June 9th, 2017 * I began an experiment with the recently released version of Minecraft's new way of programming things. I won't go into too much detail now, since it's mostly just a test project with the new code process; I did end up figuring out how to make a relatively simple (and even, dare I say, intuitive!) entity loop/parse with the new features: https://gist.github.com/towerofnix/8c7447ee1b54b7987eb1b57fcd35e977 * I read a bunch of trivia about Canada and read further on Wikipedia. (Apparently the only prime minister of the UK born outside of Britain was born in New Brunswick, though at the time it wasn't considered part of Canada. They only stayed in office for six months.. I didn't find out if that was connected to their place of origin. Hopefully it wasn't!) * I also read about doughnuts and various sorts of fried bread from around the world. For a while I got sidetracked and tried to figure out how to pronounce Norwegian words. (I couldn't even get "Norwegian" right, at first!) * I did another section of my literature course. The assignment was either to come up with a better name than "The Old Man and the Sea" or to write a synopsis of the story for the inside of a dust jacket; I chose the latter. (It's not easy to compete with a title like that, especially when it fits so well with Hemingway's writing style already!) The result was only a couple of paragraphs long, but that was alright, since it was designed for a dust jacket anyways. I'd have liked to make it flow a little less awkwardly (but I'm probably imagining it worse than it is). It turned out better than I expected, though, especially since I could hardly get myself to write anything not long previously.