_ \ | | / _/ _/ \ __/ __/ __/ ___/ _/ ___/ _/ __/ / / ________ / / _/ \ / / __/ ________ | / / ___/ \ | | / / | GGGGGGGG II II II GGGG GGG II II II GRANDIA III GG GG GII II II G GG GG II II II DESCRIPTION LIST G G G II II II G G G II II II (ENGLISH) G G G II II II GG G II II II (Now with more terrible art!) GGGGGGG II II II - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = INTRODUCTION [INTRO] - What this document will include - All of the descriptions of each item and spell in the English PS2 game Grandia III. - What this document will not include - Other information about items found in previous documents on Grandia III. If you want that information, go look at that file. Easy! - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = TABLE OF CONTENTS [TOC] 0) Introduction ....................................................... [INTRO] 1) Table of Contents .................................................... [TOC] 2) Accessories .......................................................... [ACC] 3) Weapons .............................................................. [WEP] 1) Yuki's Weapons ..................................................... [YUKI] 2) Alfina's Weapons ................................................. [ALFINA] 3) Ulf's Weapons ....................................................... [ULF] 4) Dahna's Weapons ................................................... [DAHNA] 5) Miranda's Weapons ............................................... [MIRANDA] 6) Alonzo's Weapons ................................................. [ALONZO] 7) Hect's Weapons ..................................................... [HECT] 4) Armor .............................................................. [ARMOR] 5) Miscellaneous ....................................................... [MISC] 1) Mana Eggs ........................................................... [EGG] 2) Spells ............................................................ [SPELL] 3) Abilities .......................................................... [ABIL] 1) Yuki's Abilities ............................................... [YUKIABL] 2) Alfina's Abilities ........................................... [ALFINAABL] 3) Ulf's Abilities ................................................. [ULFABL] 4) Dahna's Abilities ............................................. [DAHNAABL] 5) Miranda's Abilities ......................................... [MIRANDAABL] 6) Alonzo's Abilities ........................................... [ALONZOABL] 7) Hect's Abilities ............................................... [HECTABL] - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = ACCESSORIES [ACC] Amethyst Ring: A rainbow-colored ring. Looks like it could be sold for a large amount of money. Anne's Necklace: Once belonged to Schmidt's sweetheart Anne. Prevents all status disorders. Confusion Amulet: This amulet keeps the bearer's mind focused. Prevents confusion. Dash Ring: Creates a cyclone to whisk the user over the battlefield. MOV +10. Diamond Badge: This badge makes the wearer as hard as diamonds. DEF +25. Divine Charm: Offers protection against everything. Halves all elemental damage. Dragon Scale: This badge is made from a dragon scale. DEF +5. Earth Ring: Weakens the power of earth attacks. Halves earth-based damage. Endurance Ring: This ring makes the wearer tougher. DEF +10. Fire Ring: Weakens the power of fire attacks. Halves fire-based damage. First Ring: This ring helps the wearer make the first move. INI +4. Goddess Amulet: Engraved with a picture of a goddess. RES +25. Golden Ring: This grand-looking ring shines with golden light. Prevents all status disorders. Healing Ring: Heals its bearer's wounds with holy power. Restores HP at set intervals. Hurricane Belt: Makes the wearer fast enough to cause a hurricane. INI +10. Jade Charm: A jade charm that exudes magical power. ATK +5. Magic Pendant: This tiny pendant was made from a magic stone. MAG +5. Magic Ring: This ring is inscribed with magic runes. MAG +10. Mana Emblem: Helps mana recovery. Restores 10% of MP at the end of combat. Mental Ring: Helps the wearer maintain his composure. RES +10. Mithril Ring: This ring has an understated simple beauty. Prevents poison and paralysis. Pearl Ring: A giant pearl ring. Looks like it could be sold for a large amount of money. Peerless Belt: This belt gives the wearer unmatched fighting power. Poison Amulet: This amulet protects the bearer from poison. Prevents poison. Power Ring: This ring fills anyone who wears it with fighting power. ATK +10. Protective Charm: Makes you feel like someone is watching over you. RES +5. Revival Gem: Imbued with holy power. Upon death, the bearer will be resurrected, consuming the gem. Sapphire Ring: A sky-blue ring. Looks like it could be sold for a large amount of money. Sheepskin: Nice and fluffy. Looks like it could be sold for a large amount of money. Sickness Amulet: This purifying amulet keeps the bearer healthy. Prevents sickness. Sleep Amulet: This amulet keeps the bearer awake and alert. Spirit Ring: Filled with many spirits. Halves all elemental damage. Prevents all status disorders. Topaz Ring: An amber-colored ring. Looks like it could be sold for a large amount of money. Warrior's Charm: Carries the blessing of the god of war. Restores SP at set intervals. Water Ring: Weakens the power of water attacks. Halves water-based damage. Wind Ring: Weakens the power of wind attacks. Halves wind-based damage. Yuki's Badge: This badge is proof of the strong will of its wearer. INI +2. - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = WEAPONS [WEP] Yuki's Weapons [YUKI] Bastard Sword: TODO (disk 1) Broadsword: This wide-bladed sword is easy for anyone to use. ATK +19. Burning Blade: Flames envelop this blade. ATK +32. Fire-based. Use weapon: cause fire damage. (Burnstrike) Claymore: Has a sharp blade and a cross-shaped handle. ATK +45. Falchion: This sword has a curved, single-edged blade. ATK +78. Flame Sword: Created by a fire spirit. ATK +18. Fire-based. Use weapon: cause fire damage. (Burn) The Gambler: Leaves it all to chance. ATK +???. Variable attack bonus. Lightning Sword: Crackles with lightning. ATK +32. Wind-based. Use weapon: cause wind damage. (Zap! TODO confirm) .. *later stuff* .. Flame rod: (Burn)