~ R1 ~ [Exit] +~~+ | | | +--+ | | +--+ | +~~+ [R2] No monsters or treasures. ~ R2 ~ [R1] +~~+ | | | | | + + \_ __+ \ +--4 ~ \ 1 2 3 ~ [R3] +-------+ 1: Mu. 100% 3x Cure Magicite. 2: Mu. 100% 4x 10 gil. 3: Mu. 100% 4x 10 gil. 4: Chest. 100% 2x Raise Magicite. ~ R3 ~ +-+ +--+ +___ [R2]~1 2 +-------- 1: Chest. 100% 4x 20 gil. 2: Mu. 100% 4x 10 gil. ~ R4 ~ [R5] +----------~~--+ [R3]~ 4| +-+1 | | | | | | 2~[R6] | 3 5+ +-------~~--+ [R7] 1: Bat. 100% 20 gil. Gourd Potato. Round Corn. 2: Mu. 100% 3x Fire Magicite. 3: Mu. 100% 4x 10 gil. Mu Fur. 4: Chest. 100% 4x 20 gil. 5: Chest. 100% 20 gil. Star Carrot. ~ R5 ~ +---------+ | . ~[R9] | . | | . | +~~-----~~+ [R4] [R6] No monsters or treasures. ~ R6 ~ [R5] +~~+--+ /A 9 B~[R8] |.. 8 | [R4]~ 1. . \ | . . | \ 4. 7.E | |2. . | |3. 6. / +--+ .D| | . | +--+ . | [R7]~ 5.C| +-----~+ [R8] 1: Chest. 100% 3x Clear Magicite. 2: Mu. 100% 4x 10 gil. 3: Chest. 100% 20 gil. Gourd Potato. 4: Fire Bomb. Copper Shard. 5: Mu. 100% 4x 10 gil. Mu Fur. 6: Mu. Yellow Fay Dust 7: Mu. 20 gil. Round Corn. 8: Skeleton. Copper Shard. Skull. 9: Mu. 4x 10 gil. Mu Fur. A: Bat. Green Fay Dust. Odd Angled Eye. B: Chest. 20 gil. Cherry Cluster. C: Mu. 3x Blizzard Magicite. D: Fire Bomb. Copper Shard. E: Mu. 4x 10 gil. ~ R7 ~ [R4] +~~+ |1 \ | +--+ | 3 4| | 2~[R6] +------+ 1: Skeleton. Copper Shard. Round Corn. 2: Skeleton. Fledgling's Wpn. 3: Chest. Copper Shard. 4: Chest. 3x Cure Magicite. ~ R8 ~ +--------+ [R6]~ 12 .4| + 3 5.| \ | | 6 | |8 7 9A\ +---+ | | | +-+ +-+ |B| [R6] | | +~~+ |C| + J+ +-+ +-+ | I| | D| | H\__/ | | G E F| +------------+ 1: Barrel. 4x 10 gil. 2: Barrel. 4x 10 gil. 3: Fire Bomb. Copper Shard. 4: Chest. 20 gil. Star Carrot. 5: Mu. Copper Shard. 6: Mu. Copper Shard. 7: Barrel. 4x 10 gil. 8: Chest. Refined Copper. 9: Skeleton. Secret Disguise. A: Chest. 20 gil. Gourd Potato. B: Fire Bomb. 20 gil. Cherry Cluster. Round Corn. C: Fire Bomb. Rugged Clothes. D: Bat. Blue Fay Dust. E: Fire Bomb. 20 gil. Red Stone. Gourd Potato. F: Barrel. Gourd Potato. G: Barrel. 4x 10 gil. H: Barrel. 4x 10 gil. I: Chest. 3x Thunder Magicite. J: Chest. Refined Copper. ~ R9 ~ [R10] +----+~+-+ | 345 | | 1 2 | ___+--+ | 8 +----+ | [R5]~ 7 EC D~[R11] | 6 +---+9A B + +--------+ +-------+ 1: Skeleton. Fledgling's Wpn. 2: Chest. 20 gil. Star Carrot. 3: Fire Bomb. Copper Shard. 4: Fire Bomb. Copper Shard. 5: Fire Bomb. Copper Shard. 6: Bat. 20 gil. Odd Angled Eye. Cherry Cluster. 7: Mu. 4x 10 gil. 8: Fire Bomb. Iron Shard. Cherry Cluster. 9: Chest. 20 gil. Gourd Potato. A: Skeleton. Iron. Bone. B: Mu. 4x 10 gil. C: Skeleton. Fledgling's Wpn. D: Skeleton. Fledgling's Wpn. E: Skeleton. Sturdy Leather. Bone. ~ R10 ~ There's a lotta skeletons in here and I'm not keeping track of 'em all. ~ R11 ~ +-----+ +3 4+ | 1 | +2 5+ +-----+ 1: Scorpion. * Copper * Copper * Dark Crystal * Dark Crystal * Oak Branch * Oak Branch * Scorpion Shell * Dangit the items despawned, wth?? * Lots of gold. * Some scrolls. 2: Chest. 3x Cure Magicite. 3: Chest. 20 gil. Cherry Cluster. 4: Chest. 2x Raise Magicite. 5: Chest, probably. I walked into the exit crystal. >_>