='${reference}'><img src='${svgFile}'></span>
+    `)
+  )
+  processedMarkdown = await processMarkdown(processedMarkdown,
+    /<art>([^<]*)<\/art>/g,
+    match => fixWS`
+      [![${match[1].match(/^[0-9]+-(.*)$/)[1]}](static/media/${encodeURIComponent(match[1])}.png)](static/media/${encodeURIComponent(match[1])}.png)
+      ([${match[1].match(/^[0-9]+-(.*)$/)[1]}.kra](static/media/${encodeURIComponent(match[1])}.kra))
+    `
+  )
+  return {
+    config: yaml.safeLoad(code),
+    html: marked(processedMarkdown),
+    markdown: markdown // Explicit is usually better than implicit
+    // (The meaning of the above comment is implied)
+  }
+const getPostPath = (post, extension = 'html') => (
+  `posts/${post.config.permalink}.${extension}`
+const getPostPermalink = (post, extension = undefined) => (
+  getSiteOrigin() + getPostPath(post, extension)
+const getPostDescription = post => {
+  if (post.config.description) {
+    return post.config.description
+  }
+  return getHTMLDescription(post.html)
+const getHTMLDescription = html => {
+  const $ = cheerio.load(html)
+  // Some paragraphs can only include images; we don't want to use those for
+  // getting the description text.
+  for (let p of $('p').get()) {
+    const text = $(p).text()
+    if (text) {
+      return text
+    }
+  }
+  return $.root().text()
+const getOneSentence = text => {
+  let i = 0
+  while (i < text.length && text[i - 1] !== '.') {
+    i++
+  }
+  const textRange = text.slice(0, i)
+  const sentence = textRange.replace(/\n/g, ' ')
+  return sentence
+const getCategoryPath = id => (
+  `archive/${id}.html`
+const getCategoryData = () => (
+  readFile('categories.yaml', 'utf-8')
+    .then(text => yaml.safeLoad(text))
+    .then(
+      yamlObj => {
+        const ret = {}
+        for (let entry of yamlObj.categories) {
+          ret[entry.id] = entry
+        }
+        return ret
+      },
+      err => {
+        throw new Error("YAML Error: " + err.message, err)
+      }
+    )
+const getLatestPost = posts => {
+  let latestPost = posts[0]
+  let latestDate = 0
+  for (let curPost of posts) {
+    const curDate = getDate(curPost)
+    if (curDate > latestDate) {
+      latestPost = curPost
+      latestDate = curDate
+    }
+  }
+  return latestPost
+const getDate = post => {
+  if (!('date' in post.config)) {
+    console.warn(`Post ${post.config.title} has no date!`)
+    return null
+  }
+  const { y, m, d } = post.config.date
+  return new Date(y, m - 1, d)
+const getTimeElement = post => {
+  const date = getDate(post)
+  const datetime = !date ? '' : asDatetime(date)
+  const humanDatetime = (
+    !date ? '(No date)' : asHumanReadableDate(date)
+  )
+  return `<time datetime='${datetime}'>${humanDatetime}</time>`
+const asDatetime = date => (
+  `${date.getFullYear()}-${date.getMonth() + 1}-${date.getDate()}`
+const asHumanReadableDate = date => {
+  const months = [
+    'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',
+    'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
+  ]
+  const monthName = months[date.getMonth()]
+  return `${monthName} ${date.getDate()}, ${date.getFullYear()}`
+const getSiteOrigin = () => SITE_ORIGIN
+const processMarkdown = async (markdown, regex, matchFunction) => {
+  let processedMarkdown = ''
+  let lastIndex = 0
+  while (true) {
+    const match = regex.exec(markdown)
+    if (match) {
+      processedMarkdown += markdown.slice(lastIndex, match.index)
+      processedMarkdown += await matchFunction(match)
+      lastIndex = regex.lastIndex
+    } else {
+      break
+    }
+  }
+  processedMarkdown += markdown.slice(lastIndex)
+  return processedMarkdown
+if (require.main === module) {
+  build()
+    .catch(error => console.error(
+      `${error.name} - ${error.reason}\n${error.stack}`
+    ))