aut. whisper - back

This is a letter Whisper wrote to offer a little comfort after our friend told us they'd suffered an especially bad day, and, though unresponsive, would like to just get spoken to.

all is well and smooth here. we are neither busy nor burdened today, only casually reading-studying. - [hug-sentiment w/o intruding personal space] -

presently ... reading about an early controversial redesign for safari-web browser's tabs....

"controversial" in quotes ^^; s'merely ui design. we are exploring current opinions of the time

was-distracted: we explored some settings in safari and realized: "enable quick website search." we remembered: this is a feature of th'web... to type for example - "wiki aardvark" - n'get suggestion, "search Wikipedia for: aardvark"

so... drafted a simple implementation of this for hsmusic... n'this worked ^^

last night - we had tacos (tm, of a taco kit (tm))

was quite good. leftover ground beef, uncooked—will prepare into hamburger helper (tm; box pasta, really, but with meat n'tomato-ish spices) - soon, lunch. we... are not sure anyone else in house enjoys this dish... but, we do ^^

s'collectively our and our-mom's favorite quick-'n-simple meal. she is at work - but there will be leftovers. probably.

do not remember our yesterday at all... 'scept for, was up too late - watching a perhaps-new-friend play full-playthrough of a kingdom hearts 2 randomizer

was very relaxed. found - didn't need to speak much to engage - she was happy to share and describe and detail the randomizer, and the game

we were up til 1:30 and slept at most five hours. was worth-it ^^;

finding - days at home, mostly alone - not so challenging. believe she is working most if-not all days next week, so... will see then...

believe may've been tangle present, most yesterday. almost no memories of the day, but a sense that she is - having a somewhat easier time than she suspected - ah, right...

we are of course - trying to engage'n assist more, with leopard. (scratch to javascript, mainly by pulljosh.) couple days ago we (lanolin?) found difficulties in - concern of being "too wordy", too technical, too narrowly present

we are trying to - internalize a difficult, but powerful sentiment: things become more natural - with more time, with more experience. no brainer, but... easy to forget when s'confusing or challenging in-the-now... ^^

n'so lanolin found sleep despite concern, unease, worry that we are scaring others from hearing us or continuing own-discussions; found sleep knowing s'probably less rational than it feels and would be easier with time

th'next day - yesterday...

tangle went to work on - issuefication-zone - dealing with small-fixes, filing things for note later... s'not their most favorite task but they badly wished to help

however, first thing-to-file was... thing requiring some nuance, upon closer look... ^^

tangle explored this on-own for some time, n'brought up in discussion - various concerns, angles, points of view...

in-end came to a rather personally confident conclusion, based on points raised, some discussion with others, 'n own feelings

she admitted something aloud: she has a habit of depending on someone else - to provide a validation of her own opinion, her own perspective, synthesis, conclusion

don't think she believes this is innately a bad thing, a problem... but - she realized - she does not put enough weight on her own views, in her own right

n'so... she left the conversation, once putting her perspective and decision, without another directly validating her

(discussion simply was over, not none but neither great amount of participation from others)

and despite this: managed not to get caught on it, like usual: "why did no one validate my view? why did no one give it any weight? why did i say this all for nothing?" - common thoughts for her, but mostly bypassed yesterday, because...

she validated her own view. she gave it weight. she used it to make a decision. ^^

suppose most-of this was subconscious, but felt-'n-feels nice to see. significant to her.

mmm, this is... about all s'new with us...

'course- no worries nor pressure to read/parse in detail - but, hope s'providing or will provide a little calm for you 🌲