:set tw=78 --- Home Village: Basement --- * What's the matter, Solo? Have you had enough? [Yes / No] . + Yes: . . * Very well, let us call it a day. . + No: . . * Oho! You're a spirited one! . . * But perhaps we should call it a day. * 'Tis my job to make a warrior of you as swiftly as possible, but soon enough, if well enough, as they say. * I shall be on my way, then. You should run along home and rest yourself, Solo. [Tutor walks away.] --- Home Village: Outside --- * Hey, hop on over here a second, o mighty heroine! * Over here, o great one! Step on it! Oh, but not on me! * You must help me, kind lady! [Frog jumps out of water.] [Solo faces frog.] * Do not look so alarmed, I am not really a frog. * Be honest, you thought I was a frog, did you not? [Yes / No] . + Yes: . . * You are a very honest person, I see. Well, I would ask a favour of your . honest heart. . + No: . . * You are a very kind person, I see. Well, I would ask a favour of your . kind heart. * As you have probably already guessed, I am in truth the princess of a mighty kingdom. * But a wicked witch's horrible spell turned me into the form you see before you now. * I can do nothing to change the shape I have been forced to take, and, in fact, being a frog is not so terrible as one might imagine. * I live a very carefree life, but... * ...but there is just one problem... it's just that... * ...It's... * ... * Oh no! Someone's coming! [Frog jumps and flees down the stairs, where Solo came from.] * Well, Solo, you look a mite weary, and no mistake. What's that? Sword practice, you say? * 'Tis hard work indeed, young one, but you must not give up. You've the hopes of the whole village on your narrow shoulders. * But I don't suppose you know much about that yet, eh? Pay no mind to my ramblings. * This is the village entrance. I am standing guard here to ensure unwelcome visitors do not breach our borders. * Do you wish to leave the village, Solo? [Yes / No] . + Yes: . . * I am afraid the time is not yet right. You are still too weak. . + No: . . * A wise answer. You shall leave the village only when you are strong . enough. * Good day to you, Solo. 'Twill be gettin' dark before long, it seems. * I should be returnin' home for supper myself. * Aah, how very refreshing. Well met, Solo. You've come to quench your thirst too, eh? * Well, 'tis no surprise after today's practice. 'Twas a lively session to say the least. * Eliza and yourself are as close as ever, I see. * The brazen young thing even came to my house to tell me I should be less hard on you. * I'll own that I've been working you harder than ever these last few weeks, but you're all the hardier for it. You'll thank me one day. --- Home Village: Home --- // Only until you've found Eliza. * Oh, you're back, Solo. Did you come across Eliza on your travels? * She went out to look for you some time back. I suppose you must just have missed each other somewhere. * The poor girl must still be out there looking for you. Go on and find her, won't you? * Oh, there you are, Solo. You must be famished. Sit down and I'll bring you your supper. --- Home Village: Inn --- * Oh, 'tis you, Solo. I was just giving the place a quick spruce. * But heaven knows why I bother. Nobody visits all the way out here. And even if they did, we could not allow them to stay... * Oh! Um, I mean, er...I'm just cleaning out the rooms like I always do. Old habits die hard, you know. --- Home Village: Eastern House --- * Ah, there you are, Solo! Today I was planning to teach you how to perform the Sizzle spell! * But dusk draws inexorably closer. We will commence the lesson tomorrow. * Zzz...what's goin' on, eh? No one ever comes to this Goddessforsaken village! Zzz... --- Home Village: Basement --- Eliza: Hello, Solo. You've finished your sword practice now, have you? Eliza: What's that? A giant frog? What? What on earth are you talking about? Eliza: I've been here the whole time, and I certainly haven't seen any such thi- Eliza: Any such thi- [Eliza giggles.] Eliza: Tee hee hee! Oh, I can't keep this up! Tee hee hee! Eliza: I think this may be the frog you saw, Solo. Eliza casts Morph! [Eliza spins, and the frog appears in her place.] Eliza: I live a very carefree life, but...but there is just one problem... Eliza: It's just that... [Eliza casts Morph again, returning to her normal appearance.] Eliza: It's just that I couldn't think of anything good to say after that! Eliza: If I had spent a little mroe time preparing my story, I could have come up with something wonderful. Eliza: But I'm too, too impatient - I just couldn't wait to show you! Eliza: You were surprised though, weren't you? Now that I've learned Morph, I can change into all kinds of things. Eliza casts Morph! [Eliza is replaced by a bunny.] Eliza: I'll just be hopping along, then. [Eliza bounces back towards the stairs, but turns to Solo halfway there.] Eliza: Oh, I almost forgot. Your mother was looking for you. She said to tell you it's supper time. I think I smelt carrots! Eliza: Well, I'll be seeing you tomorrow then. Hare's looking at you, Solo! [Eliza heads out.] --- Home Village: Home --- * Oh, you're back, Solo. Did you come across Eliza on your travels? [Yes / No] + Yes: TODO + No: * I see. Perhaps she gave up looking for you and went home. I'm sure she's fine, in any case. [Solo's father turns.] * Well, let us settle down to our supper. I'm famished. Mother! [Solo's mother calls back.] * Alright, alright! I'm coming, I'm coming. [Solo's mother comes to the table and serves everyone.] * Sit yourself down now, Solo. [Solo finds a seat. Solo's father:] * Mmm, this is delicious! (munch munch) * By the way, Solo, you are young yet, and only know this, our humble little village. * But the world outside is a vast place, populated by all manner of folk. * Before long, you will be an adult, and a time may come when you must leave the comfort of the village. * I can only imagine what manner of strange and wondrous companions you might encounter on such a journey... [Solo's mother:] * Father, please! Must we have such melancholy conversation at the supper table? * Solo is going to live with us for ever and ever, aren't you, dear? No matter what happens, we'll always be together. [Solo's father:] * Of course. What am I saying? Listen to me wittering on. Silly old fool. You just ignore me now. Ha ha ha. [Fade to black.] ~~~ And so, our tale begins... ~~~ *--------* | | 1 CHAPTER 1 1 | | *-------------* --- Burland Castle 1F --- Chapter 1: Ragnar McRyan and the Case of the Missing Children This is a tale of palace guards in a small kingdom called Burland. Among their numbers is a brave soldier by the name of Ragnar McRyan. One morning, King Burnard summons all of the guards to the main hall of the castle. [Fade in.] * His Majesty is aboot tae make an announcement tae youse all. Simmer doon an' listen noo. [King Burnard steps forward, standing side by side with the chancellor.] King Burnard: At ease, emn. King Burnard: No doubt youse all ken whit it is I want tae talk tae youse aboot. King Burnard: I'm sure youse all will hae heard rumours aboot the wee kiddies gaein' missin' of late. King Burnard: Och, just this morn, I've had mothers from Strathbaile here cryin' aboot their bairns. King Burnard: Hoo can kiddies be disappearin' like this? Is some rouge snatchin' oor poor mites away? King Burnard: As king o' this bonnie land, I cannae verra well stand by an' let this continue. King Burnard: Find oot whit's gaein' on an' report back tae me, men. Away wi' youse! [The guards affirm, then head out. A lady hurries to Ragnar's side.] * Good sir! I'm beggin' ye! Please bring ma bairn back safe an' soond! * I'm sur ma wee one's still alive, ut if ye dinnae hurry, it may be too late. * Well, ye're certainly takin' yer time, McRyan! Och, but ye're a good soldier, an' that's a fact. I'm sure ye hae yer reasons. * This is bonnie Burland Castle. * I willnae allow any suspicious-lookin' foflk tae set one foot inside. * Jings! Whit are ye still daein' here? Ye should be away by now, else the other guards'll be well ahead o' ye. King Burnard: Oh, it's Ragnar McRyan, is it no? I must say, I'm findin' this whole situation more than a wee bit puzzlin'. King Burnard: But I'm full o' hope that we'll get tae the bottom of it all if we talk tae the good folk of oor land an' see whit they hae tae say. King Burnard: I'm dependin' on ye, Ragnar McRyan. Good luck an' Goddesspeed. * Dinnae push yerself too hard oot there, Ragnar. If ye get hurt in battle, away wi' ye tae toon an' stay at an inn tae recover. * If yer journey's lookin' tae be a long one, ye'd do well tae buy some medicinal herbs. Ye cannae hae too many, that's whit I say! * It's only just recently that so many wee kiddies hae started tae disappear. I wonder who could be responsible. * I've been seein' monsters oot there in the day that used tae only come oot of a night. Ay, it's a scary auld world. * Whit are ye still daein' here, Ragnar? Ye certainly dinnae like tae rush things, eh? * Are all the others no away tae Strathbaile already? * Dinnae be laggin' behind all the other soldiers now, Ragnar. * We came here from Strathbaile just noo. * But we were attacked by monsters so many times on the way, I was thinkin' we'd never make it here alive! * Please find oor bairns for us! * I just ken they're still alive. But ye have tae find them fast, afore it's too late! * Hello there, Ragnar. Och, it's a terrible thing about those kiddies gaein' missin'. I've been lookin' intae it a bit maself. * Hae ye ever heard talk about the Lord o' the Underworld? * I saw the name in an auld book o' mine, but I cannae seem tae find oot more aboot it. Ragnar looks at the bookshelves. There's a book called 'A History of Bonnie Burland'. Ragnar takes it from the shelf and reads an excerpt. 'Roburt the Burruce, founder of Burland, protected his domain from monsters when it was little more than a wee hamlet. 'It's said that he was invincible tae any attack because of a special shield bestowed upon him from on high.' * If ye walk aboot too long outside o' toon, it'll be dark afore ye ken it. * The monsters are a lot more fidgety of a night, so ye'll need tae be a wee bit cannie oot there. --- Burland --- * Ye just leave the castle tae us, Ragnar. We'll take care o' things here while ye away tae find oot where hose kiddies hae got tae. * Och, it's you, Ragnar. Gae on by.