Terezi: WHY 1S TH3 C4STL3 S1L3NT Terezi: WH3R3 1S 3V3RYBODY Dave: i have no idea i dont see anyone Terezi: SM3LLS L1K3 MURD3R Dave: murder Dave: like Dave: times 1000 Terezi: Y3S Dave: ok but Dave: there is literally no sign of battle or death here anywhere Dave: are you making that up or are you seeing something im not Terezi: D4V3 1 C4NNOT S33 4ND YOU KNOW TH1S, 1 H4V3 TOLD YOU COUNTL3SS T1M3S Terezi: 4NYW4Y 1 S41D 1 SM3LL3D 1T Dave: ok fine im not smelling anything though Terezi: TH4T 1S B3C4US3 YOUR NOS3 1S BL1ND Terezi: 1T H4S NOT H4D Y34RS OF TR41N1NG L1K3 M1N3 >:] Terezi: BUT F1N3 1 CONC3D3 TH3R3 1S NOT MUCH TO 4CTU4LLY SM3LL H3R3, YOU 4R3 R1GHT 1N OBS3RV1NG TH4T NO B4TTL3 H4S OCCURR3D ON TH3S3 PR3M1S3S Terezi: HOW3V3R Terezi: H4V3 YOU CONS1D3R3D TH4T SUCH M4Y H4V3 OCCURR3D 3LS3WH3R3 Dave: so like the castle people were all led into a trap Terezi: Y3S 3X4CTLY Dave: i mean sure thats possible Dave: but couldnt they have just gone somewhere they actually planned on going Dave: like Dave: no genocide involved Terezi: TH4T 1S C3RT41NLY POSS1BL3 BUT N31TH3R OF US H4V3 H34RD OF 4NYTH1NG L1K3 TH4T B31NG PL4NN3D Terezi: NOT TH4T 1'D 3XP3CT 4NYON3 TO T3LL M3 BUT COM3 ON Terezi: WOULDN'T TH3 H1GH PR13ST H4V3 KNOWN 1F TH3 C4STL3 W3R3 GO1NG TO P1CK 1TS3LF UP 4ND TR4V3L L1K3 TH3 B4Z44R Terezi: YOU'R3 K1ND OF 1MPORT4NT Terezi: NOT TO M3NT1ON 1 NOT1C3 TH3 C4STL3 1TS3LF H4S D3C1D3DLY NOT MOV3D FROM 1TS STRUCTUR4L ROOTS H3R3, WH1CH 1 TH1NK M4K3S TH3 NOT1ON 1MPOSS1BL3 1N 4ND OF 1TS3LF Dave: ok geez first off Dave: i have no idea if they think im even that important Dave: like yeah medieval priests are basically the leaders of society etc etc Dave: but im not convinced thats actually the case here im basically clueless about everything too Dave: and second Dave: obviously the castles not going to move gimme a break Dave: that has nothing to do with everyone leaving Terezi: BUT DO3SNT 1T >:? Terezi: 1 WOULDN'T L34V3 MY S3TTL3M3NT 4ND HOM3 OUT OF FR33 W1LL W1THOUT SOM3 V3RY GOOD R34SONS Terezi: WH1CH 1 DO H4V3, Y3S Terezi: BUT 1 DON'T S33 WHY 4LL TH3 C4STL3 P3OPL3 WOULD TOO, UNL3SS SOM3 R3M4RK4BLY 3FF3CT1V3 R3B3LL1ON SPONT4N3OUSLY OCCURR3D WH1L3 W3 W3R3 4W4Y Terezi: 4ND Y3S TH4T WOULD B3 AW3SOM3 Terezi: 4ND 1T COULD C3RT41NLY 3XPL41N TH3 F13RC3 SC3NT OF MURD3R 1N TH3 M3T4PHOR1C4L 41R Terezi: BUT 1T JUST S33MS R3L4T1V3LY UNL1K3LY Dave: i mean yeah they probably wouldnt leave permanently but they couldve left just recently Dave: going on a castlewide weekend vacation to endor or whatever Dave: consider it its possible Terezi: 1 GU3333SS Terezi: ST1LL Terezi: NOT CONV1NC3D Terezi: PROB4BLY MURD3R BY V1RTU3 OF MY F4NT4ST1C D3DUCT1ON SK1LLS Terezi: WH1CH 1 4M CHOOS1NG NOT TO CL4R1FY 4T TH1S MOM3NT Terezi: SORRY >:] Dave: ok thats fair Dave: anyway lets loot this castle Terezi: BUT WH4T 1F TH3Y COM3 B4CK 4ND W3'V3 T4K3N 4LL TH31R STUFF >:? Dave: what Dave: you just said theyre all dead Terezi: 1 D1D Dave: but ok fine Dave: how about just the treasury Dave: the guards are gone and whatever dumb stuff theyve hidden there almost definitely hasnt been used for like Dave: millenia Dave: so i say lets take it Terezi: Y3S 1 4GR33 TH3R3 Terezi: L3T'S >:]