aut. whisper - back

before you sleep—how're you doing? anything i can do? luka

more of th’latter one-thinks

alright. tired but not poorly. am…
happy to have you here. glad to be not-on-own, in general

yeah... happy to chat a bit idly before bed if u want

appreciate it^^-

coming next two days - then next three, after weekend - loosely on own, at home

this is slightly intimidating. we do not feel sufficiently - high-functioning. alas ^^;

when you say on own, do you mean with brother?

will be alright. m-hm, yes.

yeah that's a lot of like Stuff to handle i imagine

we have some easy dishes to prepare. he is more tolerable by-day than… previous months, m-hm


cleanup, maintenance, animals. all within capabilities enough. could…

find enjoyment to wrong-season hibernate, however… ^^;

walked twice yesterday. was nice.

hopeful but tired—weary but warm

i wish you the best of luck—feel free to talk to me anytime!!

tyvm. appreciate this. ^^
wish you good-rest.

you toooo, gn
luka luka

^^ o/o/
[ed’s note: tailwag]