<* [LUNAR LEGEND] *> Game Dialogue <* -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- *> ~~[LL001]~~ Dyne's Grave (1) ~~~~ *CUTSCENE* :01 A Dragonmaster, huh...? :01 Oops! :02 Ow... :01 Alex! Aaaaalex! Oh, ALEX! (Enter gallery picture.) :01 Oh, hey, Nall. "Hey" is for horses! I've been looking all over for you! (Exit gallery picture.) :01 "In honor of our hero--Dragonmaster Dyne", eh? - Alex, I guess you really like that old man, huh? - I know you dream of adventuring, but how do you keep from - getting bored stiff looking at this old gravestone all day, - every day? Oh, that's right! Luna's looking for - you, Alex. Don't you have singing practice? - Better get going or you'll get chewed out again. :01 Yeah, you're right. :01 Look, it's Ramus! - Thought you'd be here, Alex. Now all we need is Luna... - :01 What about Luna? :01 We gotta hurry an' meet up at the statue of Althena. - A Wizard's here from Vane... :03 Vane!? The Magic City of Vane!? :02 Cool! Let's go, Alex! :02 Hang on! Listen up! :02 Oh, sorry... :01 I thought he was just here for the Harvest Festival. - But all of a sudden he tells us to get all the villagers. - Dad says we can't ignore a Wizard from Vane. - Everyone's at the statue of Althena except you and Luna. - I figured you'd be here. So now where's - Luna...? Alex, help me find Luna. :01 Alex, let's go. ~~[LL002]~~ Burg (1a) ~~~~ *ACTION: Go north to Dyne's grave.* :01 Alex! I know you like him, but it's rude to go visit - Dyne for no reason. *ACTION: Go south across the bridge.* [1/2] (SFX: Luna singing.) :01 Isn't that Luna singing? She's at the spring. - Let's go, Alex. *ACTION: Go south across the bridge.* [2/2] :01 Where're you going, Alex? ~~[LL003]~~ Spring ~~~~ *CUTSCENE* Alex, late again! I bet you were over at Dyne's grave - again, right? The Festival's almost here. - You need to learn the ocarina part. - :01 No, it's not that, Luna! The village chief - told everyone in the village to meet at the Goddess statue. - We gotta go! :01 What's this, all of a sudden? :01 Let's go, Luna. I'll tell you on the way. :02 Um, OK... ~~[LL004]~~ Burg (1b) ~~~~ *ACTION: Go north to Dyne's grave.* [Same as LL002] *ACTION: Go north to the spring.* :02 Why go back to the spring? *ACTION: Go west to leave Burg.* :05 Alex, where're you going? Don't we have to go to the statue? *CUTSCENE* (Enter gallery picture.) I believe that everyone is here. I am Nash Rumack! - As you can see, I am a Wizard from the Magic Guild of the - Magic City of Vane. (Exit gallery picture.) :01 Huh? He's no older than Alex. They said he's a Wizard from - Vane, so I expected a bearded old man. :01 Yeah, me too. :04 Hey, YOU! :04 Be quiet when someone's talking! You country bumpkins - have no manners! :02 I can understand your excitement at getting an audience - with me, an elite member of the Magic Guild, but I do wish - you would mind your manners. :05 Alex, want me to give him a good thrashing? :05 Let it slide... <-> Please excuse my son for his rudeness. By the way, what - business does a Magic Guildsman have in our humble - village? :01 Ah, yes... I hear that this is the birthplace of - Dragonmaster Dyne. So I thought someone here would know of - Dyne's adventures. <-> Yes, I believe my son is quite knowledgeable. :05 So I was right! Then I shall have him guide me! :01 Guide you? Where to? :02 Why, the Weird Woods where the White Dragon Shrine lies, - of course! I have come to take the Trial of the White - Dragon to become a Dragonmaster! Were it not so, - an elite Magic Guildsman such as me would never venture - into such a place. I shall wait at the town entrance. - Hurry and get ready! (Load Burg.) :01 White Dragon Shrine! We might get a legendary Dragon - Diamond from Dyne's adventure stories! Let's go, Alex! :01 You always said you wanted to go on an adventure like Dyne! - Well, here's your chance! :01 Hang on, you two! Even Alex's never been to the White - Dragon Shrine! There are monsters in the forest. - It's dangerous! :01 That Vane Wizard's coming too. Monsters are no sweat! :01 Yeah! I bet we got a map of Weird Woods in our house. :01 Alright, let's go! :02 Alex... Then I'll go too. I'd worry about you - going alone. (End cutscene.) ~~[LL005]~~ Burg (1c) ~~~~ *ACTION: Go north to Dyne's grave.* [Same as LL002] *ACTION: Go north to the spring.* [Same as LL004] *NPC: Red hair wandering near Goddess statue.* <-> Hey, Alex. Guiding that Vane Wizard must be tough. *NPC: Cap east of statue spinning in place* <-> Even though the Festival is near, no one has come from - Saith for the last few days. I wonder what's wrong? *NPC: Blue hair wandering south of statue* <-> You're going to the Weird Woods? Take care. *NPC: Silver hair running west of statue* <-> Did you know the White Dragon has a real name? <-> Yeah, it's Quark. *NPC: Cap wandering west of weapon shop* <-> You're going to help the Vane Wizard? Don't be in the way. :01 Leave it to us!! *NPC: Silver hair wandering north of bridge* [1/2] <-> The last Dragonmaster died 15 years ago... - That was Dyne. Since Dyne died, we have had no - Dragonmaster. Not a one. [2/2] <-> The four Dragons, servants of the Goddess Althena... - These Dragons must all agree on a Dragonmaster if he - is to protect the Goddess Althena. *NPC: Blue hair wandering outside Alex's house* <-> Alex, play your ocarina for me! *NPC: Cyan hair standing outside of Alex's house* <-> They say that Vane floats in the air. Is that true? *NPC: Blue hair standing northwest of bridge* <-> How unusual for a Wizard to come from Vane! *NPC: Gold hair wandering south of spring* [1/2] <-> Luna, you were singing at the spring, right? - I can't wait to hear you at the festival. :03 Why, thank you. <-> Oh and Alex on his ocarina, too. [2/2] <-> I'm looking forward to hearing you both. *NPC: Nash* :01 So are you ready? [Has the map been acquired? If not:] . . :01 . Alex, we don't have . the map of the . Weird Woods. . - . It's at home, so . let's go get it. . . (End dialogue.) :01 Right. :01 OK then, you can be my guide. (Nash joins the party!) (Advance to LL006.) *ACTION: Go west to leave Burg.* :04 Hey, where do you think you're going! /// House west of statue /// *NPC: Blue hair wandering house* <-> The Festival's almost here. So much to do... - so little time. /// Ramus' house (1F) /// *NPC: Maid* <-> Master Ramus, you must not make your father worry. :04 OK, OK, I know. <-> I do hope so. [Has the map been acquired yet? If not:] . . :01 . By the way, have you . seen that map of the . Weird Woods? . . <-> . Map of the . Weird Woods...? . It should be on the . - . shelf next to the . fireplace. . . :03 . Oh, that's right. . Thanks. *ACTION: Check shelf* :01 Hmm... There it is! Now, we'll be fine!! /// Ramus' house (2F) /// *NPC: Ramus' father* <-> Ramus, you'd better straighten up... :04 OK, I get it! /// Weapon shop /// *NPC: Shop clerk* <-> Welcome, Alex. Here to buy weapons? We haven't much, so - use them with care. [Maybe next time.] . . <-> . I see. . C'mon back later. [Lemme see 'em. -> Buy nothing] . . <-> . Nothing to catch . your fancy? [Lemme see 'em. -> Buy something] . . <-> . Thanks... . Come by anytime! ~~[LL006]~~ Burg (1d) ~~~~ [Other NPCs are the same as LL005.] *NPC: Silver hair running west of statue* [1/2] <-> Dyne was born and raised here in Burg. It's been 15 years - since we raised a gravestone north of town for the late - Dyne. [2/2] <-> Alex, you're a dead ringer for the young Dyne.