* You're a good listener! * Hmmmm.... * I'm trying to take a more determined approach to things now. So, working confidently on things that have seemed impossible, regardless of context; I want to be able to put more of my all into things. * I guess I'm not exactly exercising it as much as one may hyperbolically hope, but... that'd be being unreasonable. * Anyhoo, I've...sorta started paying more attention to..being nice to things? Like, plain old shtuff? This is super dumb, but simple things like appreciating that my bed's been, y'know, there for me for so long, and giving it a sort of respect by making it more nicely, and what-not. * I wouldn't go to say I'm personifying objects, I really am not and don't want to; but I think this is different. * And faith-wise... this can be relevant on any scope, tiny or gigantic or whatever; I've been trying to maintain a faith that things can turn out; that, for real, the effort I put matters (again, whatever the context). * And there's not really any logic to it, nor anything more than just that. I dunno whether there's some way-higher entity that would care to tilt probabilities based on someone having some faith... it really doesn't matter to me. I just kinda have it and hope and try, right?