>> Mercenary Yuki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yuki can no longer fight directly! - Whenever it's Yuki's turn, he may only use an Item or Defend. Combos, Criticals, Magic, and Special Moves are all completely off the table. (He's still allowed to use Orbs!) - Yuki may not use the Revenge skill. - Keep an eye out for the Item Mastery skill! This may be extracted from the Shaman Book, which can be found in the Verse Realm and the Vejas Ruins. >> Combo Master >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Damage must be dealt with only combos and criticals! - All damage coming from players must be dealt via Combo or Critical. - Whenever it's any ally's turn, all offensive Magic, Special Moves, and Items (anything marked Type: ATK) are disallowed. However, non- offensive moves are still allowed, including anything marked Type: REC, STR, or SUP. This means Snooze, Craze, Fiora, and Gravity are still allowed, as well as any Special Moves which target allies or yourself! - Exception: Erebos (Type: SUP) isn't allowed. - Nobody may use the Revenge skill.