[transcribed 2021-06-02] **In the activity, you learned about cultural hearths, or the foundations of major cultures. Modern societies have spread throughout the globe for a number of reasons.** **How have climate, tectonic activity, and/or settlement and migration patterns resulted in specific physical and human characteristics of different locations? Pick two different global locations with different physical and human characteristics to support your answer.** The climate and local plants of a location often affects what kind of agriculture (if any at all!) happens there. For example, you wouldn’t farm wheat or canola in a rainforest, and you wouldn’t grow oranges in a tundra. Nearby locations can affect another place, too, especially if there’s a good method of transport, such as a river or other body of water for boats. When people who live in different locations trade with each other, they can use the traded goods to help their area grow and change. *TODO: Example locations!* **An ecosystem is a community of living things together with their environment. The organisms and environment within an ecosystem share complex connections. Using your knowledge of ecosystems, answer the following questions:** 1. **Classify an ecosystem in your home state.** New Brunswick is an eastern province in Canada. It’s made of mostly smooth land and forest, though there’s some hills (with an elevation of roughly 700m[1]). Like most of Atlantic Canada, it’s inhabited by animals such as moose, beavers, and all those other animals that make you think of Canada. As it’s fairly close to water, there’s many fish in the surrounding Atlantic Ocean. [1] That’s probably super low. [<- NB: Pages comment.] 2. **Classify an ecosystem in a foreign country.** Ireland[2] is a western island in the northern Atlantic ocean. The climate there is considered oceanic, which means its (average) temperatures throughout the year vary fairly little. Because of the narrow temperatures, there are many kinds of plants that grow there. There’s not much forest in Ireland, though – only about 10% of the island is covered in trees.
 [2] I spent roughly 45 minutes picking a country, which isn’t as long as it felt.. https://gist.github.com/liam4/470a32f40c51799a91dfc66b5b22dd6a [NB: Pages comment. Gist embedded at end of this file.] 3. **How have factors such as soil, climate, and animal and plant life affected the global distribution of ecosystems? How have these factors influenced and affected the formation of ecosystems?** Animal life depends on the lives of local plants as well as the climate of the place. Plant life depends on the soil and climate nearby. For example, since the climate and soil depends greatly on how and where the ecosystem was formed, a rocky area where roots can’t grow as well isn’t going to have as tall trees, which might have an effect on what animals the area would now be suitable for.
 4. **How has human-environment interaction affected ecosystems? Support your answer with a specific example.** *Everything* can be affected by how humans interact with the area – people can change what type of soil plants have to grow on, either directly through tilling the ground, or indirectly by polluting the ground; people can start new plants growing; remove plants that are already living there; hunt or get rid of the homes of animals... --- (from gist) pick-a-country.js: Picks a country for you to study. (Actually, three.) fetch('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_and_dependencies_and_their_capitals_in_native_languages') .then(res => res.text()) .then(resText => (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(resText, 'text/html')) .then(doc => ( Array.from(doc.getElementsByClassName('wikitable')) .map(tbl => tbl.querySelectorAll('tr')) .reduce((f, tf) => f.concat(Array.from(tf)), []) .map(r => r.children[0]) .map(t => t.innerText) )) .then(countries => { const picked = [] for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { picked.push(countries[Math.floor(Math.random() * countries.length)]) } return picked }) .then(picked => { console.log(picked) })