June 5th, 2017 * I tried using the backpack in the Submachine hack. It didn't quite work, though, since you can't grab items from other games to put them into the backpack.. oops! I also worked on mapping Sub10 for a while. * I worked on some English. I didn't have much luck gathering ideas to write an essay on the book currently being read, unfortunately, which lead to - surprise - no essay. I could rant about this forever, but essentially it's just my fault for not grabbing a topic, hoping it works, and trying it out. * I watched the Apple WWDC 2017 keynote. Not much new is interesting with macOS; they're working on a new iMac, and for now are releasing slightly better iMacs and MacBook Pros. iOS for iPads has a new file manager, and drag/drop, which is nice. Other better productivity features for iPad/iOS as well. A new product - HomePod, a household speaker - was announced. It seems overrated, but I haven't had any experience with it, so who knows. Maybe it'll revolutionize music forever. * I read about the pictures on Brian Harvey's walls at his home and commented on them: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/2660412/ * I watched Blocking People in Real Life, by Tom Scott: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq7oauciBdc As usual, after watching any of Tom Scott's videos, one simple phrase can easily be muttered: "Oh dear." * I watched Extending Ulam Beyond Primes, by Jacob Yatsko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGTxXWFj-Lo I also worked on programming a thing based on it: https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/not-quite-ulom-again/5026835556270080 * I did some of my geometry course. Just a test on the Transformations chapter today.