[transcribed 2021-06-02] **Discuss two or more of the risks and benefits associated with credit card borrowing.** Because people often rely on paying only the minimum due required in the hopes that they’ll eventually suddenly have enough to pay off their card in whole, they tend to pay for things they don’t have enough *real* money for. Since it’s so rare that they actually do luckily get enough money to really pay it off, and as interest rises, their card becomes more of a burden. However, credit cards are convenient when people do have a sudden problem that causes large expenses (an unexpectedly pricey prescription, their car breaking down, etc). Though it’s not the most ideal solution[1], credit cards can be useful when necessary. Having a credit card when a purchase requires you use a credit card is also vital, and using a credit card improves your credit score, which can assist your general reputation and reliability. [1] Wouldn’t it be handy if things were just free?