[transcribed 2021-06-02] 1. My mother scolded me to **bite back my tongue** when I boldly asked for more candy. Literally: to bite down on your tongue. Expression: to decide not to say something. Example: “When I realized that I wasn’t going to have any luck with my request, I bit back my tongue.”
 2. My requests for a new car **fell on deaf ears.** I guess I’ll keep driving the old one. Literally: to fall on a deaf person’s ears. Expression: to be ignored. Example: “When I finally asked if I could go to the party, it fell on deaf ears.”
 3. I was so tired after a long day of unpacking boxes that I decided to **call it a day.** I’ll finish tomorrow. Literally: to call something “a day”. Expression: to decide not to finish something for the current day. Example: “After organizing all the groceries for the feast, Joe decided to call it a day.”
 4. After completing a marathon, a five-mile run will be a **bed of roses.** Literally: a patch of ground where roses are grown. Expression: not difficult. Example: “After locating a very specific dish in the castle kitchen, Jake figured finding any glass dish in his home cupboards would be a bed of roses.”