153 Liquid metal slime [Slime] ✪ 999/999 ✪ ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: agility ring, depressing shoes 183 Claws [Humanoid] +200/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: sacred claws, dragon mail 196 Great troll [Demon] +80/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: special medicine, marauder's maul NOTABLE ACTIONS: desperate attack (crit), fake out, waste turn (laugh) 201 Barbatos [Demon] +150/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto NOTABLE QUALITIES: enraged by damage 203 Sick trigertaur [Beast] +110/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: partisan 207 Gem jamobree [Slime] +50/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: Gleeban gold piece NOTABLE QUALITIES: metal skin NOTABLE ACTIONS: waste turn (all aflutter) EFFECTIVE SKILLS: fan dango, have a ball (not much HP) 207 Gem jamboree [Slime] +50/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto 208 Sluggerslaught [Bug] +240/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: heavy handwear, bardic boots NOTABLE ACTIONS: hustle dance, sultry dance, egg on, summon same ally EFFECTIVE SKILLS: axes of evil (large group) 219 Octagoon [Beast] +340/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: magic beast hide NOTABLE ACTIONS: tense up EFFECTIVE SKILLS: cattle prod (weak) wolf whistle (high defense) shining shot starburst throw 220 Darkonium slime [Slime] +210/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: slimedrop, thinking cap NOTABLE ACTIONS: multiheal EFFECTIVE SKILLS: wolf whistle (high defense) 221 Freaky tiki [Material] +170/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: terrible tattoo NOTABLE ACTIONS: reduces party resistance to status effects 222 Alarmour [Material] +150/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: iron mask, ruinous shield NOTABLE QUALITIES: whipping boy (more annoying as an add-on group, can absorb damage from ally in first group then die) 223 Boa bishop [Demon] +230/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: wizard's hat, wizard's robe NOTABLE QUALITIES: acts twice enraged by healing enraged by attempted zing NOTABLE ACTIONS: tidal wave (aoe, water?) omniheal (very rare; can use while enraged) deep sleep 224 Cyber spider [Bug] +110/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: tangleweb, handrills NOTABLE QUALITIES: acts twice enraged by critical on ally not very reliable for stealing MP 225 Alphyn [Beast] +40/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: mirrorstone, demon whip NOTABLE QUALITIES: acts twice always encountered on own (?) NOTABLE ACTIONS: bounce (turn waster) feel the burn EFFECTIVE SKILLS: attack w/ attribeauty (reduces tension) 226 Gem slime [Slime] +10/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: gold bar NOTABLE ACTIONS: waste turn (gleam) magic burst (very rare) flee (occasionally first turn) 227 AU-1000 [Machine] +40/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: gold bar, heavy hatchet NOTABLE QUALITIES: acts twice NOTABLE ACTIONS: multislash (pretty dangerous) 228 Void droid [Machine] +10/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: mythril ore, brawling byrnie NOTABLE QUALITIES: acts twice NOTABLE ACTIONS: desperate attack 229 Platinum king jewel [Slime] +20/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: platinum ore 238 Flamin' drayman [Humanoid] +40/999 ------------------------------------------------------ LOCATION: ruins grotto DROPS: rockbomb shard, hephaestus' flame