TODO: A way to see the path of the currently selected item in any grouplike element. Each item in the path should be a button that, when pressed, makes the MAIN grouplike view navigate there. (Done!) TODO: A "shuffle queue" button! (Half-way done -- the functionality is there, press "S", but there's no button for it yet.) TODO: A "clear queue" button. TODO: A way to jump to an item with a particular name. Probably press "/". It'd be nice if the closest match got highlighted while you were typing. (Done!) TODO: "Queue to play next"... maybe also a cursor in the queue list, which would tell after what track to place newly-queued items? (Done!) TODO: Scroll to the selected track once it starts playing when selected from the queue. TODO: process.on('SIGWINCH', () => ...) -- detect terminal resize!! (Done!) TODO: Pressing enter in the queue seems to not be doing the right thing? It should NOT move the selected item anywhere in the queue; it should just select and play that track. (Done!) TODO: iTunes downloader - test this. TODO: Warn if no mkfifo (means controls won't work). TODO: file:// support for crawl-local. (Done!) TODO: Pass YouTube playlist or http://.../playlist.json-like URLs to use them as playlists (crawl automatically). (Done!) TODO: There's some weird glitch where, if downloaderArg is missing (=== ""), it'll play.. something by Jake Chudnow?? -- Okay, looks like it's using ~/.mtui/downloads// as the directory for where it would put the download file (because it's .../localink/ + encode(dlArg) and dlArg is empty). The way the cache works is that it checks if there is already a file in that directory, and there IS: a directory for another track download! But the cache doesn't know this; it just thinks that directory is the MP3 file (or whatever). So it returns it. MPV works fine if you pass it a directory that contains music files, so in my case, 72_food (by Jake Chudnow) plays. (That's the first thing returned by readdir, I suppose.) (Done!) TODO: Mouse support, obviously. TODO: Ctrl-O'ing a playlist sets the left-pane's selected index to the second item, for some reason. (Regardless of what you had selected before..) TODO: "Open in new tab" in the Open prompt. TODO: Inspect the inevitable memory issues that are absolutely 100% sure to become a problem with opening playlists on the fly. TODO: Cancelling the "enter a playlist source" dialog shouldn't also stop the current song. (Done!) TODO: Move TabberElement to tui-lib, at some point. TODO: Make PathElements selectable (again). (Done!) TODO: Make the tabber UI show handy information, like what tab you've got selected, how many tabs there are, the usual (same way a browser tabber works). (Done!) TODO: A "bookmarked playlists" list in the UI, so you can quickly load up playlists you often use. (Let anything go here, like YT playlist URLs, file paths, etc.) TODO: Get rid of "WARNING: unable to extract uploader nickname", which comes from youtube-dl. (Done!) TODO: Fix crashes related to the window resizing while a download is occurring (i.e. the braille "download spinner" is showing). Very weird! TODO: Investigate performance issues with very very long ListScrollForms. (Done!) TODO: At some point, putting mtui downloads in ~/.mtui - but preferrably with a more humanish structure - would be quite nice..! TODO: Press "M" to show a context menu. (Done!) TODO: Figure out a keybinding for Mark (in edit mode) - probably Ctrl-M. (I prefer Ctrl to be used for functions that will open a dialog of some sort, though..) TODO: Only show scrollbars if the form is actually scrollable. (This would make context menus look better.) TODO: "Play" (now), in the context menu, should act like a queue-up-next, not a queue-at-end. (Done!) TODO: Make the queue code more sane. (Done!) TODO: Figure out when the "queue" context menu options should immediately play the track. Currently, they don't ever initiate playing (besides the "Play now" option). TODO: A "remove from queue" option for tracks and groups, which removes them and their children from the queue. (Done!) TODO: After the end of a shuffled queue, the next song from the group of the last track is played (and so on, until the group is empty). This seems definitely wrong. (Done! At the end of a shuffle queue, it just stops now.) TODO: Show a preview of where "Jump to" will go while typing. (Done!) TODO: Cancelling "Jump to" should return the selected index to whatever it was before. (Done!) TODO: Entering more than one key "at once" into a text input element will only move the cursor right by one character, not by the length of the inputted text. (This is an issue when pasting or spamming the keyboard.) Should be fixed in tui-lib. (Done!) TODO: Pressing space while an "Up (to )" button is selected both activates the button and pauses music (because the app detects that the space key is pressed). This is definitely wrong (it should do one or the other - I'm not too sure which, yet, but probably the latter). (Done!) TODO: If a track's file is a symlink, the "From:" label should show where it links to. TODO: The "Up (to )" and "(This group has no items)" elements are not quite buttons nor grouplike items. They should be more consistent with actual grouplike items (i.e. same behavior and appearance), and should be less buggy. (Done!) TODO: "Distribute" options in play/queue menu -- "don't distribute", "spread (across queue?) evenly", "spread randomly". (Done!) TODO: Investigate how to make "distribute" options work better when the currently-playing song is contained in the group to be distributed. TODO: The "distribute" options shouldn't show up when you've only got a track selected! But imagine you already had a "distribute" option selected when you open up the menu on a track. Is there a way to not mutate the index of the whereControl in that case (until the user changes the option)? Like the DS home screen. TODO: If you remove tracks from the queue that are above the currently selected track of the queue, the selection index won't change -- so the actual selected track will become something different. No good! TODO: Arbitrary queue! I.e, you specify the downloadURL, then it queues that item. TODO: A "distribute children" option (with better wording)! Like manually queueing each child group to be distributed evenly one by one, but automatic. More on that thought...I don't think I want to have "clumps" of like, one of a song from EVERY album right at the start and the end, when we do that. (Well maybe not the end, but definitely at the start.) If we pretend there's "fake" items at the start of the group before we distribute it, I think we'll get better results - that fake item will be placed at the start, letting the rest of the group get distributed in better order. (Of course, the fake item is just an offset in the math. It isn't an actual item that will get added to the queue.) TODO: Remove ALL children before queueing, THEN queue them - including any math for distribution. Might give interesting results...or maybe it wouldn't be any different. Worth investigating! TODO: A "play later" option for songs in the queue, identical to distributing randomly the single track; if the track is already playing, it should skip to the next song before shuffling. (Done!) TODO: Loop one song! (Done!) TODO: Volume controls! (Done!) TODO: Metadata, in memory. (Done!) TODO: Load metadata from storage. (Done!) TODO: Restore metadata, if it's recognized as similar to an old path. (Basically: How do we deal with moving files around? We'll also want some sort of a manager to get rid of unused metadata, if wanted..... on the one hand, it'll be saving precious kilobytes, but on the other, people might not want to keep a record of moved or deleted tracks at all, so it could actually be useful.) TODO: Don't store duplicate metadata entries (prereq for tags, custom metadata, etc) for the same track. Do it symlink-style -- map downloader arg to actual key used for metadata (downloaded file path). (Done!) TODO: Metadata process status bar. (Done!) TODO: Add Vim arrow keys. Please forgive me. (Done!)