June 20th, 2017 * I discussed various Floraverse theories with a friend. * I read a ton of posts from the Animusic 3 Kickstarter. It's not a good idea; don't waste your time with it. * I worked on gathering notes and whatnot for my biography on AntVenom. Going through his Draw my Life video took nearly an hour for only twenty minutes of video. Such is research! * I made myself lunch, wow. It was a simple dish of salsa and (leftover) ground beef mixed together on top of bread, plus spinach. Unpopular opinion: butter is always better than margarine, except when on untoasted bread with chili or salsa. * I did a test in my geometry course. I'm just not sure if I already did the test earlier.. * I watched ""Speedrunning" Super Mario World in Under a Minute", by SethBling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz-c_vDubSE "Speedrunning" is between quotes, mind you. And with reason! It's a big hack, although it's arguably "fine".. technically. * I worked on http-music a bit, and made it play all of Tom7's music: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tom7/music/index.html * I discussed more stuff on Floraverse with the same friend. It's so significant it gets two entries!