[transcribed 2021-06-02] % Analyzation of the title “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” “An occurrence” is simply describing that the main point of the story is an event, without going into too much detail. “at Owl Creek Bridge” just says that the event that happens happens at Owl Creek Bridge. But why Owl Creek Bridge? We’ll need some story, first... Owl Creek Bridge was barricaded with the army from the rest of the surrounding area, for maintenance on a railway, before the army continued to advance their attack on the local civilization. If anybody were to come to the area, they would be quickly hanged by the army: "The Yanks are repairing the railroads," said the man, "and are getting ready for another advance. They have reached the Owl Creek bridge, put it in order and built a stockade on the north bank. The commandant has issued an order, which is posted everywhere, declaring that any civilian caught interfering with the railroad, its bridges, tunnels, or trains will be summarily hanged. I saw the order." So Peyton Farquhar had come to the bridge and been hanged. That raises the question, why was he there, though? A quote from the story sums this up well: "Suppose a man--a civilian and student of hanging--should elude the picket post and perhaps get the better of the sentinel," said Farquhar, smiling, "what could he accomplish?" The soldier reflected. "I was there a month ago," he replied. "I observed that the flood of last winter had lodged a great quantity of driftwood against the wooden pier at this end of the bridge. It is now dry and would burn like tinder.” There was a chance that Farquhar would have a chance at getting a huge source of well-burning driftwood. That would have been sure to be helpful in the winter. However, clearly he ended up getting caught..