May 28th, 2017 * I began a Scratch animation engine thing. It's based around anchors and costumes; probably the way most all animations are done in the real world. * I did a quiz on the general topic of waves in physical science. I started writing proper notes (as I do for my geometry); they’re helpful, but it’s a bit annoying that I didn’t start earlier. Oh well. * I merged Broadcast Vars into Scrap. Scrap is pretty much finished at this point. * I took a shot at making a `;#` interpreter: * I looked up Baiyon after a PixelJunk Eden track randomly played on iTunes. Apparently he collaborated with C418 to make the track 185! What a small world. * I discovered Eden Obscura, a new PixelJunk game. This is being made RIGHT NOW, so it'll be something to keep an eye out for! * I learned not to use the `fs-promise` NPM module anymore, since it's deprecated. Opt for `mz/fs` instead! * I read a blog post by eevee; it's quite ridiculously relatable and worth reading in general: * I read eevee's weekly update: "I'm feeling pretty good?" is generally the way I'd describe the days that go well for me, too. This was a comforting little paragraph to read: "I was held at gunpoint by glip and forced to help them design my own characters, which is, extremely cool and good. I’m starting to think they like doing creative work with me and think I have interesting ideas??" * I whined about a pull request that messed a little with default browser behaviour: It'll probably be merged anyways.