.TH http-music-crawl-local 1 .SH NAME http-music-crawl-local - create a playlist from files on your own computer .SH SYNOPSIS .B http-music-crawl-local [opts...] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBhttp-music-crawl-local\fR is a command line utility which recursively crawls a given directory and creates a playlist from found items (with groups determined by crawled directories). It attempts to only add music files (mp3, ogg, etc) to the playlist (see \fB--extensions\fR). .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR -e ", " --extensions ", " --exts Sets file extensions that are considered music tracks to be added to the result playlist. \fB\fR is a comma-separated list of extensions, not including the "dots"; e.g. \fR'mp3,wav'\fB. A default list of extensions exists but is not *extremely* extensive. Use --extensions when needed!