* I totally got better from being sick today, right? * And... that's sort of got me thinking.. * Today, I kind of felt less..careful of things, than yesterday? * Even though I was really drained yesterday! * I mean, like, careful in the.. "aware" sense, not like, "worried about the house collapsing." * Oh, yeah, here's the word! * I feel like I was being a bit careless today. * I mean, I guess that's normal when you've just gotten better from being all glucked down. * But I wonder if this happens more with me, maybe...? * Like, what if, since I feel just down in general sorta many days... * Then, on the days when I'm actually feeling alright about shtuff, * Do I end up just dropping responsibility on those days? * ...OK, maybe I'm being ridiculous and jumping to way too many conclusions that don't even make sense... * After all, "dropping responsibilities" and "being careless about remembering to do things" are different. * Um... I guess that's not very convincing. * I swear they're more different in my head! I'm just not wording this right! * ... * Ick, anyway, thanks for listening. I'm not exactly sure what I'm on about here. * Getting it spoken out like this helps anyway, though, I think. * So, thanks.