June 11th, 2017 * I read Teaching tech, by eevee: https://eev.ee/blog/2017/06/10/teaching-tech/ This is actually a really interesting post, since I just wrote a man page and a tiny guide for a project, and since I've gone through several programming books and courses. There's a bunch of sentences I'd take from that post; one of my favorites was "Too many concrete examples feel like rote memorization; too much abstract theory feels disconnected from anything tangible." I'd also think of this paragraph, though it's not quite as quote-like.. "The trouble is that I doubt a beginner would walk away from this feeling very enlightened. They might be closer to having the game they wanted, so there’s still value in it, but it feels closer to having someone else do it for them." * I watched A Simple Song, by patrickhadley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3b1bz_9gEo I'd heard of the mbira but never seen one. It's quite the interesting instrument!