Rela Cyel Past [Hard] - Exterior ------------------------------------------------------ Rela Cyel Past [Hard] - 1F ------------------------------------------------------ Room 01 -_-_-_-_- "North" means forward from entrance. Mu 1: east from entrance . [ 4x] Ogre's Helmet @ 33.3% /12 [ 6x] Lined Head Cover @ 50.0% /12 [ 2x] Room Service Cap @ 16.7% /12 Mu 2: west from entrance . * B: Blue Fay Dust . * G: Green Fay Dust . * R: Red Fay Dust . * Y: Yellow Fay Dust . [ 6x] BGRY @ 60.0% /10 [ 1x] _GRY @ 10.0% /10 [ 2x] BGR_ @ 20.0% /10 [ 1x] BG_Y @ 10.0% /10 Daedalus: center . [ 5x] Lion's Soul @ 45.5% /11 [ 6x] Dragon's Soul @ 54.5% /11 Spike 1: northwest edge . [ 11x] 750 gil, Magic Stone @ 100% /11 Spike 2: northeast edge . [ 4x] Royal Raiment @ 40.0% /10 [ 3x] Ogre's Armor @ 30.0% /10 [ 3x] Grand Raiment @ 30.0% /10 Rela Cyel Past [Hard] - B1F ------------------------------------------------------ Room 01 -_-_-_-_- "North" is edge with all doors. Goblin 1: east from entrance . * DS: Diamond Shard . * MS: Mythril Shard . [ 1x] DS, MS, MS, Steel @ [ 3x] DS, MS, __, Steel @ [ 4x] DS, MS, __, _____ @ [ 1x] DS, __, __, Steel @ [ 1x] __, MS, __, Steel @ Goblin 2: south from entrance . * DS: Diamond Shard . * MS: Mythril Shard . * Ori: Orichalcum . [ 1x] DS, MS, Mythril, ___, _____ @ [ 1x] DS, MS, _______, Ori, Steel @ [ 3x] DS, __, _______, ___, Steel @ [ 1x] DS, __, Mythril, ___, Steel @ [ 1x] DS, __, Mythril, ___, _____ @ [ 2x] DS, __, _______, Ori, Steel @ Goblin 3: west from entrance . * DS: Diamond Shard . * MS: Mythril Shard . [ 1x] DS, MS, Abyssian, Diamond @ [ 2x] DS, __, Abyssian, Diamond @ [ 1x] DS, __, ________, Diamond @ [ 2x] __, MS, Abyssian, _______ @ [ 1x] __, MS, ________, Diamond @ [ 1x] DS, __, ________, _______ @ [ 1x] - (iron shard only) @ [ 1x] - (nothing at all) @ Daedalus 1: upstairs . [ 7x] Magic Stone, ____________ @ [ 1x] Magic Stone, Magic Sphere @ [ 2x] ___________, Magic Sphere @ Daedalus 2: midstairs . [ 3x] Abyssian, _______, ________ @ [ 1x] Abyssian, Diamond, ________ @ [ 1x] ________, Diamond, ________ @ [ 1x] ________, _______, Ultimite @ [ 1x] - (Orichalcum only) @ [ 2x] - (Mythril only) @ [ 1x] - (nothing at all) @ Bomb 1: southeast, before stairs . [ 4x] Lined Head Cover @ [ 1x] Room Service Cap @ [ 1x] Ogre's Helmet @ Bomb 2: by southeast chest . * B: Blue Fay Dust . * G: Green Fay Dust . * R: Red Fay Dust . * Y: Yellow Fay Dust . [ 8x] BGRY @ [ 1x] _GR_ @ Bomb 3: by yellow well . * DS: Diamond Shard . * MS: Mythril Shard . [ 4x] DS, MS, Diamond, Mythril @ [ 2x] DS, MS, Diamond, _______ @ [ 2x] DS, MS, _______, Mythril @ Valley of Heroes [Very Hard] ------------------------------------------------------ Room 01 -_-_-_-_- There are no monsters in this room. Room 02 -_-_-_-_- Bat 1: just past entrance . * 500 gil . 51.6% /31 * MS: Magic Stone . 74.2% /31 * PD: Phoenix Down . 32.3% /31 [ 4x] 500 gil, MS, PD @ [ 9x] 500 gil, MS, __ @ [ 1x] 500 gil, __, PD @ [ 2x] 500 gil, __, __ @ [ 4x] _______, MS, PD @ [ 6x] _______, MS, __ @ [ 1x] _______, __, PD @ [ 4x] _______, __, __ @ Bat 2: past spike . * 500 gil . 56.3% /32 * MS: Magic Stone . 75.0% /32 * PD: Phoenix Down . 40.6% /32 [ 3x] 500 gil, MS, PD @ [ 6x] 500 gil, MS, __ @ [ 3x] 500 gil, __, PD @ [ 3x] 500 gil, __, __ @ [ 6x] _______, MS, PD @ [ 9x] _______, MS, __ @ [ 1x] _______, __, PD @ [ 1x] _______, __, __ @ Mu 1: before spike . [ 9x] 3x Fire Magicite @ 100% /9 Mu 2: past spike . [ 8x] 3x Blizz. Magicite @ 100% /8 Mu 3: past slope down . [ 8x] 3x Thunder Magicite @ 100% /8 Room 03 -_-_-_-_- Mu 1: . * CS: Copper Shard . 100% /17 * IS: Iron Shard . 100% /17 * Copper . 58.8% /17 * Iron . 41.2% /17 [ 10x] CS, IS, Copper, ____ @ [ 7x] CS, IS, ______, Iron @ Skeleton 1: . * 500 gil . 26.3% /19 * MS: Mythril Shard . 100% /19 * Garnet . 63.2% /19 * Mythril . 47.4% /19 [ 2x] 500 gil, MS, Garnet, Mythril @ [ 1x] 500 gil, MS, Garnet, _______ @ [ -] 500 gil, MS, ______, Mythril @ [ 2x] 500 gil, MS, ______, _______ @ [ 3x] _______, MS, Garnet, Mythril @ [ 6x] _______, MS, Garnet, _______ @ [ 4x] _______, MS, ______, Mythril @ [ 1x] _______, MS, ______, _______ @ Room 04 -_-_-_-_- Bat 1: at entrance . [ 6x] Best Bronze Helm @ 50.0% /12 [ 6x] Dashing Disguise @ 50.0% /12 Mu 1: at entrance . [ 6x] Petite Amethyst @ 54.5% /11 [ 3x] Petite Emerald @ 27.3% /11 [ 2x] Petite Onyx @ 18.2% /11 Mu 2: at east exit . * CS: Copper Shard . 100% /10 * IS: Iron Shard . 100% /10 * Copper . 30.0% /10 * Iron . 70.0% /10 [ 3x] CS, IS, Copper, ____ @ [ 7x] CS, IS, ______, Iron @ Mu 3: at north exit . * 500 gil . 100% /32 * GFD: Green Fay Dust . 84.4% /32 * PD: Phoenix Down . 28.1% /32 [ 18x] 500 gil, GFD, __ @ [ 9x] 500 gil, GFD, PD @ [ 5x] 500 gil, ___, __ @ Bat 2: at west exit . * 500 gil . 100% /34 * HO: Holy Orb . 50.0% /34 * SD: Seraph Dust . 26.5% /34 [ 17x] 500 gil, HO, __ @ [ 9x] 500 gil, __, SD @ [ 8x] 500 gil, __, __ @ Bat 3: by platform . * 500 gil . 100% /14 * HO: Holy Orb . 64.3% /14 * SD: Seraph Dust . 28.6% /14 [ 9x] 500 gil, HO, __ @ [ 4x] 500 gil, __, SD @ [ 1x] 500 gil, __, __ @ Room 05 (crystal room) -_-_-_-_- West of Room 04. There are no enemies in this room. Room 06 -_-_-_-_- East of Room 04. The enemies in this room don't respawn. Room 07 -_-_-_-_- Southwest entrance--Room 04. Southeast entrance--Room 06. West exit--Room 05 (crystal room). North exit and east entrance--Room 08. Mu 1: SW entr--down slope, by chest . * 500 gil . 26.3% /19 * IS: Iron Shard . 100% /19 * Garnet . 47.4% /19 * Iron . 68.4% /19 [ -] 500 gil, IS, Garnet, Iron @ [ 1x] 500 gil, IS, Garnet, ____ @ [ 3x] 500 gil, IS, ______, Iron @ [ 1x] 500 gil, IS, ______, ____ @ [ 6x] _______, IS, Garnet, Iron @ [ 2x] _______, IS, Garnet, ____ @ [ 4x] _______, IS, ______, Iron @ [ 2x] _______, IS, ______, ____ @ Mu 2: SE entr--by corner . [ 6x] Petite Citrine @ [ 8x] Petite Ruby @ [ 8x] Petite Sapphire @ Mu 3: SE entr--pair, south of spike . [ 9x] Savior Suit @ [ 11x] Durable Clothing @ Mu 4: SE entr--pair, north of spike . * 500 gil . * CS: Copper Shard . * Copper . * Garnet . [ 4x] 500 gil, CS, Copper, Garnet @ [ 3x] 500 gil, CS, Copper, ______ @ [ -] 500 gil, CS, ______, Garnet @ [ 1x] 500 gil, CS, ______, ______ @ [ 7x] _______, CS, Copper, Garnet @ [ 5x] _______, CS, Copper, ______ @ [ -] _______, CS, ______, Garnet @ [ -] _______, CS, ______, ______ @ Mu 5: north exit--just southwest . * CS: Copper Shard . * IS: Iron Shard . * Copper . * Iron . [ -] CS, IS, ______, Iron @ [ 1x] CS, IS, Copper, ____ @ Mu 6: east entrance . * CS: Copper Shard . * IS: Iron Shard . * Copper . * Iron . [ 3x] CS, IS, ______, Iron @ [ 6x] CS, IS, Copper, ____ @ Mu 7: east entrance--by key . * 500 gil . * MS: Magic Stone . [ 3x] 500 gil, MS @ [ 3x] _______, MS @ Bomb 1: SW entr--ambush, NE ledge . [ 6x] Heavenly Ore @ 35.3% /17 [ 2x] Refined Copper @ 11.8% /17 [ 1x] Refined Iron @ 5.9% /17 [ 8x] Refined Mythril @ 47.1% /17 Bomb 2: east entrance--by spike . [ 4x] Heavenly Ore @ [ 1x] Refined Copper @ [ 2x] Refined Iron @ [ 1x] Refined Mythril @ Skeleton 1: by north exit . * 500 gil . 20.0% /30 * MS: Mythril Shard . 100% /30 * Garnet . 53.3% /30 * Mythril . 53.3% /30 [ 1x] 500 gil, MS, Garnet, Mythril @ [ 1x] 500 gil, MS, Garnet, _______ @ [ 2x] 500 gil, MS, ______, Mythril @ [ 2x] 500 gil, MS, ______, _______ @ [ 6x] _______, MS, Garnet, Mythril @ [ 8x] _______, MS, Garnet, _______ @ [ 7x] _______, MS, ______, Mythril @ [ 3x] _______, MS, ______, _______ @ Bat 1: by west exit . * 500 gil . * DD: Dark Dust . * WD: White Dust . [ 8x] 500 gil, DD, __ @ [ 1x] 500 gil, __, WD @ [ 3x] 500 gil, __, __ @ Room 08 -_-_-_-_- Bomb 1: SW entr--past spike . [ 6x] Night Sky Wpn. @ [ 4x] Breezy Weapon @ Bomb 2: bridge ambush, west . * CS: Copper Shard . * IS: Iron Shard . * Copper . * Iron . [ 2x] CS, IS, ______, Iron @ [ 1x] CS, IS, Copper, ____ @ Bomb 3: bridge ambush, east . * CS: Copper Shard . * IS: Iron Shard . * Copper . * Iron . [ 2x] CS, IS, Copper, ____ @ [ 1x] CS, IS, ______, Iron @ Mu 1: SW entr--by NW slope . * 500 gil . * GFD: Green Fay Dust . [ 6x] 500 gil, GFD @ [ 2x] 500 gil, ___ @ Mu 2: SW entr--by lonely pot . [ 4x] Petite Amethyst @ [ 2x] Petite Emerald @ [ 1x] Petite Onyx @ Skeleton 1: SW entr--down near slope . * SL: Supple Leather . * Sm: Smooth Cloth . * So: Soft Cloth . [ 3x] SL, Sm, So @ Bat 1: northeast corner . [ 2x] 500 gil, Dark Dust @ Bat 2: SE exit--pair, south . * 500 gil . * MS: Magic Stone . [ 1x] 500 gil, __ @ [ 2x] 500 gil, MS @ [ 1x] _______, __ @ Bat 3: SE exit--pair, north . * 500 gil . * MS: Magic Stone . * PD: Phoenix Down . [ 1x] 500 gil, MS, PD @ [ 1x] 500 gil, MS, __ @ [ 2x] _______, MS, __ @