[transcribed 2021-06-02] **Based on what you know about Mrs. Jones, what conclusions can you draw about her motivation to take the boy home with her? Support your points with evidence from the text.** In *Thank You, Ma’m,* Mrs. Jones clearly has some feeling of compassion for the boy who attempted to steal her purse, Roger. She asks questions such as “Ain’t you got nobody home to tell you to wash your face?”, “Are you hungry?”, and “Maybe, you ain’t been to your supper either, late as it be. Have you?”, which show that she feels sorry for him, and willing to help. As also stated in the “After Class” section of the activity, it’s possible that Mrs. Jones may have felt pity towards Roger because she had been in a similar situation as him, at one point in time. This could support her intention for him to become a better person, in a better situation, especially since she’d already gotten past that many years ago.