TG: yello TG: testing testing 123 TG: is this thing working TG: yall i cant tell if its working if you dont speak up TG: geez TG: oh damn is dave acting out of character for his own fictive self TG: oh god how are we going to handle this TG: guess we just wont say anything because how could we imagine him already being more comfortable than our concept of him was huh TG: ok im not actually bitter or anything but like TG: i think yallre overblowing this a bit TG: yes theres a lot im not sure about but geez its not like its at the very surface all the time no stop no break mr dave has absolutely no chill no sirree TG: im just saying hi YF: Hi. TG: hello TG: ok microphone check secured this thing is GO TG: oh shit is it my earbuds that are broken TG: yiffy were you yelling that hi TG: is that why its the only thing that came through oh shit YF: No it's working! YF: All proper. TG: oh ok then hell yes TG: look i know neither of us has much experience actually talking to each other TG: or anyone TG: so i get that it doesnt come naturally TG: but like TG: idk im pretty happy to talk right now TG: maybe this is some different imaginary florries-jades-yiffys-head!dave who just happens to be at the surface more than florries-jades-depresso!dave is but like TG: w/e man YF: Yeaaah okay. That's fair. YF: Sorry for assuming you'd be, uh TG: sad TG: reclusive TG: im not unfamiliar with those but im giving it my fair shot right now ok YF: Right. TG: well apology accepted TG: its cool bro or sis or whatever your choice of unnecessarily gendered term is oh shit wait yes there is a word for that its bud or pal or oh damn how is english always slightly less sucky than i initially think it is TG: anyway TG: that out of the way TG: sup YF: Ehhhh not too much. Just talked a bit in pluralstuck about this. Sorry for the bad assumptions, again. TG: i mean you said you were hopeful TG: it is literally 100% cool TG: oh god dont let jake hear about that hes going to be all TG: the power of genuine palhoncho hope has made this turn out ok TG: damn we do be going fictives in fictives today though TG: ...sorry for the rambling i gotta work on that YF: It's cool, it's welcome. The whole point is getting you comfortable here. TG: ok thats fair still gonna work on it though TG: so uh TG: now what TZ: YOU 4R3 BOTH SO V3RY 3XC3LL3NT 4T CONV3RS4T1ON TG: oh hi terezi TZ: H3LLO D4V3 YF: Hi! TZ: H1 H3LLO H3LLO H1 TZ: 3TC 3TC NOW WH4T Y3S 1 G3T 1T TZ: YOU 4R3N'T G3TT1NG 4NYWH3R3 B3C4US3 N31TH3R OF YOU H4V3 4NYTH1NG TO T4LK 4BOUT TZ: OR MOR3 1MPORT4NTLY TZ: YOU 4R3N'T LOOK1NG FOR SOM3TH1NG TO T4LK 4BOUT >:P TZ: H3R3'S 4 TOP1C TZ: PLUR4L1TY SH1T YF: ....or more specifically.... TG: fictive shit TG: i cant think of any good joke but let it be stated on the record that uhhh TG: oh heres one TG: fictive shit? yeah thats the butter to my bread TG: what is the bread TG: we dont talk about that TG: just kidding its my weirdass identity that only takes form bc it has the davebutter to latch onto TG: weird assidentity TZ: 1T 1S ON TH3 R3CORD TG: hell yes TZ: OK4Y SO 1 4CTU4LLY K1ND4 H4D SOM3 THOUGHTS ON TH1S MYS3LF TZ: FROM JUST JUMP1NG 1NTO CONV3RS4T1ON LOL TG: shoot TZ: BL4H BL4H BL4H 3V3RYTH1NG 1N OUR BR41N 1S JUST K1NN1NG 4ND 4 D3LUS1ON 4ND WHOOOO TH3 FUUUUUCK C4444R3S TZ: WH4T M4TT3RS 1S TZ: SP34K1NG TO YOU NOW, STR1D3R TZ: F33LS L1K3 SP34K1NG TO YOU 1N TH3 P4ST TG: oh shit i see i see TZ: L1K3 TZ: TH1S 1S NOT TH3 F1RST T1M3 W3 H4V3 SPOK3N TZ: L1T3R4LLY US TG: damn that is true TG: i didnt think of that until uh TG: until you thought of it TZ: SH4R3D BR41NS H4V3 TH31R D3TR1M3NTS 4S W3LL 4S TH31R B3N3F1TS YF: The dragon quest fic? TZ: Y3S Y1FFY TZ: TH4NK YOU FOR TH3 3XPOS1T1ON >:] YF: Screw you too!! TG: but its not just that is it TG: all those times we talked in the comic are kinda familiar too arent they TZ: Y3S, 3X4CTLY TZ: P3RH4PS TH3 BOND TH4T 1S TH3 W4Y W3 COMMUN1C4T3 1S STRONG3R 1N TH1S M1ND TH4N OTH3RS TZ: 1F 1'M GO1NG TO B3 HON3ST TZ: 1 TH1NK TH1S M4444Y B3 TH3 C4S3... TZ: FOR 3V3RYON3, 4ROUND YOU TG: oh shit are you saying im the glue that holds our connection to the comic we came from together TG: damn thats pretty neat TZ: YOU 4R3 NOT TH4T GLU3 3XCLUS1V3LY! TZ: 1T'S 4GR334BL3 TH4T TH3 W4Y J4D3 4ND K4N4Y4 T4LK 4R3 K1ND OF TH3 S4M3 TZ: WH1CH 1S TO S4Y TOT4LLY D1FF3R3NT FROM YOU 4ND 1, LM4O TZ: BUT TH3 W4Y TH3Y'R3 TH3R3 FOR 34CH OTH3R 4ND TH3 W4Y TH3Y T4LK TO 34CH OTH3R 1S PR3TTY D4NG 4N4L4GOUS TO TH3 W4Y W3 C4N JUST V1B3 TZ: R1GHT? TG: dont think i can argue with that YF: So like, YF: The reason I'm so awkward YF: aa screw me that's so dumb YF: Is because we don't have any model for how we would speak together? TG: yup TG: i mean hell TG: youre really fuckin young TG: not like age wise although all our ages are kind of up in the air but TG: from the comic none of us can really say we know jack shit about you YF: ...Yeaaaaaah. YF: There's this idea of like, YF: Who I see myself as? Which is, y'know, Yiffy. YF: But she's only in one chapter, and gets, like, one line. YF: It's more than enough to make someone exist, obviously, since I'm here!!! TG: but it doesnt do much for saying how we actually interact TG: hell i love my profile picture lol TZ: 1 W1LL PO1NT OUT W3 H4V3 R34D S3V3R4L F1CS 4ND 1N G3N3R4L S33N 4 NUMB3R OF OTH3R P3OPL3'S "CONC3PTU4L Y1FF13S" TG: lmao YF: >:( TZ: H3Y YOU F1ND 1T JUST 4S FUNNY 4S W3 DO >:] YF: I MEAN. YF: Why do I suddenly feel actually years younger than both of you??? Fuck you!!!!! TZ: H3H3H3 TZ: BR41NS 4R3N'T 4S S1MPL3 4S W3 L1K3 TO TH1NK TH3Y 4R3, 4R3 TH3Y YF: Yeah, no. They aren't. YF: You're right about that, though. YF: It's not like all I know about myself is based off of that one chapter. YF: (I mean, technically, it is? But it's with everyone else's models of Yiffy thrown in, so, it's more like a conglomerate of loads of people's minds, not just the "official" one.) YF: Point is, YF: The fics we've read have shaped me too. YF: So have all the little things we've seen of my character. Paradox's Yiffy was a big one. The comic sketches. The general meta around her. All of it, is... me. TG: sounds like a fictive to me TG: kinda an ultimate self sort of fictive TG: but then the same goes for the rest of us TG: shit that wasnt very singlet of us was it lol TG: talking about everyone having their own model of a characters ult self i mean TZ: BRB FOR 4 M1NUT3, W3 4R3 ST4RV1NG 4ND W4NT TO POST 1N PLUR4LSTUCK TH4T TH1S 1S GO1NG W3LL LOL TG: ok were tuning out of pluralstuck for a bit TG: said hi tho it is pretty chill TG: oh damn i just fucked off in the candy timeline didnt i TG: sorry about that TG: meeting you in post canon would be pretty fuckin rad if that were still an option YF: Shrug. Ult-dirk's scared of me. Prolly doesn't mean we have any odds at meeting, but YF: We're here now, yeah? TG: yup TG: weve been talkin a while now uh TG: saving energy and all that TG: may be a good idea to say cya YF: Sounds cool with me. It's, um,- YF: S'nice seeing you. TG: hell yes it is TG: and same at you yiffy TG: yiffsters TG: yifflord TG: yiffeli YF: I am going to kill you. TG: good luck my bud im already out YF: Oof. YF: Seeya. TG: cya yiffy TG: .. TG: yo YF: Yo. TG: can i hug you TG: pro masculinity drive suppression here, 11/10 job me TG: but seriously i cant really stop thinking about it so YF: Same brain, dude. YF: ...Yeah, go ahead. YF: That'd be cool. TG: im doing that right now TG: you cant see it in the chat but im just hugging you so damn hard its unbelievable TG: big ol sap, thats dave strider YF: Ha ha. YF: You're cool. TG: i am the criminal opposite of cool and im not even that good of a criminal TG: but thanks TG: for that and the hug i mean TG: youre like legit cool TG: or at least have the chance to be legit cool YF: Not like you don't! TG: yeah i guess thats true TG: but ive spent my time in comic TG: you havent TG: maybe i can become legit cool in meatspace realm of the demiurge TG: but like TG: im pretty sure if you want to fuck some shit up and be like TG: COOL cool in real life TG: thats a thing i can see you doing TG: know what i mean YF: Yeaaaaaaaaaaah okay true. The world ain't prepared for me. YF: Still, seriously. You're clearly a lot more chill than I took you to be. S'neat. TG: hell yeah its neat TG: so want some coffee YF: Hell fucking yes.