June 16th, 2017 * I worked on my old cloud-screensaver program, and improved it a bit: https://twitter.com/towerofnix/status/875787617278808066 * I made a short Twitter thread about some comments I had on the various things I drew in a sketch from a few days earlier: https://twitter.com/towerofnix/status/874463281292902401 * I watched a world record speedrun of Dinnerbone's "How did we get here?" Minecraft challenge, played by Darn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEASgs-Qb6o * I worked on improving http-music's HTTP crawler a little, and wrote a man page for it. (Although now there's no man page for the local crawler, which doesn't seem very good..!) * I explored the downloaded-assets folder for Minecraft a bit and found the challenge-completed sound effect. It's quite nice. Actually, most of the sound effects added recently have fit well with Minecraft's style (well, except for the challenge-completed one, ironically), which is definitely good. * I read a bunch of old posts by Eevee; mainly her yearly level-up posts, as well as "I quit the tech industry": https://eev.ee/blog/2015/06/09/i-quit-the-tech-industry/ Jobs sound like the worst. It seems like doing anything you like for money (or even just for somebody else, and not yourself) tends to be terrible. (I've had a tiny bit of experience with that, myself; I once worked on a website for a not-quite-startup project by somebody I hardly know. It wasn't fun, and certainly didn't get me the same feeling I get when I'm working on something that's, like, my idea, and something I really /want/ to make.)