TODO: A way to see the path of the currently selected item in any grouplike element. Each item in the path should be a button that, when pressed, makes the MAIN grouplike view navigate there. (Done!) TODO: A "shuffle queue" button! (Half-way done -- the functionality is there, press "S", but there's no button for it yet.) TODO: A "clear queue" button. TODO: A way to jump to an item with a particular name. Probably press "/". It'd be nice if the closest match got highlighted while you were typing. TODO: "Queue to play next"... maybe also a cursor in the queue list, which would tell after what track to place newly-queued items? TODO: Scroll to the selected track once it starts playing when selected from the queue. TODO: process.on('SIGWINCH', () => ...) -- detect terminal resize!! (Done!) TODO: Pressing enter in the queue seems to not be doing the right thing? It should NOT move the selected item anywhere in the queue; it should just select and play that track. (Done!) TODO: iTunes downloader - test this. TODO: Warn if no mkfifo (means controls won't work). TODO: file:// support for crawl-local. (Done!) TODO: Pass YouTube playlist or http://.../playlist.json-like URLs to use them as playlists (crawl automatically). (Done!) TODO: There's some weird glitch where, if downloaderArg is missing (=== ""), it'll play.. something by Jake Chudnow?? -- Okay, looks like it's using ~/.mtui/downloads// as the directory for where it would put the download file (because it's .../localink/ + encode(dlArg) and dlArg is empty). The way the cache works is that it checks if there is already a file in that directory, and there IS: a directory for another track download! But the cache doesn't know this; it just thinks that directory is the MP3 file (or whatever). So it returns it. MPV works fine if you pass it a directory that contains music files, so in my case, 72_food (by Jake Chudnow) plays. (That's the first thing returned by readdir, I suppose.) (Done!) TODO: Mouse support, obviously. TODO: Ctrl-O'ing a playlist sets the left-pane's selected index to the second item, for some reason. (Regardless of what you had selected before..) TODO: "Open in new tab" in the Open prompt. TODO: Inspect the inevitable memory issues that are absolutely 100% sure to become a problem with opening playlists on the fly. TODO: Canceling the "enter a playlist source" dialog also stops the current song. TODO: Move TabberElement to tui-lib, at some point. TODO: Make PathElements selectable (again). TODO: Make the tabber UI show handy information, like what tab you've got selected, how many tabs there are, the usual (same way a browser tabber works). TODO: A "bookmarked playlists" list in the UI, so you can quickly load up playlists you often use. (Let anything go here, like YT playlist URLs, file paths, etc.)