.TH HTTP-MUSIC 1 .SH NAME http-music - play music through the internet .SH SYNOPSIS .B http-music [opts...] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBhttp-music\fR is an easy-to-use command line music player that uses the internet as its main source. It features several convenient options which make it powerful while still sticking to the idea of keeping the utility as usable as possible. .PP \fBhttp-music\fR is portable. It can be used anywhere with a Node environment, requiring only two commonly installed (and otherwise easy to get) utilities (\fBplay\fR (SoX) and \fBavconv\fR). .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-c ", " \-\-clear Clears the active playlist. This does not effect the source playlist, so specific groups can be selected using \fB\-\-keep\fR. .TP .BR \-\-downloader " \fIdownloaderType\fR" Sets the downloader type used for actually retrieving track files. The default is \fBhttp\fR. .TP .BR \-h ", " \-? ", " \-\-help Presents a help message, directing the user to the \fBman\fR page. If this is the last option used, nothing plays (see \fB\-\-play\fR). .TP .BR \-k ", " \-\-keep " \fIgroupPath\fR" Keeps a group by adding it from the source playlist. This is usually useful after clearing the active playlist (\fB\-\-clear\fR); it can also be used to keep a sub-group after removing an entire parent group, e.g. \fB-r foo -k foo/baz\fR. .TP .BR \-l ", " \-\-list\-groups ", " \-\-list Lists all groups (but not tracks) in the (active) playlist. If this is the last option used, nothing plays (see \fB\-\-play\fR). .TP .BR \-L ", " \-\-list\-all ", " \-\-list\-tracks Lists all groups and tracks in the (active) playlist. If this is the last option used, nothing plays (see \fB\-\-play\fR). .TP .BR \-np ", " \-\-no\-play Forces the playlist not to play. See also \fB\-\-play\fR. .TP .BR \-o ", " \-\-open " \fIplaylistFile\fR" Opens a specific file to be used as the playlist file. (This sets the source playlist.) The default playlist file used upon loading is playlist.json (in the same directory as \fBhttp-music\fR is being run in). .TP .BR \-\-picker " \fIpickerType\fR" Sets the picker type used for selecting tracks from the active playlist. The default is \fBshuffle\fR. .TP .BR \-p ", " \-\-play Forces the playlist to actually play, regardless of options such as \fB\-\-list\fR. See also \fB\-\-no\-play\fR. .TP .BR \-\-play\-opts Sets command line options passed to the \fBplay\fR command. For example, playback volume may be set to 30% by using \fB\-\-play\-opts '\-v 0.3'\fR. .TP .BR \-r ", " \-\-remove ", " \-x " \fIgroupPath\fR" Removes a group from the (active) playlist. .TP .BR \-\-debug\-list Prints the JSON representation of the (active) playlist. .SH EXAMPLES Basic usage: .PP .nf .RS $ http-music .RE .fi .PP Generate a playlist from an HTTP server: .PP .nf .RS $ http-music-crawl-http http://example.com/path > playlist.json .RE .fi .PP Generate a playlist from the local file system: .PP .nf .RS $ http-music-crawl-local /example/path > playlist.json .RE .fi .PP Play music from a playlist generated from local file system: .PP .nf .RS $ http-music --downloader local .RE .fi .PP Open a specific playlist file: .PP .nf .RS $ http-music --open playlist2.json $ http-music -o playlist2.json .RE .fi .PP Only play music under a specific group: .PP .nf .RS $ http-music --clear --keep 'Cool Author 72' $ http-music -c -k 'Cool Author 72' $ http-music -c -k 'Cool Author 72/Good Album' .RE .fi .PP Don't play music under a specific group: .PP .nf .RS $ http-music --remove 'Bad News' $ http-music -r 'Bad News' $ http-music -x 'Bad News' .RE .fi .PP Don't play music under a specific group, except for a sub-group: .PP .nf .RS $ http-music --remove 'Bad News' --keep 'Bad News/Irony' $ http-music -x 'Cool Author 72' -k 'Cool Author 72/Good Album' .RE .fi