quirk [GG], deadname / memory loss (-)
mom: is on call with her father, who is an elder and has trouble remembering details
me: in distance, feels like she heard deadname, as mom lists off her kids as she does each time he calls
me: thinks, haha! thats ok! im probably just imagining it. i THINK shes said its really just a matter of shifting around the name and pronouns and then there isnt really any trouble.
me: *feels like she hears it again*
me: *comes over to get brother a snack while mom is busy on the phone*
mom: *lists everyone off once again, taking time to go over spellings, youngest to oldest*
mom: *reaches me*
mom: *deadnames while im standing right in front of her*
sigh :(
its not fault of her own or anyones really but bluhghhh we moved on from that name years ago, its legally dealt with and everything, why does it insist on keeping on following us in the dumbest most unfixable ways
quirk [GG], deadname
ok so we only stopped using that deadname around the house like a year ago but it feels like its been our entire life :'|
quirk [GG], deadname (-)
oh fucking hell this is the same grandparent our family plans on spending a month or two moved in with if we can figure out how to safely get over there this summer
i absolutely refuse to be any part of this if its going to involve getting deadnamed constantly
(and i know it PROBABLY wouldnt bc how are they going to keep deadnaming me, i look nothing like the ten y/o boy i seemed back then it would be ridiculously awkward, but... bluhhhhh)
quirk [idk man], deadname (--)
yeah okay she just gave us the fuck-off for daring to be hurt when our mom uses our deadname, god fucking forbid we ask her say the word "deadname" instead of it when she is speaking about it. we really do not have the patience or care to deal with this