DRAGON QUEST IV SCRIPTS as in the mobile versions Contents [CONTENTS] --------------------------------------------------- * Contents [CONTENTS] * Etc. stuff [ETC] * Worklog [WORKLOG] * Main guide * Chapter 6 [CHAP6] * Mountain hut [MTNHUT] * Casabranca [BRANCA] * Endor Town [ENDORT] * Endor Castle [ENDORC] (Todo) * Ballymoral [BALLY] * Lakanaba [LAKAN] * Hoffman's Desert Inn [HOFFMAN] * Bath [BATH] * Porthtrunnel [PORTH] * Books Etc. stuff [ETC] --------------------------------------------------- Developer blog thing: 2016/04/20 OMAIGOODNESS IT'S A DEV BLOG When people see this in 15 years they'll be like this person put *way* too much effort into this project! Not that anybody will see this in 15 years. Torneko didn't have any parents growing up. That must have been tough.. (see Bath) I found a guard today using the Torneko/Meena/ Maya/Psaro party in Bath, behind the spring. Haven't checked if Ragnar/Alena/Kiryl/Borya say anything. Worklog [WORKLOG] --------------------------------------------------- 2016/04/20 Start Porthtrunnel (chapter 6, day-time, finished Torneko/Meena/Maya/Psaro) 2016/04/20 Finished Bath (chapter 6, day-time) 2016/04/19 Started Bath 2016/04/13 Did Lakanaba 2016/04/13 Created worklog CHAPTER 6 [CHAP6] --------------------------------------------------- ** So far, all scripts have been taken at day. I've been using parties ** ** of Ragnar, Alena, Kiryl, Borya; and Torneko, Meena, Maya, Psaro. ** Mountain hut [MTNHUT] --------------------------------------------------- Party chat upon entry Ragnar: "Och, I dinnae know whit a body can be thinkin', comin' tae live in a forlorn place like this. Well, they must hae their reasons, I suppose..." Alena: "In future, I intend to stay in isolated mountain hut and work on combative training." Torneko: "Ye wouldn't catch me livin' in the back o' beyond like this, so you wouldn't." Meena: "Arey, just imagine living here, so far from other people. It must be making you very strange..." In hut Dog: "Woof, woof! Woof, woof!" Talk to old man Old man: - (leader is Meena, Maya) "You again!? Hpmh! Stay the night if you have to, but clear off in the morning. Pretty young faces don't wash with me!" - (leader is Alena) "You again!? Hmph! Stay the night if you have to, but clear off in the morning. Understand, wench?" - (leader is Borya) "You again!? Hmph! Stay the night if you have to, but clear off in the morning. Understand, you senile old fool?" - (leader is Solo [male?], Psaro, Kiryl) "You again!? Hmph! Stay the night if you have to, but clear off in the morning. Understand, you little brat?" - (leader is Ragnar, Torneko) "You again!? Hmph! Stay the night if you have to, but clear off in the morning. Understand, fella?" (sleep) Old man: "Get up! Don't ya know what time it is? Go on, now. Scram!" Party chat after sleeping Alena: "Every night, I must to do multiple push-ups. But last night, I am forced to go straight into bed. I am infuriating!" Torneko: "Sure, he's only lettin' us stay, an' now he's givin' us an awful earful, like. He's a quare fellow altogether." Meena: "I sense grumpy-growly little man is wanting us to stay. It is just that he is finding it too hard to say so." Maya: "Accha, what a good-good night's sleeping! That man has a bad manner, but a kind heart." Talk to old man after sleeping Old man: "WHAT!? I've got a sharp tongue but I'm a kind old man!? Get out of it! You'll get a clip round the earhole for clever talk like that!" Party chat after talking to old man after sleeping Torneko: "The old boy's welcome to try givin' me a clip round the ear, but I give as good as I get, like." Ragnar: "Och, who does he think he's foolin' with that blether? He's a good heart, whether he'll admit it or no." Meena: "Why is he offering to be clipping our earholes? What an odd little man..." Maya: "Look, he is going bright red! Deep down, he is so so shy." Kiryl: "He has problem with clever talk? I will therefore refrain from utilising my intimidating vocabulary." Casabranca [BRANCA] --------------------------------------------------- Party chat upon entry Alena: "Wide open gardens make ideal environs for combat training. I wish for same back in Zamoksva." Ragnar: "All the hooses an' shops are crammed intae the castle. It's more like a fortress than a toon." Borya: "Meticulous observations of mine conclude that Zamoksva is far superior location than this. Unseparated town and castle signifies poverty of funds." Maya: "Arey, there is no bar or casino in Casabranca! The people here must be so so bored!" Torneko: "Y'know, even if I was of a mind to open one, I don't think there'd be room to cram another shop in this place. Sure, it's cramped as anytin'!" Meena: "Some shops... An in... A church... And that is it. I am sensing that my sister will not enjoy this place." Talk to guard Guard: "This is Casabranca Castle." Talk to old man Old man: "The end of the world is nigh! The chosen hero who was supposed to defeat the Lord of the Underworld has been slain by monsters." Party chat after talking to old man Ragnar: "Dinnae get too doon in the dumps, eh. If folks think the chosen hero's dead, it might throw those monsters of oor trail." Torneko: "Sure, I don't mean to pile the pressure on, Solo, but ye're our only hope against this Lord of the Underworld fella, so y'are." Meena: "That old man is not realising that Solo is the chosen hero." Talk to man by bush Bush man: "You can travel all the way to Endor in the west now, thanks to the tunnel that Torneko chap built." Party chat after talking to man by busy Alena: "Actions of Torneko no doubt significantly increased profits of many merchantfolk." Borya: "All people here display copious gratitude towards Torneko." Torneko: "Sure, I only stumped up the cash. It's not as if I was up to me elbows in mud diggin' the tunnel meself." Talk to average man Avg man: "It's such a shame for that poor fellow Torneko. Monsters are hunting him down just because he built a tunnel to connect one kingdom with another." Party chat after talking to average man Kiryl: "Connection of kingdoms is highly practical for people, but causes consternation for monsters." Ragnar: "Och, if those mangy monsters think they can bully oor pal Torneko, they've another thing comin'!" Alena: "If monsters hunt Torneko, we must to turn table and hunt them!" Maya: "Accha! If monsters are hunting Torneko, then that is meaning they are hunting us as well! We must be saying goodbye to him right now, please! ...I am joking, I am joking! Do not be taking me so seriously!" Talk to stairway guard Guard: "His Majesty is upstairs. King Humphrey will meet with anyone, regardless of rank or class." Talk to dancers Dancer 1: "Hey! Haven't I seen you before somewhere?" Dancer 2: "One spin, two spin, jump and spin..." Talk to treasury guard Guard: "Rumour has it that a fellow called Torneko employed a guide to take him across the eastern desert." Party chat after talking to treasury guard Torneko: "Sure, that takes me back, so it does. I hope those folks I crossed the desert with are doin' well." Meena: "Are you remembering when Torneko was merely a man about whom we heard tall tales? Now he is part of our team!" Talk to king guard Guard: "This is the royal throne room. I trust that you'll show proper respect to His Majesty." Talk to king's assistant Assistant: "A vast desert stretches for many miles to the east of these lands. I'm afraid you'll find it impossible to cross without a horse and cart." Talk to King Humphrey Humphrey: "Welcome to my castle, aspiring hero! No doubt you're another one out to save the world." Humphrey: "You're [leader name]? That's a nice strong name. Now, let me tell you what's required of you." Humphrey: "It's imperative that the Lord of the Underworld is prevented from reawakening." Humphrey: "So I'd like you to travel the world to collect as much information as you can about him." Humphrey: "You're going to play an important part in stopping this tyrant, [leader name]! I'm counting on you!" Party chat after talking to King Humphrey: Ragnar: "Sounds like all sorts o' people are traipsin' roond the world, tryin' tae find oot about the Lord o' the Underworld, eh... That's all well an' good, but I just hope itnae causin' regular folks to panic." Torneko: "Yer man the King treats everyone as a hero-in-the-makin'. Sure, I admire his positive attitude, so I do." Maya: "Hearing the King's words is making me want to prove myself and be a real hero!" Meena: "It is sounding as if the King has convinced many hopeful heroes to embark on this quest..." Talk to princess Princess: "The Princess of Endor and the Prince of Ballymoral are going to be married soon. Oh, I'm so envious!" Princess: "The royal wedding is taking place as we speak, you know. I'd love to go and see all the lovely festivities." Party chat after talking to princess Alena: "I marry no man unless he is capable to defeat me in combat. Even if he is prince, if he is weakling, I am not interesting." Meena: "I am already seeing this royal wedding in Endor. It is taking place every day, so if anyone is wanting to see it, I am sure it is still possible." Maya: "I too am envying the Princess. If I am marrying a prince, I can spend each and every day in the casino! And even if I am not winning, my dear hubby will always be there to buy me more tokens!" Talk to lady in field Lady: "There's an old, old legend of an angel swooping down from the sky to the northern mountains. She fell in love with a young woodcutter, and a beautiful baby was born to them. Aaah..." Lady: "Hm? What happened to the baby? I have absolutely no idea. I'm sure it's just a faerie story, anyway." Party chat after talking to lady in field Ragnar: "If a bairn was born tae an angel an' a human, it's boond tae have some sort o' special power or other." Maya: "So an angel is falling in love with a woodcutter? It is a sweet story, but tell me - was she living with him in the middle of nowhere? Accha, that sounds awful-awful to me! I cannot be living anywhere without a casino!" Endor town [ENDORT] --------------------------------------------------- Party chat upon entry Borya: "So Prince of Ballymoral and Princess of Endor are tying knot of matrimony... It is imperative that Tsarevna marry as matter of urgency, before all adequate princes are taken." Alena: "Using Colosseum for wedding is waste of good fighting time." Ragnar: "When I first came here, the tourney was over an' the casino was shut. There wasnae a thing tae dae..." Meena: "Arey, I am not having good memories of Endor. I was working all days to earn us gold, but Maya, she was gambling it all away in dark and dingy casino..." Maya: "It is so so crazy, innit? This wedding ceremony is going on for days. Will it ever be ending, do you think?" Torneko: "Now, I know this'll sound like a load of ole blather, but it was me got Princess Veronica an' Prince Regan back together, so it was." Talk to entrance man Man: "Welcome to Endor." Talk to centre lady Lady: "Princess Veronica and Prince Regan's wedding ceremony is happening over at the castle as we speak!" Party chat after talking to centre lady Kiryl: "It is unbrekable universal law. Only prince is being permitted to marry princess. Someone of lowly status such as me is having no hope... Tell me, why is world so terribly cruel?" Borya: "We must to hurry to witness matrimonial ceremony. It may prove educational in planning of wedding of Tsarevna." Talk to sign lady Lady: "We had a brief respite after the Endor Tourney, you know. But now the monsters are back with a vengeance. I wonder what's behind it all. It's a funny old world we live in, isn't it?" Read town sign Sign: "Congratulations to the royal couple, Princess Veronica and Prince Regan!" Party chat after reading town sign Ragnar: "Och, I just remembered whit was written on that sign last time I had a wee gander. It was aboot Tsarevna Alena winnin' the tourney." Maya: "The boring-boring words on the sign are not changing! Of course not, sis! The wedding is still going on, innit!" Torneko: "I was settin' off just as the weddin' was about to get underway. Ah, to have seen it on the first day would've been grand altogether..." Talk to castle-town guard Guard: "You'll find Endor Castle just through this gate. If you're here to attend the royal wedding, please make your way to the Colosseum." Party chat after talking to castle-town guard Ragnar: "Och, well I missed oot on seein' the tourney, so the least I can dae is catch a wee bit o' the weddin'. Even if there isnae enough brawlin' for ma likin'..." Borya: "We must to hurry to witness matrimonial ceremony. It may prove educational in planning of wedding of Tsarevna." Alena: "So Colosseum is now venue for wedding ceremony? But it is being associated forever for me with fighting.. Aya! I am experiencing emotional conflict!" Meena: "I am seeing this lovey-dovey wedding ceremony already, together with my sister." Talk to guard in front of big house Guard: "Being on guard duty isn't as easy as it looks, you know. I'll certainly be enjoying a drink or two when evening rolls around." Talk to big house waiter Waiter: "It's such a worry having to think up menus every day. Thank goodness I have the maid to actually cook it all for me." Talk to big house maid Maid: "The young lady of the house always seems to be staring up at the sky. I wonder whatever could be so interesting about it." Talk to big house master Master: "Have you heard of Psaro the Manslayer? He was in the Endor Tourney a while back, and apparently, he isn't human. Well, that's just a rumour. But he certainly seemed suspiciously strong." Party chat after talking to big house master Alena: "Even if Psaro is not human being, I very much wished to gauge true extension of my mettle against him..." Talk to big house lady Lady: "Some time ago now, a black cloud went billowing across the sky to the east at an incredible speed. And then there were rumours that the chosen hero, who was destined to save the world, had died." Party chat after talking to big house lady Ragnar: "If the monsters think the chosen hero is dead an' buried, they'll be liable tae let their guards doon..." Talk to fortune guard Guard: "Now that Meena's told me my fortune, I know exactly what I should do with my life. It's funny when you think of all the reasons people were brought into this world." Party chat after talking to fortune guard Kiryl: "It sounds that Meena's fortune-telling is somewhat accurate. I must to get information about a certain Tsarevna's romantic preferences..." Maya: "So you were doing a number on that soldier, sis? Well, as long as it is paying the bills!" * Meena: "Arey! What are you saying? I am having a reputation to upkeep, you know!" Meena: "Part of fortune-telling is telling people what they are wanting to hear, and giving them a guidance. Maybe it is not all true, but if it is making people feel happy, is it so wrong?" Talk to Tessie Tessie: * (Torneko not in party) "Me fella's away at the moment. He went off trav'llin' in search of a lgend'ry sword, would ye believe? But there's talk about that monsters are huntin' him down. I just hope he's found some good, strong feens to be lookin' after him..." * (Torneko in party) "There y'are, y'ole feen! Welcome back! Oh, aye. I've been grand altogether. I'm only waitin' here watchin' me hairs turn grey while ye go off huntin' yer dreams!" Party chat after talking to Tessie Alena: "This Torneko Taloon will be safe if he is being with us. His wife can desist from anxiety." Ragnar: "Jings! Torneko's missus is a bonnie lassie and no mistake! She's wasted on that great galoot! ...Och, I'm sorry. I didnae mean tae bad-mouth Torneko. I dinnae whit came over me." Borya: "Torneko is fortunate to be having wife and children waiting for him to return. This inspires melancholy mood... I am returning only to empty dacha, always alonesome..." Torneko: "Tessie's bank seems to be goin' great guns. That's grand altogether, so it is. Sure, the last thing I want is fer her to struggle while I'm away on the other side o' the world, like." Talk to Tipper Tipper: * (Torneko not in party) "After Da went away, me mam didn't have any stock for the shop, so she opened a bank instead." * (Torneko in party) "Da! Ye're home again! I-I've been a good lad, Da. I promise! I'm gonna make a mountain o' gold when I'm older. You an' Ma will have everytin' ye could ever want." Party chat after talking to Tipper (Torneko not in party) Kiryl: "Establishing bank is not being simplistic undertaking. Torneko's wife is clearly woman of exceptional mental capacities." Borya: "Hmm... He has son approacing adolescence. This signifies that Torneko may already be over hill..." TODO: test with the other characters Party chat after talking to Tipper (Tornkeo in party) Maya: "Arey, that boy is wanting to earn mountain of gold for his parents. Is it being too much trouble for him to earn small hill of gold for his pretty-pretty pal Maya too? ...I am only joking, of course!" Torneko: "I tell ye, when I'm on the road, I'm frettin' mornin', noon an' night about me family, so I am. So it's a great relief to me to come back here and see they're doin' grand in me absence." Endor castle [ENDORC] --------------------------------------------------- TODO Ballymoral [BALLY] --------------------------------------------------- Party chat upon entry Kiryl: "Only prince can make suitable matrimonial partner for Princess of Endor. Tragically, it is identical case in Zamoksva. O tell me, Goddess! What can I do to enhance social status?" Alena: "Princess Veronica married man she loves. This is most satisfactory conclusion. It signifies that my efforts in Endor Tourney were not futile." Borya: "There were rumours King of Ballymoral is ambitious man and wished to launch territorial incursion of Endor. But I am not seeing sense that htis is belligerent or threatening realm." Ragnar: "Och, this is just a wee castle. It wouldnae last long against an attack from a full battalion o' beasties." Torneko: "Sure, I don't want to be braggin', but it was meself who brought the Prince's letter to the Princess of Endor, so it was." Maya: "This kingdom is so yawn-inducingly boring! It is nothing compared to Endor! Arey, there is not even a casino! How can people be living here?" Meena: "It would have been awful-awful if this kingdom had made war with Endor. We all should be grateful to the King of Endor for avoiding war." Talk to entrance lady Lady: "I wish I could get married. There must be a rich handsome man out there for me somewhere..." Party chat after talking to entrance lady Alena: "Why is everyone all the time wishing for marriage? I fail to see attraction of matrimonial state." Kiryl: "Is our Tsarevna also seeking man meeting such exclusive criteria? No, no. Tsarevna has higher ideals, I am certain. (gulp) B-but wh-what if that is what she seeks?" Borya: "Wh...! B...! Words of this girl are too much infuriating! Why can she not look behind superficial detail? Wealth and good lucks are no substitute for wisdom and... And... beard!" Meena: "Looking at this girl's fortune, I am seeing that sadly she will not be getting married any time soon..." Maya: "It is not enough for the man to be handsome. He must also be rich, no? That girl is speaking the truth." Talk to castle entrance guard Guard: "Welcome to Ballymoral Castle!" Talk to thug by well Thug: "You seen the weddin' over in Endor? I'll bet it's a right grand ol' affair." Talk to weapon merchant behind counter Merchant: "If ye'll excuse me, sir. I'd ask ye not to go banjaxin' other people's property if ye don't mind." Talk to armour merchant behind counter Merchant: "I sold out of armour when those monsters started appearing. I even had to shut up shop for a while. I'm finally starting to get in supplies now from Endor, so I can start trading again." Talk to man at inn Man: "The monsters are becoming stronger now, so lots of castle towns are starting to buy up weapons and armour. What worries me is that our human weapons and armour won't be able to stand up to some of those fiends." Talk to innkeeper behind counter Innkeeper: "Apparently, it's thanks to a weapon trader that Prince Regan has been able to get married. I've no idea what a weapon trader and a royal wedding have to do with each other, but that's what people are saying." Party chat after talking to innkeeper Borya: "So common weapon trader was involved somehow in royal matrimonial matching... This is sounding like sinister plot of some nature..." Talk to man in castle in front of left pool Man: "Princess Veronica of Endor is as beautiful as an angel. Talking of angels, they have a legend about one over at Casabranca, a long way east from here. Apparently, this angel came down from the sky and fell in love with a woodcutter. She became pregnant with his baby. Imagine what the child would be like if that were a true story!" Party chat after talking to man in castle in front of left pool Alena: "Certainly, Princess Veronica is young woman of attractive physical attributes. So comparison with angel may perhaps be apposite." Kiryl: "Could legend be having basis in truth? But why would angel descend from celestial realm?" Ragnar: "That legend's set me ponderin'... If an angel and a woodcutter really did hae a bairn together, I wonder whit became of it..." Maya: "The men in the bar often told me that when I am dancing, I am looking just like an angel. It makes me wonder what I am looking like when I am not dancing..." Meena: "Arey, that is a lovely-lovely legend! An angel falling in love with a woodcutter! But stories like this are often ending in tragedy. I am wondering how this one will work out..." Torneko: "Sure, 'tis true. Princess Veronica's as pretty as an angel. Prince Regan's one lucky feen, so he is." Talk to armour merchant in castle Merchant: "I was desperately trying to get hold of armour for a while, but I'm all set now. I can get whatever I need from Endor. It's quite a relief, I can tell you!" Talk to Regan's helper Regan's helper: "I practically raised Prince Regan, you know. I do hope he'll become a wise and true king." Talk to jailed man Jailed Man: "Oh! Bein' in jail is just so boooring! Eh, I wonder 'ow old Kirk Buzzer's doin'. He was a mate o' mine back in me thievin' days." Party chat after talking to jailed man Ragnar: "Kirk Buzzer? That's no a name I'll be forgettin' in a hurry. He was the thief that chegged that bronze rosary back in Femiscyra. So that prisoner kens him, does he? Well, I willnae ask too many questions. Goddess alone knows whit terrible things they've been up tae together..." Alena: "Kirk Buzzer is man of formidable strength. His chosen profession is being a thief, but he may have made superior fighter." Borya: "It is too much painful for me to remember saga of false accusation. But is no good. I cannot remove it from my mind, no matter how vigorously I attempt..." Maya: "Kirk Buzzer? Arey! That bothersome man caused us so much trouble! No, please, I will not think about it or I will just become furious." Talk to either jailer Jailer: "This is Ballymoral jail. If you don't want to be put behind bars, I suggest you go elsewhere." Party chat after talking to either jailer Kiryl: "There are multiple empty jail cells. I am supposing King granted amnesty to celebrate son's matrimonial union. Of course, only Goddess can truly forguve us our sins..." Borya: "Guard here is commendably severe. We of Zamoksva can learn from this. I refer not to guarding prisoners, of course. I speak of preventing Tsarevna's escapes from castle." Ragnar: "Losh! I cannae imagine anyone locked up doon here has ever escaped..." Alena: "This is sizable penal facility. Does this mean that many bad people live in Ballymoral?" Meena: "Arey, being in this place reminds me of being locked up in that awful-awful Palais de Léon... We were so close to avenging Father's death... Oh, it is hurting to remember this..." Torneko: "There was a fella from Lakanaba who'd managed to get himself locked up in here, so there was. I helped him estake, like. Well, I couldn't very well let him rot in this hole, ye know. But it was no easy task, let me tell ya." Maya: "Accha, that smell! What is it...? I cannot put my fingers on it... Let us be getting away from this stinky and smelly jail!" Talk to King's guard Guard: "His Majesty is attending Prince Regan's wedding. Perhaps you could come back another time." Talk to upstairs, outside guard Guard: "Prince Regan's wedding ceremony is taking place over in Endor at the moment. The Prince and King Shamus are both absent because of it, so the castle's feeling a bit quiet at the moment." Party chat after talking to upstairs, outside guard Borya: "King of Ballymoral's extended absence means castle is unoccupied. I trust this is causing no problems. Though is not as bad as Zamoksva, where entirety of population vanishes overnight. This is real problem." Ragnar: "The King's no around, and that guard's lookin' a wee bit too relaxed tae me. He shouldnae need me tae tell him that it's at times like htis that ye need tae keep yer wits aboot ye." Torneko: "I was invited to the royal wedding, so I was. But I couldn't attend in the end, more's the pity. I thought it'd be more trouble than it was worth, like. I mean, no one wants a guest on their big day that's bein' pursued by a bunch o' mangy monsters." Lakanaba [LAKAN] --------------------------------------------------- Party chat upon entry Borya: "This is pleasant and hospitable town. It is place I would like to spend twilight years of retirement. But I am fearing retirement is long way away. It feels sometimes as if intention is that I work until I am extinct..." Alena: "When I participated in Endor Tourney, bridge was broken. This town was inaccessible. I an wondering when bridge was fixed." Torneko: "Ah, Lakanaba! This is the little corner o' the world that I call home, so it is! Sure, it wasn't so long ago that I was slavin' away at the weapon shop. Grand days, they were." Meena: "I am using my sixth sense to foresee...that we will not be finding out anything in this town. We should be heading somewhere else, no?" Maya: "Arey, what a boring-boring little town! Why are we coming here, when we could be in the casino?" Talk to entrance man Man: "Welcome to Lakanaba!" Man: * (Torneko in party) "Oh, 'tis you, Taloon. They'll be sayin' I'm gone in the head welcomin' ye like some kind o' stranger, so they will." Talk to centre knight Knight: "Our man here from Lakanaba is famous now, ye know. The most successful merchant in all the world, that's what they're sayin'. I just can't remember his name. Tall Buffoon, was it...? Or Gecko Tycoon, perhaps...?" Party chat after talking to centre knight Torneko: "Sure if there's two things in the world I'm certain of, it's that I amn't a buffoon, and nor am I a gecko." Read centre sign Sign: "No trampling over the flowerbeds!" Talk to Old Man Finn Old Man Finn: * (Torneko not in party) "Me son's started makin' an honest livin' fer himself, thanks to you-know-who." * (Tornkeo in party) "Ah, Torneko! I still can't thank y'enough, I can't. I've no words for it. Me son's married an ev'rytin' now. I can't wait fer a grandchild, so I can't. Finneganegan, we'll ahve to call the little one!" Party chat after talking to Old Man Finn Maya: "Why is this old man having so much gratitude to Torneko? Did he perhaps help his son to find a wife?" Torneko: "Ah, come on now, yer makin' me blush, so y'are. Sure, ye've no need to sing me praises half as loud as that. I gave his son a chimaera wing. That's the long an' short of it. I was only bein' neighbourly, like." Move Old Man Finn, then talk to him Old Man Finn: "Now just what d'ye think ye're doin'? Where are ye takin' me?" Talk to lady priest in church Priest: * (Torneko not in party) "Come together with me in prayer as we ask the Goddess for peace throughout the land." * (Torneko in party) "Ah! Torneko Taloon! 'Twas a grand thing ye did fer old Mr. Finn. He's ever so grateful to ye. An' so am I, of course. Hee hee hee." Party chat after talking to priest in church, if Torneko in the party Maya: "Arey, that lady is blushing bright red! Wait, please! Do not be telling me she is in love with Torneko! Can it be true!?" Meena: "Umm... Torneko, could you be putting my mind at rest, please? That woman is not in love with you...is she?" Torneko: "...Why's she grateful to me, of all people? Ah, sure a lady like her moves in mysterious ways, so she does." Kiryl: "That servant of Goddess is no doubt merely content at seeing good deed done. What other reason could she have for gratitude?" Talk to dog guarding Torneko's home Dog: "Woof, woof! Woof, woof!" (If Torneko is in the party, the dog will allow the party in.) Party chat after talking to Fido (who is guarding Torneko's home) Alena (if Torneko in party): "If canine continued to block us, I fully intended to test fortitude with hand-to-paw combat. But is good that Torneko is making beast to move." Ragnar (if Torneko in party): "Och, that's a clever wee doggie. He minded who Torneko was right away!" Torneko: "Fido and meself had a rare ole time of it chasin' foxes away. It's grand to see that he still remembers his ole pal Torneko Taloon." Talk to man east of entrance Man: * (Torneko not in party) "Well! 'Tis not every day we see trav'llers in these parts. Ye must have a woeful curious nature with ye to be comin' all the way up the boreen to a tiny place like Lakanaba." * (Torneko in party) "Is that yerself, Torneko? It's been yonks, so it has. How's she cuttin'? An' how's Tessie gettin' along? Is she well, is she? I still can't understand why a fine article like Tessie married a good-fer-nuttin' bog-trotter like you." Party chat after talking to man east of entrance, assuming Torneko in party Maya: "Torneko's wife is keeping him happy with good home cooking, I can tell. Is it wrong to be wanting to touch Torneko's tummy? I am thinking it would feel like wibbly-wobbly jelly!" Torneko: "If I'm honest, I'm not sure what good my Tessie ever saw in me. She's a looker, alright, and she's a mind on her as sharp as a divine dagger. Sure, she's wasted on the likes o' me... Sorry, got a bit carried away there, so I did. I'm lucky to have Tessie is all I'll say." Ragnar: "Och, it's a fine thing tae hae a bonnie lassie tae call yer own. Once we've restored peace tae the world, I may even look for a wee wifey maself." Talk to weapon store merchant/Finnegan, if Torneko is in the party Finnegan: "Torneko? Torneko Taloon? I'm right, aren't I? 'Tis meself, look! Old Man Finn's son...Finnegan. I decided it's time I made an honest livin' fer meself, so I asked the boss would he take me on." Party chat after talking to Finnegan Meena: "That man is making honest living. I am very much hoping my sister will look and learn." Torneko: "And there I was wonderin' if I'd done the right thing helpin' him get out o' that jail cell in Ballymoral. Now look at him! Sure, he's a fine, upstandin' young man. More power to him!" Alena: "So father is dubbed Finn, and son Finnegan? It is strange. I sense something humorous of intent, but I am not fully understanding..." Ragnar: "Och, there's nothin' like an honest day's work!" Talk to weapon store manager Manager: * (Torneko not in party) "Is there somtin' I can be doin' fer ye? Ye don't look like much of a trade to me... If ye're after a weapon, ye'll have to talk to me man upstairs." * (Torneko in party) "By the holies, if it isn't Torneko Taloon! So how's yer shop in Endor comin' alone? Is she makin' ye a few bob, is she?" - (dialog opens) - Manager: * (yes) "Aye, that's grand. I'm glad ye're makin' a go of it. I bet yer wife's mighty pleased, too." * (no) "What's that ye say? He're lookin' fer a legendary sword now, are ye? Will ye be acti'n the maggot all yer life now, or were ye plannin' to settle down by the time ye're a hundred?" Party chat after talking to weapon store manager Torneko: "Whatever happens, me boss is still me boss. I'll always look up to him, so I will." Talk to item merchant, if Torneko is in the party Merchant: "Well, if it isn't yerself, Torneko! Ye're lookin' grand. I could hardly recognize ye." Hoffman's desert inn [HOFFMAN] --------------------------------------------------- Party chat upon entry Maya: "Ah, I am remembering this place. It is where we are helping Hank regain his trust in others." Maya: "Arey, I am so so tired of walking! Is it alright if I am sitting in the wagon?" * (dialog opens) * Maya: - (yes) "...It is? Oh. Now I am feeling bad... I do not want to be the only idle lazybones. It is fine. I will keep going on feet." - (no) TODO Kiryl: "This is most desolate location for inn. I am highly dubious it is popular tourist attraction." Alena: "Strenuous run over sand makes ideal form of training. Is anyone care to join me?" Ragnar: "So this is where Mary Lou was raised? Och, she's a bonny wee mare, alright!" Talk to Hank Hoffman Sr. Hoffman: "My boy's really done gone an' turned himself around. I got you to thank for that." Hoffman: "He didn't used to be such a croaker, y'know. That boy had dreams. He wanted to be an apprentice to that Conrad Ilton guy, for one." Hoffman: "He gave up on the idea for a while, but I sure do hope he'll be game enough to see it through this time." Party chat after talking to Hoffman Torneko: "This Conrad Ilton feen used to be an adventurer, so he did. Now he's known as the God o' Trade, no less. Sure, there's not a merchant alive who wouldn't have heard of him." Maya: "It was really a lot of efforts helping Hank to change!" Meena: "I am having dream also - to be free of my annoying sister! One day, I pray that it is coming true..." Talk to other man Man: "If you cross the desert and head south, you come to the port town of Porthtrunnel." Bath [BATH] --------------------------------------------------- Party chat upon entry Borya: "Recently, even my aches and pains are having their own aches and pains. It would doubtless be beneficial to take waters in this town." Alena: "I fail to see appeal of bath. Sitting in hot water doing nothing is terrible waste of time, nyet? For me, strenuous combat exercise is far more enjoyable." Ragnar: "So this is a spa toon, is it? Aye, it'd be nice tae take a long, hot soak, I reckon... But tae be honest, I'm a wee bit shy aboot takin' ma armour off. I feel naked withoot it..." Meena: "Arey, I am no fan of these natural spring baths. Their waters smell so eggy. Ugh!" Maya: "Waah! I love hot-hot baths! Come on! Let us be diving in right away!" Torneko: "I stopped by here when I was travellin' about on me own, so I did. Goin' round, fightin' monsters all on me lonesome... Sure, it was a desperate time altogether." Talk to entrance man Man: "Welcome to Bath, town o' baths! The perfect place for trav'llers to rest their achy bones after a long time on the road." Party chat after talking to entrance man Kiryl: "Ah, I am smelling distinctive sulphurous odour. Is olfactory proof we are arrived at spa town." Talk to tour/inn man Tour man: "Wotcha. New to the place, are ya? Well 'ow's about I give ya all the grand tour then, eh?" * (dialog opens) * (yes) - Tour man: "Nice! Right then, step this way!" - (tour man leads to weapon and armour shops) - Tour man: "That's the weapon an' armour shops an' all that business. Don't do much trade, but they ain't bad." - (tour man leads to item shop) - Tour man: "An' 'ere we 'ave the item shop. Ain't got much in the way o' souvenirs though, if that's the kind o' stuff ya like." - (tour man leads to graveyard) - Tour man: "As ya can see, up 'ere's the graveyard. It's the burial ground o' the great warrior Bladud wot saved the town once." - (tour man leads to church) - Tour man: "An' this 'ere is the church, see... This is where the town's greatest treasure's kept." - (tour man leads into church) - Tour man: "'Scuse me, 'Ilda -- Er...I mean, Sister 'Ilda... Mind if I show these punters teh old you-know-wot?" - Sister 'Ilda: "Of course. The Goddess welcomes all folk." - Tour Man: "So this is it. The famous armour wot old Bladud used to wear. 'Parrently it's got some amazin' powers or somfin' like that." - (tour man leads out of church and to bath) - Tour man: "An' this 'ere is the bath. 'Barf's barf' I like to call it. He he he! Get yerselves in there an' yer aches 'n' pains'll soon be gone." - (tour man leads back to inn) - Tour man: "So, er... Where was you lot plannin' on stain' tonight? Only, I can honestly recommend this place 'ere. It's clean an' comfortable, an' the innkeeper's a top geezer an' all!" - (tour man goes into inn) * (no) - Tour man: "Awright, then. Suit yerselves. By the way, this other inn's a right rip-off. I wouldn't touch it wiv a bargepole if I was you." Party chat after taking tour Ragnar: "Doesnae anybody else smell a rat? This laddie was just tryin' tae get us tae stay in this inn all along!" Alena: "I am finding tour most enjoyable. And man also find us inn for our accommodation. Truly, his kindness is overwhelming." Borya: "Yoy! This armour of Bladud is too much dubious! I sense from it not even a smidgen of wizardry nor wonder." Torneko: "Now, I've never kept an inn meself, but as one businessman to another, I have to tip me hat to this fella fer his fine sales pitch." Maya: "We are already seeing everything in this town. Now it is time for a hot-hot soak! Who is caring which inn we are staying at? Please, just be going to the closest one." Meena: "I am wondering what this Bladud man was truly like. I am seeing no aura at all from his armour. Can he truly have been so great a man? Unless..." Talk to flowerbed girl Flowerbed girl: "Travel far enough south from 'ere, an' you come ot a shippin' town called Porthtrunnel. That's where the ships leave from here to go to them foreign places you trav'llers are always gallivantin' off to. Talk to old bath man Old man: "Ah, I feel ten years younger! It was my son that brought me here. I'm a lucky fellow to have such a caring lad to look after me." Party chat after talking to old bath man Borya: "I feel envious toward old man. Oh, for a son who would care for me so! I have only wilful and trouble-creating Tsarevna, and assorted immature travelling companions. Oh-yo-yoy! What am I doing to deserve this?" Torneko: "Me poor ma an' da, Goddess love 'em, passed away when I was just a wee chiseller... Sure, it would've been grand to have given them a comfortable life, so it would. But it wasn't to be..." Meena: "Erm... Can I suggest that we are leaving him to it?" Talk to guard behind bath spring Guard: "Hmm... I took the guided tour to see the famous Bladud's armour, but it didn't look like anything special to me. In fact, it just looked like some cheap substitute. I wouldn't be surprised if someone had stolen the real armour and put that rubbish in its place!" Party chat after talking to guard behind bath spring Meena: "Arey, what kind of awful-awful person is exchanging legendary armour with cheap fake?" * Maya: "But if it is fetching good price, then why not? ...Wait! I am only making a joke!" * Meena: "Hmm... That is not sounding like a joke to me..." Meena: "I am sensing that the soldier is correct. This town's so-called armour of Bladud is really nothing special." Talk to graveyard singer Singer: "Oh Bladud, brave knight of olde; Clad in armour what gleamed like gold; In battle, you was knocked out cold; ...No, 'e's no good, neither. I been tryin' to make up a song about Bladud, but 'e's not goin' all that well." Party chat after talking to graveyard singer Meena: "Accha, is this silly-billy man really calling himself a poet? He would make a better stand-up comedian!" Maya: "Arey, I have never heard such a nonsense! A legendary warrior is deserving a more respectful song than this!" Inspect Bladud's grave Grave: "Here lies Sir Bladud. Brave warrior and saviour of Bath." Talk to boy at west edge Boy: "Have you seen the armour in the church already? It's amazin'!" Talk to Sister 'Ilda in church Sister 'Ilda: "You'd like Sister 'Ilda to tell you about the town 'ero, Bladud, would you? Yes, 'e was a very great warrior. Many years ago, when the town was attacked by monsters, it was Bladud that saw 'em off. 'E stood tall 'til the end, 'e did. It was only the very last monster what finished 'im off, but Bladud made sure 'e took the monster with 'im! So it's Bladud we've got to thank for the wonderful town we live in 'ere today." Party chat after talking to Sister 'Ilda Alena: "Bladud sounds like true hero. If he is alive today, I will wish to engage in combat." Ragnar: "Crivens! Layin' doon yer own life tae save a toon... Aye, that Bladud was a true warrior, an' no mistake." Meena: "But why were the monsters attacking this town? I am wondering if they had a particular target in mind..." Maya: "Arey, this Bladud is being a real hero. He fell as he defeated the last monster. That is so so cool!" Torneko: "Sure, that tale had me on teh edge o' me seat, so it did. I wouldn't have the guts to sacrifice meself to save a town, so I wouldn't. Hats off to that Bladud fella. He sounds like a grand fella altogether." Talk to lady in house Lady: "Some people say there's a ghost in that there graveyard. But I don't know if I believe it." Party chat after talking to lady in house Kiryl: "If ghost truly inhabits town, I shall use Goddess-given spiritual gifts to banish it!" Maya: "Accha, I am hating spooky and scary ghosts and ghouls! We should be avoiding the graveyard after dark..." Meena: "A ghost in the graveyard? How very exciting! I am wishing to learn more - let us be heading there tonight!" Talk to weapon merchant Merchant: "Aaaah... There's not many folk 'ere who be wantin' to buy weapons. Not in a spa town like this. I've got more free time than a--" * (merchant exclamation) * Merchant: "'Old your 'orses! You en't a customer, is you!? You should speak up if you wanna buy somethin'!" * (shop dialog opens) Talk to armour merchant Merchant: "I don't know. Maybe I should just shut up shop an' go for a soak. No customers are gonna come now, are they?" Talk to item merchant Merchant: "You can't come inside 'ere, bay. If it's shoppin' you want, come 'round t'other way." Talk to inn bar man Bar man: "Must 'ave quite a thirst comin' into the pub at this time in the aft'noon, eh?" Talk to farm man in inn Farm man: "I came here with my dad. Thought I'd better show him I don't ignore him all the time!" Party chat after talking to farm man in inn Ragnar: "Och, it's good tae see a young laddie lookin' oot for his auld pa. Aye, the world's goin' these days, it's rare tae see that kind o' thing." Maya: "My sister and I are also thinking about our father. We must have a revenge, and eliminate the secret of evolution from the world." * Meena: "B-But sis...! Y-You are not forgetting! I-I am so proud... Look! My eyes are filling with tears!" (also, same things that are said to the old man in the bath) Talk to girl in inn Girl: "They say the bath waters here make your skin clean and beautiful. But...I really don't think I could get any cleaner, or more beautiful! Oh dear, what's a poor girl to do?" Party chat after talking to girl in inn Ragnar: "Och, I'm no sure that young lassie could get any more bonnie if she tried... Whit's that? Och, I dinnae whit yer bletherin' aboot! The mighty Ragnar McRyan doesnae blush! It's just a wee bit hot in all this armour..." Meena: "She is scared of being more beautiful? She is crazy, no? It is no good. I will never be understanding what goes on in the heads of silly-billy girls like her." Porthtrunnel [PORTH] --------------------------------------------------- Party chat upon entry Meena: "Coming to a port town is making me think of Havre Léon... I remember leaving on that ship after escaping the Palais de Léon. Arey, it was an awful-awful time!" Maya: "This town is not so small. They must be having a bar here, no? And maybe even a casino..." Talk to entrance lady Lady: "'Ello there, my lovers! Trav'llin', are we? Well, welcome to Porthtrunnel, then." Talk to house man Man: "They found a village over them mountains north of Casabranca that got done over by monsters. Ransacked, 'e was. An folk've bin disappearing over the sea in Zamoksva, an' all. If you ask me, 'tis all tied up with that Lord o' the Underworld comin' back to life. That's what I've 'eard, anyway..." Talk to church thug Thug: "They say you'm not s'posed to judge a book by 'is cover, but... You'm more than your average folks, en't you?" * (dialog opens) * (yes) - Thug: "I thought as much. I dun't miss much, me." * (no) - Thug: "Don't be so modest! There en't nuffin' gets bast these eyes. You'm the kind o' folks as performs miracles." Party chat after talking to church thug Meena: "It is true that we are not being average... My sister, for one, is certainly... different. I am still not knowing if this is in a good or bad way." * Maya: "Arey, what silly-billy nonsense are you saying, sis?" Maya: "This man is saying not to be judging books by their covers. But for me, this is not being such a problem. People see my outstanding beauty, and know that I am special indeed!" Talk to sailor man by fountain Sailor: "'Tis thanks to you that I can get back to me job at last. No rest for the wicked... or us cargo luggers!" Talk to inn knight Knight: "We best be more careful from now on. Can't let that there 'oly flame at the Beacon go out again now, can we?" Talk to merchant man Merchant: "What's that, bay? 'Twas you lot who seen the monsters off out the Beacon, was it? Well we're much obliged to you all, then. 'E's proper lively again now, the port is. Like what a port should be!" Talk to merchant lady Merchant: "The Pharos Beacon out east is back to normal at last. What a blessed relief for us all! The ships are sailin' again an' everythin'. Oh, yes, we've got a lot to thank you for, my lovers." Talk to sailor man by dock Sailor: "They say there's some feller down south over the sea who's a wizard o' commerce. In a place called Mintos or some such snazzy name. Must be a helluva rich, I s'pose, if he's a wizard o' commerce. I wun't mind a slice of 'e's cake, let me tell you." Party chat after talking to sailor man by dock Maya: "Why are some people having all the gold, and others having nothing? Why is the Goddess not blessing me with riches?" * Meena: "It is no mystery why you are being always poor, sis. When you are getting gold, you lose it at the casino. Arey, I am suffering so so much for your awful-awful habits!" Talk to man on dock board Man: "I hear the monsters causing all the trouble at the Pharos Beacon have been evicted at last. But it's too late for my ship. She's already at the bottom of the ocean. Oh, dear, dear..." Party chat after talking to man on dock board Meena: "It would be so so nice if the sunken ships were surfacing once more after monsters are defeated. But alas, the world is not working in this way..." Maya: "Arey, I feel so so sorry for that poor man... But at least he is living and breathing. It could be worse, no?" Torneko: "Now I think about it, if me ship'd been boxed off a little earlier, it might be at the bottom o' the ocean too. There but for the grace o' the Goddess go I, like. Sure, it makes me feel even sorrier for yer man there, so it does." Talk to sailor by dockyard entrance Sailor: "This 'ere's the dockyard. But there en't no ships bein' built at the minute. 'Tis a sad time for the yard. I dun't s'pose many folk'll be thinkin' about shipbuildin' with all these monsters about these days." Party chat after talking to sailor by dockyard entrance Torneko: "...Janey Mac! What's goin' on here!? Back when me ship was bein' built, this town was great craic! Now look at the place, will ye? Sure, I've seen livelier funerals, so I have..." Maya: "Accha, it is being so so different here! When we are coming before, it is full of ships and people. Are they no longer building ships here? This is making me feel sad." Meena: "This place is so big... and so so messy... Arey, I am not liking it here. Take me somewhere nice and small and tidy!" Talk to boy in dockyard Boy: "I'm gonna be a skipper when I grow up. I'm gonna sail all 'round the world in my ship, I am." Party chat after talking to boy in dockyard Torneko: "I used to dream o' bein' the captain of a ship when I was just a chiseller meself. But it turned out I was born to buy an' sell weapons, so I was. Ye just have to find the perfect job for yerself, and then ye'll be all set." Talk to sailor lower in the dockyard Sailor: "When I look back now to buildin' that ship for Mr. Taloon... Ah, them were the days! There en't bin no other beggars 'ere since then with enough cash to 'ave a ship built for 'em." Party chat after talking to sailor lower in dockyard Torneko: "By the hokey! So I was their last payin' customer, was I!? Things are in a bad way here. I wish I had the ready cash to be orderin' another ship or two, but I amn't the big spender I'm cracked up to be!" Talk to priest lady in house next to inn Priest: "That evil light at the Pharos Beacon's bin extinguished at last. But I dun't think them's the last o' the troubles you'm gonna be runnin' into on your travels, my children. But dun't give up. Remember the Goddess above an' keep your spirits up." Talk to stand lady in inn Lady: "'Ullo, my lovers. Off on a sea voyage? 'Ow about a map of the world to help you on your way, then?" * (dialog opens) * (yes) - Lady: "Oh, bother! I was sure I 'ad some left, but they'm not 'ere. That's a bit blimmin' odd..." * (no) - Lady: "Oh, well. Suit yourselves, me dears. Come again now, won't you?" Party chat after talking to stand lady in inn Torneko: "So yer wan's all out o' maps, is she? Well, no matter. I'm sure we'll pick one up on our travels, so we will. Ye'll notice after a while how these things have a funny habit o' turnin' up just when ye need 'em." Maya: "What is this silly-billy woman doing? She is saying she has something for us, then she is having nothing!" Talk to bar man in inn Bar man: "Ah, 'ere come the 'eroes of the day! You seen off them monsters good 'n' proper, eh? I could tell as soon as them waves died down. That's 'ow I knew you'd done it, see." Talk to maid in inn (2nd floor) Maid: "That's a forbidden room, that one. It's always locked. Anyone who spends the night in there never wakes up in the mornin'. It's proper scary, it is." Party chat after talking to maid in inn Meena: "I do not think that man is lying to us. I am sensing something very strange in that room..." Maya: "Arey, this man is talking a nonsense! I am not afraid of a stupid locked room!" Talk to poet in inn (2nd floor) Poet: "There's a sad ole tale about a feller who done 'e's self in 'cos 'e's boat got sunk by them monsters..." Party chat after talking to poet in inn Meena: "This story is so so sad. I am praying that this poor man is resting now in peace..." Maya: "Arey, it is sad to be losing a boat, but that man is wrong to give up on his life. I understand feeling as if you have lost everything... When my father was killed... When our plot for revenge failed... When I lose money at the casino... But we must be accepting all of this, and live each day with a smile on our faces!" Torneko: "Yerra, 'tis a terrible thing to be losin' a boat and then losin' yer life to boot, so it is... Sure, as the proud owner of a boat meself, me heart bleeds fer the poor fella." Books --------------------------------------------------- My Quest for the Magical Staff: Chapter Two (found in Bath, in the house beside the inn) I am Rowand the Wandering Wandsman. By the Tsar of Zamoksva's orders, I'm travelling the world in search of a magical staff. You may well ask why I'm doing such a thing. The short answer is that it seems to be a favourite hobby of the Tsar's. I don't mean to badmouth him, of course. I just can't help worrying that a leader is so absorbed in such frivolity, peacetime or not. But it isn't my place to question him. Duty is duty, and now I must travel west of my hometown to follow up a possible lead. It's been a fruitless search so far. I can only hope that this time I'll find the magical staff I've been charged with locating. {eof}