- The Big Book of Item Drops - I. INTRODUCTION This is a list of item drops by monsters in Dragon Quest IV, for the DS. II. FAQ - How do I know what monsters drop what? How do YOU know? Use the Big Book of Beasts, an item you'll get at the beginning of Chapter 5. You can also refer to this guide. - Some of the entries in the Big Book of Beasts display "???" instead of an item name. Why? Monster drops are only revealed once you've defeaten at least 20 of a single creature. You can see how many you've beaten so far next to "No. Defeated", at the top of each monster entry page. - What items can I grind only by fighting monsters? Take a look at section III.I.V, List of Rare Items. You can also search this document for the string "[Rare]". - What license is this document released under? Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ This means you MAY create and publicly release your own modified version of this document, so long as you release it under the same license this document is under (so that other people may freely create and release their own remixes of yours). III. DROP TABLES III.I. CATEGORIZED DROP TABLES III.I.I. Seeds Seeds are fairly valuable because they act as permanent stat boost consumables; you can use as many seeds on any character as you want, and each time a stat of that character will be forever increased. They're also rare; you can only get them by finding them in chests throughout the world or by defeating (or stealing from) monsters that carry them. [Rare] Seed of agility: Picksy, Vampire bat, Pteranadon, Podokesaurus, Emperor wyvern, Draguar, Div, Ultraviolent ray. [Rare] Seed of resilience: Venus guytrap, Imp, Whizzard, Red dragon, Demon thunderer. [Rare] Seed of strength: Mad mole, Bullfinch, Chillanodon, Bulldozer, Dragon rider, Seasaur. [Rare] Seed of life: Jinkster, Medislime, Moosifer, Chow Mein. [Rare] Seed of magic: Cureslime, Blizzybody, Damselfly, Prism peacock, Foo Yung. [Rare] Seed of wisdom: Perilwinkle. III.I.II. Weapons Cypress stick: Winkster, Frolicker. Hunter's bow: Cyclown. Copper sword: Erazor blade. Iron claw: Skeleton swordsman, Hoodoo gooroo. Oaken club: Fire beatle, Pruslas. Divine dagger: Vampire battler. Iron lance: Buffalo wing, Grim rider. Steel broadsword: Skeleton soldier, Bloody blade. Battle-axe: Rhinothrope. Somatic staff: Beleth. Astraea's abacus: War-rus. Falcon knife earrings: Cheeky tiki. [Rare] Staff of salvation: Voodoo gooroo. [Rare] Hela hammer: Rhinoceraxe. Poison needle: Wyvern. Chain sickle: Grim keeper. [Rare] Fire claw: Ogre. [Rare] Silver tarot cards: Bullion. [Rare] Double-edged sword: Beelzebuzz. [Rare] Staff of antimagic: Prince of darkness. Dragonsbane: Dragooner. [Rare] Demon spear: Shelligator. Iron fan: Picuda. [Rare] Miracle sword: Barbatos. III.I.III. Armour, Shields, and Accessories Plain clothes: Bodkin archer, Lugworm. Leather shield: Platypunk, Thorny devil. Leather hat: Mouseflap, Peeper, Crack-billed platypunk. Feathered cap: Crested viper, Featherweight. Leather armour: Armoured scorpion. Chain mail: Restless armour, Cocoon goon, Cannibox. Golden tiara: Metal slime, Pocus poppet, Sand viper. Dancer's costume: Elepus. Hardwood headwear: Wimp, Stump grump. Wayfarer's clothes: Weartiger, Bodkin bowyer. Scale shield: Metal scorpion. Fur coat: Sweaty yeti, Powie yowie, Cheater cheetah. Iron armour: Infernal armour. Iron apron: Wild beast. [Rare] Death mask: Minidemon, Gnucifer. Full plate armour: Lethal armour, Marquis de Leon. Bronze armour: Eoraptor. [Rare] Happy hat: Liquid metal slime. Cloak of evasion: Spitfire, Spinchilla. Silk robe: Terminonatator. [Rare] Zombie mail: Sekerleton, Drooling ghoul. Prayer ring: Hell raiser. [Rare] Robe of serenity: Fat bat. Leather dress: Hellion. [Rare] Glombolero: Joojoo gooroo. [Rare] Pink leotard: Night emperor. [Rare] Liquid metal helm: Metal king slime. Dragon shield: Green dragon, Rashaverak. Iron mask: Teaky mask, Pterygotus. Dragon mail: Abulldon. [Rare] Hela's armour: Swingre, Testudogre. Mighty armlet: Juggular. [Rare] Boxer shorts: High djinks. Ruby of protection: Scarewell. Iron helmet: Barracuda. Iron shield: Incineraytor. III.I.IV. Miscellaneous Items Medicinal herb: Slime, Wiggly, Air rat, Scissor beatle, Mischevious mole, Stump chump, Healsime, Blinkster, Bantamweight, Winky, Walking stick, She-slime, Lickspittle, Funghoul, Carnivine, Platypunk, Slimification, Ratatattack, Salamander fry, Glugworm. Antidotal herb: Bubble slime, Killer gila, Horny devil, Abracadabrador. Chimaera wing: Foo dog, Bagworm, Flying doctor, Chicken poxer, Terrorflyer. Holy water: Firespirit, Pickayune, Lost soul. Magic water: Bedbug, Flyguy, Dirty dogu, Mushroom mage. Moonwort bulb: Paralyslicer, Humbaba, Hellspawn, Man o' war, Manglerfish. Horse manure: Freeze fly. Musk: Fuddlestick, Cerberuff. [Rare] Ra's mirror: Float-o-copier. III.I.V. List of Rare Items Rare items are items that can only be gotten by finding them in treasure chests or by getting them from monsters that drop them (either by defeating the monster or by stealing its treasure chest; either way requires good luck). They cannot be purchased (at shops or casinos). Below is a list of rare items. This list does not say which enemies can drop these items; refer to the more detailed tables for that information. Seeds of agility, resilience, strength, life, magic, and wisdom; Ra's mirror; Staff of salvation; Staff of antimagic; Fire claw; Miracle sword*; Demon spear; Double-edged sword; Silver tarot cards; Happy hat; Robe of serenity; Glombolero; Pink leotard; Happy hat; Zombie mail; Death mask; Liquid metal helm; Boxer shorts. * The miracle sword cannot be grinded, unfortunately. The only monster to drop it is Barbatos, a boss who can only be defeated once. (However, Torneko can steal Barbatos's treasure chest multiple times in a single fight; and even more times if you let your party be defeated so that Barbatos does not die while grinding.) III.II. COMPLETE TABLE Slime ------------------ Medicinal herb Hell raiser --------------- Prayer ring Wiggly ----------------- Medicinal herb Hellspawn --------------- Moonwort bulb Air rat ---------------- Medicinal herb Bloody blade --------- Steel broadsword Scissor beatle --------- Medicinal herb Terrorflyer ------------- Chimaera wing Bubble slime ----------- Antidotal herb Voodoo gooroo ------ Staff of salvation Mischevious mole ------- Medicinal herb Medislime ---------------- Seed of life Stump chump ------------ Medicinal herb Rhinoceraxe --------------- Hela hammer Healslime -------------- Medicinal herb Fat bat -------------- Robe of serenity Mad mole ------------- Seed of strength Hellion ----------------- Leather dress Winkster ---------------- Cypress stick Blizzybody -------------- Seed of magic Bodkin archer ----------- Plain clothes Wyvern ------------------ Poison needle Platypunk -------------- Leather shield Fuddlestick ---------------------- Musk Blinkster -------------- Medicinal herb Moosifer ----------------- Seed of life Picksy ---------------- Seed of agility King cureslime Bantamweight ----------- Medicinal herb Rhinocerex Winky ------------------ Medicinal herb Joojoo gooroo -------------- Glombolero Walking stick ---------- Medicinal herb Grim keeper -------------- Chain sickle She-slime -------------- Medicinal herb Ogre ------------------------ Fire claw Lickspittle ------------ Medicinal herb Bullion ------------ Silver tarot cards Mouseflap ----------------- Leather hat Night emperor ------------ Pink leotard Foo dog ----------------- Chimaera wing Metal king slime ---- Liquid metal helm Bagworm ----------------- Chimaera wing Green dragon ------------ Dragon shield Funghoul --------------- Medicinal herb Whirly girly Bullfinch ------------ Seed of strength Bone baron Carnivine -------------- Medicinal herb Drooling ghoul ------------ Zombie mail Firespirit ----------------- Holy water Teaky mask ------------------ Iron mask Thorny devil ----------- Leather shield Pickeerer ----------------- Prayer ring Lugworm ----------------- Plain clothes Pit viper Bedbug -------------------- Magic water Damselfly --------------- Seed of magic Komodo --------------------- Holy lance Abullddon ----------------- Dragon mail Pickayune ------------------ Holy water Hot dog Crested viper ----------- Feathered cap Beelzebuzz --------- Double-edged sword Armoured scorpion ------ Leather armour Float-o-copier ------------ Ra's mirror Vampire bat ----------- Seed of agility Terracotta warrior Cyclown ------------------ Hunter's bow Swingre ----------------- Hela's armour Killer gila ------------ Antidotal herb Red dragon --------- Seed of resilience Flyguy -------------------- Magic water Sasquash Erazor blade ------------- Copper sword Wilder beast Pteranadon ------------ Seed of agility Vis mager Flying doctor ----------- Chimaera wing Prince of darkness - Staff of antimagic Peeper -------------------- Leather hat Dragooner ----------------- Dragonsbane Skeleton swordsman ---------- Iron claw Emperor wyvern -------- Seed of agility Restless armour ------------ Chain mail Demonspawn Metal slime -------------- Golden tiara Night rider Elepus --------------- Dancer's costume Night clubber Platypunk -------------- Medicinal herb Knightshade Horny devil ------------ Antidotal herb Decayurion Dirty dogu ---------------- Magic water Bloody hand --------------- Gold bracer Wimp ---------------- Hardwood headwear Demon thunderer ---- Seed of resilience Crack-billed platypunk ---- Leather hat Draguar --------------- Seed of agility Fire beatle ---------------- Oaken club Juggular ---------------- Mighty armlet Slimification ---------- Medicinal herb Cerberuff ------------------------ Musk King slime Gnucifer ------------------- Death mask Ratatattack ------------ Medicinal herb Div ------------------- Seed of agility Frolicker --------------- Cypress stick Prism peacock ----------- Seed of magic Stump grump --------- Hardwood headwear Testudogre -------------- Hela's armour Weartiger ---------- Wayfarer's clothes Drakulard Jinkster ----------------- Seed of life Togre Paralyslicer ------------ Moonwort bulb High djinks -------------- Boxer shorts Lost soul ------------------ Holy water Perilwinkle ------------ Seed of wisdom Vampire battler --------- Divine dagger Shelligator --------------- Demon spear Metal scorpion ----------- Scale shield Croaked king Featherweight ----------- Feathered cap Seasaur -------------- Seed of strength Salamander fry --------- Medicinal herb Platinum king jewel Venus guytrap ------ Seed of resilience Cannibox ------------------- Chain mail Bodkin fletcher Mimic Mandragore Pandora's box Bodkin bowyer ------ Wayfarer's clothes Scarewell ---------- Ruby of protection Sweaty yeti ------------------ Fur coat Well wisher Flamethrower --------------- Holy lance Man o' war -------------- Moonwort bulb Mushroom mage ------------- Magic water Glugworm --------------- Medicinal herb Buffalo wing --------------- Iron lance Strangler fish Imp ---------------- Seed of resilience Axolotl Whizzard ----------- Seed of resilience Preying manta Infernal armour ----------- Iron armour Barracuda ----------------- Iron helmet Powie yowie ------------------ Fur coat Pterygotus ------------------ Iron mask Skeleton soldier ----- Steel broadsword Devilfish Pocus poppet ------------- Golden tiara Manglerfish ------------- Moonwort bulb Wild beast ----------------- Iron apron Maulrus Dragon pup Woolungasaurus Hoodoo gooroo --------------- Iron claw Sand viper --------------- Golden tiara Cocoon goon ---------------- Chain mail Ultraviolent ray ------ Seed of agility Cureslime --------------- Seed of magic Terrornodon Abracadabrador --------- Antidotal herb Spinchilla ----------- Claok of evasion Cheater cheetah -------------- Fur coat Picuda ----------------------- Iron fan Rhinothrope ---------------- Battle-axe Dangler fish Minidemon ------------------ Death mask Octophant Chillanodon ---------- Seed of strength Incineraytor -------------- Iron shield Lethal armour ------- Full plate armour Tuskateer Rockbomb Psaro's Pawn --------------------- None Eoraptor ---------------- Bronze armour Master Kung Beleth ------------------ Somatic staff Abominable Showman --------------- None Grim rider ----------------- Iron lance Balzack -------------------------- None Bulldozer ------------ Seed of strength Tricksy -------------------------- None Chicken poxer ----------- Chimaera wing Tigergram ------------------------ None War-rus -------------- Astraea's abacus Marquis de Leon ----- Full plate armour Liquid metal slime ---------- Happy hat Baalzack ------------------------- None Humbaba ----------------- Moonwort bulb Sir Roseguardin Spitfire ------------- Cloak of evasion Rashaverak -------------- Dragon shield Terminonatator -------------- Silk robe Pruslas -------------------- Oaken club Sekerleton ---------------- Zombie mail Barbatos ---------------- Miracle sword Cheeky tiki ----- Falcon knife earrings Aamon ---------------------------- None Podokesaurus ---------- Seed of agility Estark --------------------------- None Dragon rider --------- Seed of strength Foo Yung ---------------- Seed of magic Freeze fly --------------- Horse manure Chow Mein ---------------- Seed of life