June 3rd, 2017 * I watched two videos on what the whole Paris Agreement is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr2J_1J9w3A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WKoj-kodBw ..and read several comments on those videos. People are so willing to verbally attack each other if they think the other is stupid or if they disagree with that person, it's kind of saddening. * I went on a (not) gigantic trip, and went on a hike around town with a group of people - it was a sort of "historical play", as they put it. It was celebrating the 100th year anniversary of some club I know nothing about, as well as more-or-less the 150th year anniversary of Canada (of course, it wasn't *actually* Canada's anniversary). My sister won a drawing contest. (That was nice; she'd worked on it quite a number of hours into two consecutive nights.) I should probably draw at some point in the future, again.. * While on the trip, I wrote a short and incomplete guide to http-music. * I watched Why I Left, by Michelle Phan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuGpm01SPcA Putting "good luck" at the end, rather than, you know, "thanks for watching", really was.. nice.