* back a year or so ago there was a person on the internet who I thought was really cool. * she was this self-employed developer who made games with the help of her friends-team. * she also did blog writing and was geting into art and music. * she had a decent following of attention and was well off enough. * so, pretty much the dream position. * she was also the behind-the-scenes developer of a lot of stuff in her friend's story series. * that was something I could really see myself doing. * so I kinda ended up idolizing her. * not really sure what was up in me but I ended up imitating her in a lot of ways. * some really subtle. my blog site's look is based on hers.. * and in part my blog started in the first place because I saw hers. * others not so much. iI took her writing style and copied it for myself. * and went so far as to use her excuse of keeping the Old Style on my blog * and her talking style too I think, in general. * maybe I was just talking weirdly because of the whole idolizing state I was in. * a really close friend of mine saw what was up, though. * she snapped me out of it when the time was right. * it took me a little but I realized how strangely I just, was, through it all. * it was kinda embarassing. besides mortifying. * but it passed, and I've been careful to stay true to myself since then. * so I guess I learned from it. * but sometimes I wonder if it kinda messed with me. * since then I met some other people on the internet. * like, actually talked to, basically became friends with. * and by chance, not Oh My Gosh I want to Be Like this person. * but I hesitate to interact with them. * when I go to post a compliment on art they made or stuff like that, * I remember how I used to kinda talk the same way to that idol person. * and I wonder if I'm falling into the same traps with these people * who I'd like to just, call my friends, as friends, not..idolizing. * it doesn't help that I wonder if I'm.. * giving off a vibe of idolization, * by leaving a compliment on art they put time and effort into. * this is probably all super dumb and I'm worrying over nothing but * that old stuff feels like it's still messing with me now, right? * I just wish I could be confident it isn't. * hmf. guess the only way to do that is by getting around it. * just.. don't even know what's right to do...