Maestral is the continent of Zamoksva, and where Chapter 2 takes place. (See Maestral Continent Portal 2.) Siroc is the south-eastern continent. (See TorchicBlaziken.) Libeccio is the south-western continent, where Chapter 4 takes place. (See TorchicBlaziken.) Ostro is the south continent/island, where the Diabolic Hall is situated. (Talk to the NPC/nun by the grave in Riverton.) In a valley of sorts, [Burland] is located. A little ways north-west through [Straithbaile Burrow] is, of course, [Straithbaile]. East of Straithbaile, hidden in a forest, is the [Auld Well]. Willy Wally thinks this is some sort of a forbidden playground. Then, to the east, is [Loch Tur]. It's surrounded by a lake (of course), so the Talaria item or the Balloon is the only way to get there. Unfortunately, Ragnar doesn't keep the Talaria through Chapter 5, so the Balloon is the only option. Watch out that you don't trap your Balloon in Loch Tur! If you jump off the top of the tower, you'll land on the other side of the lake - with no way back to the tower. (Of course, you can recover the balloon with Zoom or a Chimaera Wing, but that's cheating.) Just west of [Zamoksva] is the castle town [Zalenagrad]. A little ways north-east is [Taborov]. You have to go through the church to get to the other side of the mountain gap. East of Taborov is the town of [Vrenor]. A little ways south is the [Vault of Vrenor]. While heading south-west, a detour south-east leads to the Maestral-side of [Maestral Continent Portal]. You can go through the portal, but you're blocked from leaving the room afterwords, and you have to turn back. Back continuing your journey west, you'll reach [Pioneer Town] and [Hoffman's Place], or the [Desert Bazaar] if you're playing in Chapter 2 for some reason. At the tip of the south-west peninsula of the continent is [Birdsong Tower]. There's an inn here! At the south tip of the Chapter 4 continent, Libeccio, is [Laissez Fayre]. Just north is [Aubout du Monde]. West from there is [Gupta Gupha], the cave where you get the magic key. Further north is [Palais de Leon]. North of the castle is [Havre Leon]. Just west of the harbour town is the [House of Prophecy]. A little further west leads to [Mamon]. Just west of [Endor] is [Maestral Continent Portal]. You can't access the portal, though. Up north is [Ballymoral], then the [Forest/Fox Settlement], then Torneko's hometown of [Lakanaba] and the [Cave of Safekeeping]. East of Endor is the [Trans-Montane Tunnel]; north of that is the [Cistern Chapel], the cave where Torneko gets a Silver Goddess statue. Not far out the other end of the tunnel is [Casabranca]. North of that is the [Woodman's Shack], then the [Hero's Hometown]. Far to the east of Casabranca is [Con Cave]. About half way between Casabranca and that cave is [Last Chance Saloon], where you meet Hank Hoffman, Jr. and get your horse wagon. Going through Last Chance Saloon will stick you in a huge, empty desert. Just past the gap in the southern mountains is the town of [Bath]. A little further south of Bath is [Porthtrunnel]. Around the windy path to the east is [The Beacon] - the lighthouse where the hero meets Torneko Taloon. [Mintos] is the town at the top of the "mouth" of the south-eastern continent. East of Mintos is the [Teleportal Shrine], which can warp you to and from the Rivertown island and [Minikin's Dominion]. South of Mintos is [Parthenia]; a ways further will get you to the [Parthenian Pantry]. [Rosehill] is a town on a separate chunk of the Endor continent. It's blocked off from every other location by a river. North-east of Rosehill is [Cascade Cave], an optional dungeon. It's separated from Rosehill's region by a mountain range. Although it's on the other side of the map, [Dunplundrin] is a pirate town on an island just east of Cascade Cave. This island is also a short ways north of Mamon. On a very small island east of Dunplundrin is the [House of an Island's Old Man]. North-east from there, on a patch of Endor-continent land blocked off by mountains, is the [Royal Crypt]. Very far to the north-west edge of the map is an island shaped like the head of a seahorse; at its center is the castle [Canalot]. On the north-eastern corner of the map is [Minikin's Dominion]. North of his castle is the [Briny Lair], which can only be accessed by boat. Twisting down a path south-west of the landform [Briny Lair] is part of, after passing through a [Volcano], you'll reach [Femiscyra]. South-east of Femiscyra is [Cove's Cove], where you fight the thief Kirk Buzzer. The island at the south edge of the map can only be accessed by boat or balloon. [Riverton] is its gateway. It's invisible on the map, but you'll automatically enter it if you sail your boat through the gap between the island's mountain perimeter. Once you're through the south end of the town and in the core of the island, a segment of land to the west contains an instance of the [Teleportal Shrine]. On the southern-most patch of land, the [Colossus] stands tall. Reaching its head will let you drop out into the world map on the other side of the river past it (even if you've done this before). North of where you land after exiting the Colossus, the [Colossus Teleportal] stands. Going through this teleportal places you back at the Teleportal Shrine, but beware: your boat will stay connected to the segment of land where you entered the Colossus! You will lose access to your boat unless you anchored it as close as possible to the south-eastern edge of the land of the Teleportal Shrine. Travelling north-east of where the Colossus drops you will place you at the [Diabolic Hall], the headquarters of Psaro and later Aamon. X marks the spot! Rooted at the center of the desert surrounded entirely by mountains on the south-eastern continent is the Yggdrasil Tree. Around the Yggdrasil Tree is built the town [El Forado]. Since the desert is walled off, the only way to access the area is with the balloon. [Central Island] is at the center of the map (of course) and is walled off by rock stacks, so it can only be accessed by balloon. On it are the shrine [Baron's Folly] in the east, [The Azimuth] in the center, and the [Stairway to Zenithia] in the south. The [Doorway to Nadiria] is also on this island, but is walled off by mountains (and cannot be accessed by balloon). It can only be gotten to by dropping from [Zenithia]. After travelling all the way down into Nadiria, several locations can be visited. South of the Doorway is [Heaven's Haven]. At each of the four corners of the map are the [Den of Barbatos], the [Den of Pruslas], the [Den of Rashaverak], and the [Den of Aamon]. North of the Doorway is [Castle Nadiria]; after you go through it, at the center of Nadiria, you reach [Psaro's Peak]. Dungeons of extra note include [Yggdrasil Tree], reached through El Forado, and [Doorway to Nadiria] (and all points past it), reached by falling from Zenithia.