DAVE: uhhhh fuck TEREZI: WH4TS UP DAVE: the treasury doors locked TEREZI: R34LLY TEREZI: 1N TH4T C4S3 1 R3COMM3ND TEREZI: H4V3 YOU TR13D A K3Y >:] DAVE: yes i have tried a key thank you very much DAVE: turns out our magic key of totally righteous and or understandable thievery doesnt work on this door TEREZI: WH4444T DAVE: yup TEREZI: D4NG TEREZI: W3LL TEREZI: 4S MUCH OF 4N 1NCONV3N13NC3 TH1S MOST C3RT41NLY 1S 4T PR3S3NT TEREZI: 4T L34ST TH1S 1MPL13S TH3R3 MUST B3 4N 3V3N B3TT3R K3Y OUT TH3R3 TEREZI: TH3N W3 C4N UNLOCK 4444LL TH3 DOORS >:] DAVE: well yeah thats technically possible DAVE: but couldnt this door just be locked like with an enchantment or something TEREZI: 1F 1T W4S LOCK3D W1TH 4 SP3LL 1T WOULD H4V3 OP3N3D W1TH TH1S K3Y TEREZI: 1T FOLLOWS TH4T 1T 1S JUST 4 R34LLY GOOD ORD1N4RY LOCK DAVE: but doesnt this key work on ordinary doors?? TEREZI: T3LL M3 O 1NCR3D1BL3 V1S1ON C4P4BL3 HUM4N TEREZI: H4V3 YOU B33N P4Y1NG 4NY 4TT3NT1ON TO TH3 DOORS W3V3 B33N UNLOCK1NG DAVE: uhhhhh TEREZI: 4R3 TH3R3 4NY S1M1L4R1T13S YOU H4V3 NOT1C3D 4CROSS 3V3RY S1NGL3 ON3 OF TH3M DAVE: uh TEREZI: Y3S S33 TEREZI: TH3Y 4R3 4LL TEREZI: 3X4CTLY TEREZI: TH3 TEREZI: S4M3 >:] DAVE: oh come on TEREZI: TH3Y 4R3 4LL 4 V3RY D33PLY R1CH CR1MSON COLOR TEREZI: NOW T3LL M3 TEREZI: WH4T COLOR 1S TH1S DOOR DAVE: its like DAVE: gray DAVE: kinda looks like a giant door to some high security slammer cell DAVE: terezi you obviously can smell this or whatever TEREZI: Y3S TH4T 1S TRU3 1 JUST L1K3 H34R1NG YOUR D3SCR1PT1ONS >B] TEREZI: TH3R3FOR3, CONS1D3R TEREZI: P3RH4PS TH3R3 1S 4 K3Y OUT TH3R3 WH1CH W1LL L3T US OP3N 3V3RY DOOR OF TH1S K1ND >:] DAVE: ok so DAVE: are you telling its our destiny to actuate literal jailbreaks left and right DAVE: with the bonus of high level loot access TEREZI: Y3S TH4T 1S 3X4CTLY WH4T 1 4M S4Y1NG! TEREZI: PR3TTY 3XC1T1NG HUH >:] DAVE: i mean yeah DAVE: means we still cant get through this door right now though DAVE: which sucks TEREZI: SUR3 1T SUCKS TEREZI: BUT 1 KNOW YOU 4R3 JUST 4S 1NT3R3ST3D 1N FUTUR3 TR34SUR3 HUNTS 4S MUCH 4S 4NY TR4V3LL3D 4DV3NTUR3R TEREZI: YOU W1LL B3 1NC4P4BL3 OF R3S1ST1NG TH3 URG3 TO K33P R34L PHYS1C4L NOT3 OF 3V3RY 4THL3T1C D3T3NT1ON DOOR YOU COM3 4CROSS DAVE: yeah yeah DAVE: ill probably beeline for the prisons of every town weve been to so far DAVE: and when we reach any new town with a population greater than like five my first thought DAVE: or even the thought which brings me into that town in the first place DAVE: is going to be dang gotta go look for the prison wonder what kinda treasure theyre hiding down there DAVE: or what criminals slash wrongfully imprisoned potential anime heros i can break out DAVE: you got it t-z TEREZI: 1 DO GOT 1T 1 KN3W 1T! >:] DAVE: but like still DAVE: means we cant get in here now DAVE: thats only gonna happen when we even find that key DAVE: and by that point well probably have been to every town in the world already DAVE: i kinda doubt anyone would just keep some ultimate jail key lying around for us to nab off their kitchen counter TEREZI: Y3S TH4T M4Y B3 TH3 C4S3 TEREZI: 1N F4CT W3 M4Y NOT F1ND SUCH 4 K3Y UNT1L S4V1NG TH3 WORLD! DAVE: what TEREZI: SORRY D4V3 TEREZI: TH3MS TH3 RUL3S TEREZI: YOU C4NT L3T 4DV3NTUR3RS JUST STOP 4DV3NTUR1NG 4FT3R FULF1LL1NG TH31R PR1M4RY D3ST1NY TEREZI: SO W3 W1LL 4LMOST C3RT41NLY B3 G3TT1NG SOM3 POST WORLD S4V3D STUFF TO DO TOO TEREZI: SUCH 4S PR1SON ROBB1NG >:] DAVE: since when was the plan to save the world TEREZI: OH COM3 ON TEREZI: D1D YOU 3V3R R34LLY 3XP3CT TH4T NOT TO B3 TH3 PL4N DAVE: i DAVE: well DAVE: i mean yeah thats an awesome plan and all DAVE: i was never even considering thinking that big though TEREZI: Y34H R1GHT TEREZI: NOT TO PR3SSUR3 YOU BUT TEREZI: YOU H4V3 L1T3R4LLY B33N TR4PP3D 1N TH1S C4STL3 4LL YOUR L1F3 UNT1L L1K3 4 W33K 4GO TEREZI: H4V3 YOU *S3R1OUSLY* N3V3R CONS1D3R3D S4V1NG TH3 WORLD TEREZI: OR 4T L34ST 1MPL3M3NT1NG SOM3 K1ND OF 1NT3RN4T1ON4LLY 3NFORC3D RUL3 TO PR3V3NT TH1S K1ND OF 3FF3CT1V3 1MPR1SONM3NT FROM OCCURR1NG TO OTH3R ROY4LTY/K1DS DAVE: i DAVE: yeah fine sure ok you got it DAVE: you know what alright DAVE: lets make that my epic destiny DAVE: global law enforcement gods who totally exist here i come TEREZI: TH4TS TH3 SP1R1T TEREZI: YOU DONT SM3LL L1K3 YOU M34N 1T THOUGH >:\ DAVE: oh dang sorry gotta keep closer watch on that dishonesty scented pheromone gland DAVE: but yeah terezi like DAVE: i dunno DAVE: treasure hunting and prison breaks sound great and all DAVE: and like legit those are things id probably love to do honestly DAVE: saving the world though DAVE: or doing anything on that scale DAVE: or any real deal scale DAVE: sounds impossible and like way too much to even think about DAVE: i mean what am i going to do write a scroll with a list of reasons why keeping a child locked in a castle where they remain highly privileged and respected is still a sucky thing to do DAVE: drop that on an altar somewhere DAVE: and pray that whatever gods are out there actually interact with *human politics* in response to such a petty miniscule request too TEREZI: 1T S33MS L1K3 4 F41RLY M1N1M4L R3QU3ST SUCH 4S TH4T WOULD B3 MOR3 L1K3LY TO B3 CONS1D3R3D 1N CONTR4ST TO SOM3TH1NG L1K3 1NST4NT4N3OUSLY T34R1NG DOWN 3V3RY MON4RCHY PL4GU1NG OUR WORLD >:? DAVE: gods have literally never actively done anything for us once DAVE: save for resurrecting destined kings according to legendary tales or whatever DAVE: there is no way to turn to them for help here DAVE: and frankly they dont sound like an awesome bunch of all powerful magic dudes anyway TEREZI: W3LL YOU T4K3 WH4T YOU G3T TEREZI: NOT TH4T TH4T 1SNT WH4T W3R3 TRY1NG TO 4TT4CK H3R3 1N TH3 F1RST PL4C3 >:/ DAVE: yeah exactly DAVE: but like DAVE: how else are we going to do anything to help DAVE: since thats impossible its basically a dumb goal TEREZI: D4V3 HON3STLY... TEREZI: 1 DONT KNOW TEREZI: BUT 1 TH1NK 1T WOULD B3 DUMB TO NOT 4SP1R3 TO B1G GO4LS JUST B3C4US3 OF SOM3 P3RC31V3D 1MPOSS1B1L1TY F4CTOR TEREZI: SUR3 W3 M1GHT NOT B3 4BL3 TO COMMUN3 W1TH TH3 GODS TO H3LP US OUT TEREZI: (1 DO TH1NK TH4T 1S ST1LL 4N OPT1ON ON TH3 T4BL3 THOUGH) TEREZI: BUT 3V3N SO 1SNT TH4T ST1LL SOM3TH1NG YOU W4NT DAVE: well yeah TEREZI: S4Y W3 C4NNOT 1MM3D14T3LY SOLV3 PROBL3MS ON V3RY L4RG3 SC4L3S TEREZI: DO3S TH4T N3C3SS4R1LY M34N W3 C4NT 4PPRO4CH THOS3 PROBL3MS D1FF3R3NTLY DAVE: ... DAVE: sure? TEREZI: LOOK, CONS1D3R TH1S TEREZI: W3 PROB4BLY C4NNOT 1SSU3 OUT 4 COMM4ND TO M4K3 SUR3 3V3RYBODY H4S FR33 4CC3SS TO TH3 WORLD TEREZI: 4ND 3V3N 1F W3 D1D TH4T FR4NKLY WOULD JUST G3T 1GNOR3D TEREZI: M4YB3 GODS WOULD SM1T3 DOWN 4NY C1V1L1Z4T1ONS TH4T DONT CONC3D3 TO TH3 B3ST OF TH31R 4B1L1T13S BUT HON3STLY TH4T DO3SNT SOUND L1K3 4N 4W3SOM3 SOLUT1ON 31TH3R TEREZI: BUT TEREZI: 4ND 4LW4YS CONS1D3R TH3 BUTS, D4V3 >:] DAVE: will do TEREZI: BUT WH4T 1F YOU, L1K3 TEREZI: W3NT 4ROUND C4STL3S 4ND B1G TOWNS TEREZI: 4DVOC4T1NG FOR L3TT1NG 4NYON3 3XPLOR3 TH3 WORLD 4ND L34RN WHO TH3Y W4NT TO B3 THROUGH TH4T TEREZI: TH3 1D34 1TS3LF MUST NOT B3 TOO H4RD TO S3LL DAVE: so like DAVE: spreading the good word of change TEREZI: Y34H! DAVE: i guess thats a more realistic approach DAVE: but like DAVE: terezi DAVE: who am i TEREZI: SOM3ON3 1NT3R3ST3D 1N M4K1NG TH1NGS B3TT3R WHO H4S TH3 W1LLPOW3R 4ND 4DV3NTUR1NG PROW3SS R3QU1R3D TO DO SO >:? DAVE: right DAVE: but also DAVE: im royalty DAVE: and im going around preaching for the better treatment DAVE: of royalty?? DAVE: we already have so so much more than most civilians DAVE: hell we have the guaranteed opportunity to even BE civilians in the first place DAVE: like ok maybe we have to deal with some problems like enforced destiny or whatever DAVE: but there are so many way bigger problems to solve that other people struggle through DAVE: and honestly were mostly blind to them! TEREZI: BL1NDN3SS JOK3 H3R3 Y4DD4 Y4DD4 TEREZI: SORRY D4V3 1 H34R YOU DAVE: uh huh yeah sorry DAVE: but seriously DAVE: isnt it unsensitive of me to advocate for awareness of problems that affect the literal highest class more than anyone else TEREZI: 1 TH1NK YOUR3 M4K1NG TH3 4SSUMPT1ON TH3R3 TEREZI: WH4T DO YOU TH1NK 4 F4RM3RS SON 1S GO1NG TO GROW UP TO B3 DAVE: well statistically DAVE: a farmer TEREZI: Y3S, 3X4CTLY TEREZI: 4ND 4 BL4CKSM1THS K1D DAVE: probably also a smith TEREZI: S33 TEREZI: TH1S WHOL3 "3NFORC3D D3ST1NY" TH1NG 1S W4Y MOR3 W1D3SPR34D OF 4 PROBL3M TH4N YOU H4V3 CONS1D3R3D TEREZI: WH1CH M4YB3 PO1NTS TO YOUR PR1V1L3G3 4S ROY4LTY MOR3 TH4N 4NYTH1NG 3LS3! DAVE: ok but ive been kept figuratively locked out of civilization for most of my life DAVE: so DAVE: no? TEREZI: 1ND33D TEREZI: BUT SO 4R3 4LMOST 4LL ROY4LTY TEREZI: 3V3N 1F YOU 4R3 MOR3 D1R3CTLY K3PT FROM OBS3RV1NG 4NYON3 OUTS1D3 YOUR OWN SOC14L BOUND4R13S TEREZI: C4N YOU 1M4G1N3 TH4T TH3 S4M3 1S NOT 3FF3CT1V3LY TRU3 OF 4NYON3 3LS3 WHO SP3NDS TH3 MOST OF TH31R T1M3 W1TH1N C4STL3 BOUND4R13S TEREZI: TH3Y 4R3 S3GR3G4T1NG TH3MS3LV3S FROM TH3 R34L1TY OF TH3 POPUL4T1ONS M4JOR1TY B3C4US3 OF SOC14L 3XP3CT4T1ON 4ND COND1T1ON1NG TO DO SO TEREZI: YOU 4R3 NOT S3LF S3GR3G4T3D L1K3 TH3Y 4R3, WH1CH M34NS YOU H4V3 4 LOT MOR3 DR1V3 4ND STUBBORN W1LL TO S33 4ND F1X PROBL3MS TEREZI: WH1CH 1S V3RY GOOD! 1T M4K3S YOU 4N 3XC3LL3NT C4ND1D4T3 FOR DO1NG JUST TH4T TEREZI: BUT 1T 4LSO M34NS YOU 4R3 N34RLY 4S BL1ND 4S TH3M, B3C4US3 YOU H4V3 N3V3R TRULY S33N OTH3R P3OPL3S L1V3S TEREZI: 3V3N 1, 4S 4 PR13ST WHO H4S H34RD M4NY M4NY P3OPL3S CONF3SS1ONS 4ND SORROWS, H4V3 H4RDLY S33N TH3 L1V3S OF MOST TEREZI: NOR H4V3 1 SM3LL3D TH3M >:P TEREZI: 4NYW4Y, MY PO1NT 1S TEREZI: YOUR DR1V3 1S 4BSOLUT3LY WORTH CH3R1SH1NG 4ND PR4CT1C1NG TEREZI: BUT YOU H4V3 S33N R3L4T1V3LY L1TTL3 OF L1V3S B3S1D3S YOUR OWN TEREZI: SO YOU DONT H4V3 TH3 P3RSP3CT1V3 R3QU1R3D TO M4K3 1NFORM3D D3C1S1ONS OV3R WH1CH OF YOUR 1D34S 4ND HOP3S TO SHUT DOWN OR 1GNOR3 B3C4US3 YOU 4R3 "TOO ROY4L" TEREZI: B3L13V3 1T OR NOT, MOST 1D34S FOR 1MPROV1NG TH3 WORLD 4R3 GROUND3D 1N 4CTU4L PROBL3MS TH4T 4R3 WORTH SOLV1NG TEREZI: PROBL3MS TH4T 4R3 4 LOT MOR3 W1D3SPR34D TH4N YOU M4Y H4V3 CONS1D3R3D TEREZI: SO! D4V3 TEREZI: 1 DONT W4NT TO S33 YOU D3C1D1NG NOT TO M4K3 US3 OF YOUR 4B1L1T13S 4ND OPPORTUN1T13S TEREZI: JUST B3C4US3 YOU TH1NK 4NY 1SSU3S YOU COULD TRY OR BURN1NGLY W4NT TO SOLV3 4R3 TOO SM4LL OR F4K3 OR PR1V3L1G3D OR WH4T3V3R TEREZI: T4LK W1TH P3OPL3 B3FOR3 D3C1D1NG WH4T PROBL3MS 4R3NT WORTH 4DDR3SS1NG! DAVE: ... DAVE: god DAVE: yeah DAVE: alright that actually makes sense TEREZI: 1 TRY >:] DAVE: so DAVE: get more perspective DAVE: and use that in addition to talking with actual people about what problems need solving DAVE: and then advocate for those? TEREZI: Y3S, TH4TS TH3 1D34 DAVE: ok DAVE: like... DAVE: huh DAVE: i guess that actually lines up with my whole attitude and master plan of like DAVE: roaming the world and being free of my stupid bedroom DAVE: cuz im actually getting to talk to people finally so i can find out what their lives are like DAVE: and maybe use that to work out ways to actually make solutions happen TEREZI: Y3S! TEREZI: YOUR D3S1R3 TO G3T OUT 4ND S33 TH3 WORLD MOST C3RT41NLY DO3S F1T W3LL W1TH 4CTU4LLY H3LP1NG 1T TEREZI: (WOW WHY 4R3 4LL OF 3NGL1SHS PHR4S3S SOM3HOW CONN3CT3D TO V1S1ON) TEREZI: (1S L1T3R4L S1GHT TH4T 1MPORT4NT TO OUR SOC13TY) DAVE: (yes it sucks) TEREZI: (R1GHT?) TEREZI: 4NYW4Y, 1N 3XPLOR1NG TH3 WORLD YOULL D3F1N1T3LY 1NH3R3NTLY P1CK UP ON TH4T TEREZI: BUT 4LSO NOW YOULL HOP3FULLY TRY TO B3 MOR3 4CT1V3LY 4W4R3 TOO! TEREZI: 1T C4N ONLY H3LP DAVE: honestly yeah youre right TEREZI: PLUS 1F YOU 3V3R DROP SL4CK R3G4RD1NG TH4T TEREZI: 1LL B3 4ROUND TO PO1NT OUT TH1NGS YOU M1GHT NOT B3 NOT1C1NG TOO >:] TEREZI: TH4TS WHY 1TS SO 1MPORT4NT TO T4LK TO OTH3R P3OPL3!! DAVE: ...yeah DAVE: seriously DAVE: thanks t-z DAVE: sounds kinda like we might be able to actually tackle some problems after all TEREZI: Y34H! TEREZI: 1N 4DD1T1ON TO TR34SUR3 HUNT1NG 4S PL4NN3D, OBV1OUSLY >:] DAVE: yup yup TEREZI: 4NYW4Y, OF COURS3 TEREZI: 1M 4LW4YS GL4D TO T4LK 4BOUT TH1S STUFF DAVE: dang DAVE: honestly DAVE: im convinced DAVE: same TEREZI: Y3SSSS >:]