--- Burland --- * I wanted tae be a palace guard back in ma day, ye ken. * If ye're helpin' Burland, then I want tae help ye. What dae ye say? Can I tag along wi' ye? [Yes / No] + No: * What a galoot I am thinkin' I can keep up wi' a soldier. Sorry tae take up yer time like that. + Yes: * Hoots! I can!? Then let's away! * Och, but I amn't much of a fighter, so dinnae count on me too much there. [The old man starts slowly following Ragnar's path.] * Haah... Haah... I cannae get ma breath. Maybe I'm too old for this. Ye should gae on without me. * King Burnard tries tae keep taxes low so as not tae put too much of a burden on his people. * That's all well an' good, but it means there's no enough money for decent weapons an' armour. * If ye want stronger equipment, ye hae tae save yer cash an' buy it for yerself. * An' if ye dae buy somethin' new, be sure tae equip it rather than just carryin' it aboot wi' ye! * If ye're headed for Strathbaile, ye need tae gae west tae Strathbaile Burrow, an' then north-east when ye get tae the other side. * Aigneas's hubbie, Angus, is a right one for adventure. * He went off searchin' for a clue of hoo tae get at the tur in the middle of all that water. * Ma name's Aigneas. Ma hubbie, Angus, has no come back from his travels, an' it's been more than a wee while now. Aigneas: If ye see him when ye're flittin' aboot the place, will ye mind tae let me know? * This is bonnie Burland toon. --- Burland: Southern House --- * Ragnar! Hae ye heard o' this thing called battle records? * Apparently, ye can use it tae check on hoo yer fightin' is gaein'. --- Burland: Armour Shop 1F --- * Ach! Here for a wee bit o' shoppin', are ye? Then maybe ye could away ootside an' 'round tae the counter if it's no too much trouble. * Monsters dinnae ever come intae town, so it cannae be them responsible for snatchin' the bairns away. * But if it's no monsters, then I cannae understand whit it could be. All I know is that I dinnae hae a good feelin' aboot it. --- Burland: Armour Shop 2F --- * Is it true that there are kids gaein' missin'? * At least I dinnae hae tae worry aboot it now I amn't a kid any more. --- Burland: Inn --- * Ay, those poor kiddies. Surely the folk in Strathbaile will hae some kind o' clue of whit it's all aboot. * That's where it all seems tae be happenin', after all. Ye should away there an' see if ye cannae get some clues. --- Burland Castle 2F (Corridor) --- * I cannae help feelin' a mite uneasy whenever I'm lookin' at the sky just lately. * I only hope there's nothin' funny afoot. --- Burland Castle 2F (Throne Room) --- * This is King Burnard's throne room. * King Burnard is a real gent, no doubt aboot it. * He minds the names of every one of us. Ye cannae ask for more than that, eh, Ragnar? * If ye confess at a church, ye can save a record o' yer travels. * So ye should mind tae drop in whenever ye see one. * Ye can pray tae the Goddess at the same time as keepin' a log o' yer adventures. King Burnard: Good tae see ye again, McRyan. But by the look on yer face, I'd say ye cannae hae made much progress yet. King Burnard: Time's of the essence, ma man. Ye must find oot where those kiddies hae been disappearin' tae. King Burnard: I'm dependin' on ye, Ragnar McRyan. Good luck an' Goddesspeed. --- World Map: Burland Region --- 'If you spot any suspicious bodies lurking about, bring them to the castle at once! King Burnard of Burland' --- Burland (Night) --- * The lady o' the hoose has been waitin' an awful long time for her hubbie tae come home. Poor woman. * Whit? Dae I hae any clues aboot who's takin' the kiddies away? * So ye're another stupid nyaff, are ye? It's obviously the monsters snatchin' 'em away. Stands tae reason. * Och, whit I'd gie tae be able tae sleep in a hoose o' ma own, wi' a roof an' walls tae keep oot the rain. * Meow! * Ye can gae inside the castle by all means, but ye cannae see King Burnard. No one sees His Majesty of a night, I'm afraid. * Ye need tae report tae King Burnard? Well, if there's no hury, it'd be better if ye come back the morra. * After the stramash of a day he's had, the least we can dae is let him get a good night's sleep. --- Burland: Armour Shop 1F (Night) --- * I'm afraid I've already shut up shop for today. If ye're after somethin', ye'll hae tae come back the morn. --- Burland: Armour Shop 2F (Night) --- * Och! I need a wee wee wee. But I'm too scared tae gae oot on ma own. * Zzzzz... --- Burland: Inn (Night) --- * Ah-phew... --- Burland: Aigneas' House 2F (Night) --- * Ach, hoo much longer is she gaein' tae wait? I cannae understand why she won't just give up on the auld bampot. * Ma name's Aigneas. Ma hubbie, Angus, has no come back from his travels, an' it's been more than a wee while now. Aigneas: I've no doubt that he'll be back in his own good time, though. That man cannae live without me, an' that's a fact. Aigneas: Still, if ye see him when ye're passin' through Strathbaile or the like, will ye mind tae let me know? --- Burland: Eastern House (Night) --- * I cannae help feelin' that the monsters hae been gettin' a wee bit stronger of late. * So the monsters are gettin' stronger, are they? That's always sure proof that bad things are gaein' on. --- Burland Castle 1F (Night) --- (The entrance guards say the same as during day.) * King Burnard's already retired for the evening. * Why dinnae ye spend the night in the inn, an' come back the morra? * Losh! It's a tirin' auld business standin' guard of a castle. * Ah-phew... * Time for a wee bit o' shut-eye at last. I'd say folk are at their happiest when they're sleepin'. * Em... The more I look intae it, the more it seems tae be the same. * This funny weather we've been haein' is just like back when the monsters were on the rampage. * I cannae sleep at night thinkin' o' those poor wee bairns. Ye've got tae help us! --- Burnard Castle 2F (Corridor - Night) --- * Gads! It's a monster! Help! I dinnae want tae die! [The guard gets up and has a startled look around.] * Oh... Looks like I must hae been dreamin'. [The guard falls right back asleep.] --- Strathbaile Burrow --- * Ach, it's you Ragnar! Are ye on yer way tae Strathbaile, too? --- World Map: Strathbaile Region --- 'No playing in the woods!' --- Strathbaile --- * Well, hello there, soldier! Welcome tae Strathbaile. * Ye've got tae help us! Oor wee laddie's gone missin'! * Who can be doin' this? I cannae understand hoo anyone would want tae take oor kiddies away. * It's good tae see ye here, soldier. This probably willnae help ye at all, but... * Well, it was like the bairn just disappeared right afore ma eyes. * This is Strathbaile school. The innkeeper's son, wee Willy Wally, was a pupil here afore he disappeared. * Well, if it isn't Ragnar McRyan! So ye finally made it tae Strathbaile, eh? * I'm afraid I've no more information on the whereaboots o' those wee kiddies. * Im' wonderin' if that tur tae the west has somethin' tae dae wi' it all, but I dinnae hae the first clue hoo tae get inside. * There's a cheeky wee beggar who's always footerin' aroond outside at night. * Next time I see him, I'm gonnae ask just what he thinks he's up tae. * The fella doon in the jail says he used tae live in Burland. --- Strathbaile: Eastern House --- * The fella doon in the jail was caught stealin' bread, but his memory's gone and he cannae mind a thing aboot it. * He must hae had somethin' terrifyin' happen tae him tae be reduced back tae bein' a kid like that. --- Strathbaile: School --- * Na na na na naaah! Ye cannae catch me, ye cannae catch me! * Wait! Just wait, will ye!? Jings! Can someone no stop that lass from footerin' aboot!? * Disappearin' children? D'ye mean Willy Wally from the inn? Ah, I know him, all right. * He became an angel an' flew away in the sky. It's true! * Ye're from the castle in Burland! I think ye're amazin'. * When I grow up, I'm goin' tae be a palace guard just like ye. * Wheesht! Hoo am I supposed tae study wi' all these distractions!? * It's good that ye came, soldier. But we're in the middle of a lesson right noo. * Come back tonight an' we can gab away as much as ye like then. There's a headmaster's diary slotted between a couple of the books. Ragnar reads a small section. 'These kiddies don't listen to a word I say. The wee rascals are forever sneaking out of the village and getting up to mischief.' --- Strathbaile: Item Shop 2F --- The account book of the household is on one of them. A quick peek inside shows the people here are very poor. --- Strathbaile: Inn 1F --- * It sounds like wee Willy Wally was playin' wi' some strange shoes at the time he disappeared. It's all verra strange, if ye ask me. * I'm a travelling nun. I journey around the world to spread word of the Goddess. * I'm sure the children who went missing will hear her voice in the end, and be guided back to safety. * D'ye ken that I'm the one who caught that laddie stealin' the bread? * He's behind bars down in the jail noo, but he's no showin' a scrap o' remorse. * He's even got the cheek tae be pretendin' he's a kid an' askin' tae be let oot! --- Strathbaile: Inn 2F --- * Meow. --- Strathbaile: Jail --- * Who are ye? * Can ye let me oot of here? I only took the bread because I was hungry. LET ME OOT! WAAAAH!!! * Huuh, huuh. Sorry? Ma name? I'm Angus. --- Strathbaile (Night) --- * Ay, it's a real puzzler this one. Hoo can kiddies juts disappear intae thin air? * The man doon in the jail is called Angus. He's oor friend. * That fella who stole the bread was havin' a good time of it chattin' away tae the kiddies afore he was caught. * Hic! Ye cannae beat a wee dram while ye're lookin' up at the stars. --- Strathbaile: School (Night) --- * Hello, soldier. We were just discussin' the whole sorry situation. * I cannae help but think that the bairns are hidin' somethin' between themselves. * Not tae worry now. * Kiddies always hae their secrets. It's only natural, wouldnae ye say, soldier? --- Strathbaile: Item Shop 1F (Night) --- * Willy Wally an' ma brother are bein' punished for disobeyin' ma pa. * Pa told them not tae go playin' ootside the village, but they dinnae ever listen. --- Strathbaile: Item Shop 2F (Night) --- * Ma laddie's one o' the ones that went missin'! * Who's doin' this tae us? I cannae understand whit anyone would want wi' oor bairns. --- Strathbaile: Inn 1F (Night) --- (The innkeeper says the same as during day.) * Aye, this is a bonny wee bath, an' no mistake. I should know, I cleaned it wi' ma own hands. * I'm a travelling nun. I'm about to have a bath, so I'd be grateful if you could make yourself scarce. * Whit!? Ye know I've been peekin' in at the bath!? * Em... I tell ye whit. Keep it tae yerself an' I'll let ye in on a secret. * The thing is, I've seen that man who's in jail afore. Over in Burland toon, if I mind rightly. * Once ye've had a wee chat wi' him, ye should head back over tae Burland an' see if ye cannae learn a thing or two there. --- Strathbaile: Inn 2F (Night) --- (The lady preparing for bed says the same as during the day, when she's outside the schoolyard.) * Meow. --- Strathbaile: Eastern House (Night) --- (The woman tucking in her child says the same as during the day.) * Let's play again the morn, Angus. Ah-phew... --- Strathbaile: Jail (Night) --- Angus: Ay, that's right. I'm Angus. So hoo do ye know ma name? Angus: Ha ha ha! Ooooh! Angus: Monsters! Monsters are comin'! Help! (Note: Angus will say the same even if you haven't spoken to anyone who would reveal his identity - the only condition for this dialogue is it being night.)