<* [SCEN] *> Scenario Script <* -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. *> (MC: 1010370) % % Fade in: Distant, horizontal shot of Anfog Village and the runway. % % % One shot: Soft and short ascending keyboard arpeggio. % Fade in: Crickets. % % Cut: Parallel with the runway, just above the bottom of the ramp. % Slow pan to above the garage, showing Yuki's plane, No. 21, at the % runway's beginning. % % % Wind blowing through the open air and the trees. % % Cut: Diagonal angle showing the front of the plane and its upper % wings. Slow pan along the plane's length, the Flight Unit mounted % on the back finally coming into view. % % Cut: 30 degree behind angle, just above the garage roof, from a % medium distance showing Yuki and Rotts standing just behind the % plane. The moon is visible in the upper right. Yuki makes an explanatory gesture. % % Cut: Front view of Rotts. (1*) Listen. You've never flown at night. You gotta be careful during takeoff. (*1) Rotts takes a step forward. Cut: Thirds view over Rotts' shoulder, facing Yuki. (1!) _ (!1) (2!) Rotts, would you (a*) relax already? (!2) 1! Yuki chuckles. 2! Yuki gestures. He lifts his right hand, tucking it closed, (a*) then waves it open, nodding his head simultaneously. (Cut: Perpendicular to Rotts and Yuki and parallel with the plane, about lined up with the its wings. Pan left, pivoting around Yuki for a slightly wider angle of the plane.) (3!) The plane's gonna be (!3) just fine. (4!) _ 3! Yuki takes a step, turning to face the plane over his left shoulder. He lifts his arm to its hull. Do I (b*) have to spell (!4) (5!) it out (*c) for you? (!5) It's not the plane (6!) I'm worried about. (d*) It's you! (!6) 4! Yuki pats the metal hull twice, (b*) then turns his head to face Rotts again. 5! Rotts hunches his shoulders, (c*) then takes a big step forward, kneeling a little to look up at Yuki. 6! Rotts leans forward, slightly raising his hands in front of him, (d*) then reels back and throws a fake punch at Yuki with his left arm. Yuki leans back a little, startled. (7!) _ (Cut: Behind Rotts view, angled with Yuki on the left and the hull of the plane behind them to the right.) (e*) _ Rotts, (f*) knock it off. (!7) 7! Yuki leans back forward, raising his right fist (Rotts raises his arms innocently and leaps back) (e*) and swiping in front of him, leaving his hand in the air. Rotts gasps midair, (f*) settling his arms to his side as he lands. (8!) _ (!8) (9!) Okay. (!9) 8! Rotts laughs, raising his left hand in a stopping gesture. 9! Rotts turns to the runway's control panel behind him. Yuki follows a couple steps behind, watching. (0!) _ (!0) 0! Rotts grabs the huge lever on the control panel's right, tugging it down with a grunt. Yuki leans in a little, observing curiously. (Heavy machinery echoes out from along the runway.) (1!) _ (!1) 1! Rotts looks out down the runway, then Yuki looks too, as the sounds keep clanking.