TYSON, CHIROTA, JULIE JULIE: Yum, this is so delicious I don't think I can stand it! TYSON: YEAaaah TYSON: SUpah DUpah CHIROTA: ScrumpciouS CHIROTA: you know we're not very far from mIracle mountaIn CHIROTA: I waS thInkIng that maybe It'S tIme we should get a move on JULIE: I shthay that no enterprishe of great importshance should ever be undershtaken on an empty shtomach! TYSON: MOST certainly TYSON: I COULdnt agree with you more sis TYSON: LETS have another doddermellon - TYSON: HEY TYSON: WHAT the heck??? TYSON: UHh - GIGER: Hiiiiiiiiii- - GIGER: YA! - TYSON: HEY TYSON: WHATs all this in need of? HUh?? JULIE: You think you can get away with this behavior just 'cuz you're a little kid?! CHIROTA: yeah you Shouldnt go around annoying your olderS and betterS! - GIGER: I'll grant you the "olders" part, but my betters don't sneak around stealing watermelons. TYSON: HOW dare you! GIGER: Watermelon thieves can expect NO forgiveness. TYSON: ONe thing you gotta LEarn is respect, KID. TYSON: YAh. YAh. YAh. - TYSON: HOLy MOly?? GIGER: Now it's MY turn to attack! - CHIROTA: that'S one SkIllful lIttle boy GIGER: Alright, WHO'S NEXT?! Front and center! CHIROTA: not me! Im behInd hIm, to the SIde! JULIE: Hmhm, now look. JULIE: We're sorry. JULIE: We stole your watermelons. JULIE: Our lives will be filled with guilty feelings forever, okay? TYSON: OH BOy does that hurt.. FATHER: Well done, Giger! GIGER: Father! - FATHER: That was indeed a famous victory! GIGER: Heheh. - GIGER: THIS will be the spoils of my victory. TYSON: YOur what?? FATHER: Ye lost the match. Therefore, ye must present yer sword to the victor. FATHER: These are the rules governin fencing matches around these parts. TYSON: HEy there's something wrong with your EYes, mister. TYSON: THAT aint no sword, it's an axe! * * * * Kay gonna quit with typing styles cuz they're bad. * * * * JULIE: (What a very interesting rule.) JULIE: Oh please, forgive us! TYSON: Huh?? What gives? JULIE: Get down on the gravel and grovel, you imbeciles! JULIE: Since you have such a strong and skillful son, noble sir, I presume that you yourself are a highly accomplished swordsman. GIGER: I'll have you know my father's the greatest blade of his day and age! JULIE: Ah! Then I was right! JULIE: I wonder if it might be possible to ask a favor of a swordsman of such renown? GIGER: A favor...? FATHER: Just what might it be?