.TH HTTP-MUSIC 1 .SH NAME http-music - play music through the internet (and other places) .SH SYNOPSIS .B http-music [opts...] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBhttp-music\fR is an easy-to-use command line music player that uses the internet as its main source. It features several convenient options which make it powerful while still sticking to the idea of keeping the utility as usable as possible. .PP \fBhttp-music\fR is portable. It can be used anywhere with a Node environment, requiring only two commonly installed (and otherwise easy to get) utilities (\fBmpv\fR and \fBavconv\fR, optionally \fByoutube-dl\fR). .PP Playlists are stored as JSON files. See \fBhttp-music-crawl-http\fR(1) for an example of the playlist file structure. .SH SUB-COMMANDS The command line utility \fBhttp-music\fR is split into various sub-commands for convenience. They are as listed below; each sub-command also has its own \fBman\fR page (for example, \fBcrawl-http\fR's page is \fBhttp-music-crawl-http\fR(1).) .TP .BR play Plays a playlist (from the playlist.json file, by default). .TP .BR crawl-http Creates a playlist from each music file linked to from an HTML page online. .TP .BR crawl-local Creates a playlist from a directory on the local machine. .TP .BR crawl-itunes Creates a playlist from the iTunes Shared Library. .TP .BR download-playlist Downloads each item in a playlist into a directory. .SH EXAMPLES See \fBhttp-music-play\fR(1).