Joe: That's odd, these are the coordinates, but I don't see a base anywheree. I swear, if this bucket of bolts ship took me to the wrong galaxy again... Gritstone Station, Joe calling in, anyone read me? Uncle Jeb: Hello? Who in the Sam Hill is this? Yer not one a' them salesmen, are ya? Joe: Hey, Uncle Jeb! It's me, Joe! Uncle Jeb: Joe!? What kind o' fool name is that? Joe: Uncle Jeb, where'd the base go? I can't find it. Uncle Jeb: Can't find it? Hm. Maybe we need a biger sign. (smile) Anyhow, that don't matter none. I dropped a nav buoy somewhere round yer coordinates a while back. You'll need to find it to update yer maps. When ya see it, go ahead and give it a touch to start downloadin' its data. Joe: Alright, Uncle Jeb. I'll go look for it. Uncle Jeb: Also, do yer Uncle Jeb a favor and clear out some a them pesky asteroids floatin' around out there. I got guests on the way and I don't want em explodin' into space dust! [Tap the buoy to activate it.] [Downloading data...] Uncle Jeb: Alright, young'un, nice job findin' that nav buoy! Now all ya need to do is clear out a bunch a' them asteroids. [You have discovered Gritstone Station.] [You destroied 1/20 asteroids!] Joe: That should do it. Nav data's uploaded and space rocks are cleared. Gritstone Station, here I come! [MISSION COMPLETE!] Joe: Hey, Uncle Jeb! I made it! Hello? Hey, is anyone here? Uncle Jeb? Uncle Jeb: Good mornin', young'un! Jebediah Aloisius Gritstone at yer service! Head honcho of the Gritstone Mining Company. We mine space ore and... well, that's it, I guess. Joe: (pensive) Uncle Jeb, did you forget what I look like? It's me, Joe. Uncle Jeb: (shout) I know who you are! Uncle Jeb ain't as old as he looks or is! I was just testin' out the company motto on ya. (smile) So whaddya think? Joe: Um, it might need a *bit* more work. (smile) How about something like, "Gritstone Mining Company: We Deliv-ORE"? Uncle Jeb: Hoowee! Slap my knee an call me Georgia! That's the best thing I've heard in months! Lemme write that down... Anyhow, I'm glad you could come an' help me out. I reckon this claim is gonna be the biggest yet! Joe: (embarrassed) I'm just glad I can put this Space Academy education to good use. I mean, I'm lucky to have a job at all in this economy. So when do we make with the asteroid blasting? Jost show me where your mining ship is and I'll fill any asteroid out there full of holes.