Enter battle debug, then change Idx to the appropriate value and press "SE Play Test". 0002 Anfog Village 0005 Shop 0014 Dungeon A 0016 Forest A 0018 Forest B 0020 Forest C 0022 Casino A 0024 Boat (Plane A) 0026 Sad 0028 Wind 0032 Wind (Randoto chasm?) 0034 Mendi Harbor 0036 South Street 0038 Mendi City 0040 Sad 0042 Sad 0044 Sad (Airstrip?) 0046 Forest A 0048 Arcriff A 0050 Arcriff Temple (Dungeon) 0051 Xorn stuff ("Tension" on the OST?) 0055 Wind 0060 Wind 0062 Baccula Settlement A 0066 Baccula Settlement B 0072 Wind 0074 Verse Realm 0080 Wind 0082 Terrarium 0092 Wind 0102 Campfire 0104 Melc Ruins 0106 Guardian's Tomb 0107 Raflid Alps 0109 Raflid Town (Defeated Hope) 0111 SAD SAD SAD SAD SAD SAD SAD SAD SAD 0113 Mendi City (again) 0115 Xorn Shell A 0117 Surmania Ruins 0121 Xorn Shell B 0124 Xorn Shell C 0130 Top of Cursed Tower (Hect) 0132 Alfina's Mind 0137 Hect (Violin only) 0146 Arcriff Forest? 0147 Arcriff B 0149 Arcriff C 0151 Arcriff D 0153 Arcriff E 0155 Arcriff F 0158 Dungeon B (alt. intro) 0159 Sad 0162 Casino B 0164 Baccula Settlement C 0599 Arrange Dice A 0601 Arrange Dice B 0700 Sleep A 0702 Sleep B 0704 Mealtime A 0706 Mealtime B 0708 Mealtime C 0710 Mealtime D 0714 Sad (Airstrip again?) 0800 Plane A 0802 Plane B (Top of the sky) 0804 Plane C 0808 Plane D 0900 Battle A (Disc 1) 0902 Battle B (Ambush) 0904 Battle C (Disc 2) 0908 Battle D (Verse) 0910 Battle E (Boss A) 0912 Battle F (Boss B) 0914 Battle G (Emelious) 0915 Battle H (Xorn) 0918 Success A (Disc 1) 0920 Success B (Disc 2) 0922 Success C (Excellent) 0924 Game Over 0926 Battle I (Sneak Attack/First Strike) (are those separate?) 0995 Main menu wind 0997 Main menu theme (1000 marks beginning of sound effects - playing anything below here doesn't stop/replace the songs above.) 2000 Move cursor 2001 Select 2002 Back 2003 Can't select 2004 Swap page 2005 Near destination 2006 Item drop 2007 Heal 2008 EXP tally (watch out, this loops and doesn't stop...ever) 2009 Level up 2010 Battle start 2011 Battle prompt 2012 Effect applied 2013 ?? 2014 Cancel 2015 Death 2016 No damage dealt 2017 Damage dealt 2018 Land 2019 Screech? 2020 Land? 2021 Slice? 2022 Warp? 2023 UI sound? 2024 Item drop? 2025 Gold drop 2026 ?? 2028 Next text 2029 Open chest 2030 ?? 2031 ?? 2032 Open inventory 2033 Close inventory 2034 ?? 2045 ?? 2047 ?? 2049 Interaction prompt 2052 Land 2053 UI sound? 2054 Enemy marker shows up on IP gauge 2055 Scan surroundings 2056 Object of interest 2057 ?? 2058 Spell - Cast spell 2060 Grab item 2061 Dialog "beep" (character change) 2062 Dialog select 2066 Skill/magic/expert level up 2067 Spell - Hellburner 2098 Yuki - Get up (from idling) 2099 Yuki - Idle (Skipped 2250-2999) 3000 Step 3001 Step 3002 Yuki - Swing sword on field 3003 Yuki - Swing sword on field 3004 Yuki - Swing sword on field 3005 Yuki - Swing sword on field 3006 Yuki - Swing sword on field (hit target) 3007 Push? 3008 Boss start 3015 Step 3016 Step 3017 Coins? 3018 Alfina swing? 3019 Alfina swing? 3020 Thump? 3021 Pop? 3022 Alfina - Aerial attack charge-up 3023 Alfina - Aerial attack move 3024 Aerial finish? 3060 Ulf step? 3061 Ulf step? 3062 Ulf - Swing 3063 Ulf - Swing 3064 Ulf - Swing 3065 Ulf - Swing 3066 Ulf - Swing 3067 Ulf - Swing contact 3068 Ulf - Swing contact 3069 Ulf - Swing 3075 Dahna step? 3076 Dahna step? 3077 Dahna - Throw card 3078 Dahna - Throw card 3079 Dahna - Card 3080 Dahna - Card 3081 Dahna - Throw card (long) 3082 Dahna - Card contact 3083 Dahna - Card contact 3084 Dahna - Card contact 3085 Dahna - Card contact 3086 Dahna - Card summon 3087 Dahna - Card summon? (Cur: 3500) 5600 [Done] ... 5634 Monster voice 5635 Monster walk? 5636 Monster walk? 5637 Arlaune 5638 Arlaune 5639 Arlaune walk 5640 Arlaune chomp 5692 Mage/lich voice 5693 Mage/lich walk 5694 Mage/lich walk 5695 Mage/lich voice 5696 Mage/lich voice 5697 SFX 5698 Monster voice? ... 5704 Red Beast (Desert Lord) voice 5705 Red Beast walk 5706 Red Beast walk 5707 Red Beast voice 5708 Red Beast voice 5709 Red Beast walk 5710 Red Beast bubble attack ... 5799 [Done]